Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

When did he go against him?
By commenting on Khan's speech and comparing "sacrifices". Smarter to have left it alone and focused on policy with a "I won't comment on the grieving of a Gold Star family" statement.
I didn't hear him equate his sacrifices to the death of a soldier. He said he has made sacrifices and put lots of people to work. The left spins anything they can for power.

Yes he did.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Ah he doesn't preach hate. Donald Trump’s Hate Timeline These are all direct quotes, denying it just makes you look dishonest.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
This quote incites hate to all Mexican immigrants because he generalises. that's the very first one on my so called bullshit link.
Which is bullshit, he was specifically talking about the illegals coming in, not all Mexicans. He has hired many of them himself. Yes, it was a generalization about the illegals but a great many crimes are being committed by them, well, just being here is a crime actually.

Ah so it's not inciting hate when it's true? Wich it isn't of course. Btw you believe that any Mexican didn't feel directly insulted by that statement? Or for that matter you don't think people like a former leader of the KKK don't feel like Trump speaks for them because of statements like that? Like I said you can try to laywer your way out of it but it doesn't make it less hatefull.
These people are being USED just like the black THUGS mothers were by the demoRATS. Politics over logic and promoting a positive agenda!
thankfully UnAmerican bitter trash are dying off, America is all colors and creeds no long your white christian getto of self entitlement
I love watching Trump get in a pissing contest with a humble Gold Star Father

Some fights you just can't win
It was a misstep by Trump to go against a Gold Star family, regardless of their religion or immigration generation. Captain Humayun S.M. Khan died a hero in the service of the United States Army.

Humayun S. M. Khan, Captain, United States Army
Captain Khan was a Pakistani American who served in the U.S. army as an ordnance officer, being the senior-most community member to die in Iraq. His colleagues and superiors remembered him for his courage, honesty, sense of humor and grace while in the field, even under pressure. Captain Khan's colleagues eulogized his exemplary services and praised him for the leadership he provided to his troops.

The Muslim chaplain who led the Nimaz-e-Janaza after the military honors, specifically highlighted the ethnically-diverse group that had come to pay its respects to Captain Khan. He was one amongst the growing number of Pakistani Americans in the U.S. Army.

In the same statement people are obsessing over, Trump also said Khan is a hero, but that seems to be of no interest:

In a statement released Saturday night, Trump called the fallen Muslim soldier a hero who died but said his father, Khizr Khan, has "no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things."

The real problem, he said, was the rise of radical Islam. He said Hillary Clinton played "a central role in destabilizing the Middle East," through her vote for the invasion of Iraq, her support of withdrawal of troops and the situation in Benghazi.

Trump calls fallen Muslim soldier a hero, but says father has 'no right' to attack him
In the same statement people are obsessing over, Trump also said Khan is a hero, but that seems to be of no interest:

In a statement released Saturday night, Trump called the fallen Muslim soldier a hero who died but said his father, Khizr Khan, has "no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things."

The real problem, he said, was the rise of radical Islam. He said Hillary Clinton played "a central role in destabilizing the Middle East," through her vote for the invasion of Iraq, her support of withdrawal of troops and the situation in Benghazi.

Trump calls fallen Muslim soldier a hero, but says father has 'no right' to attack him
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
Nah, it makes you look like the retard that you are. You don't get to define hate for others. And next time post the content instead of a brain dead link.
Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
This quote incites hate to all Mexican immigrants because he generalises. that's the very first one on my so called bullshit link.
“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”
This one incites hate to all Muslims.
No it doesn't. That's a reacharound.
Like I pointed out prove of the fact that Trump incites hate is the simple people who support him. Wich includes all level of racist people. He generalises all the time, the whole Khan and the wife thing is another example. At every turn he boils it down to a it's us against them issue. He didn't ignore them speaking and he didn't argue just against what they said, instead he attacked what he perceived as a cultural difference namely that the male spoke. That my friend, emphasising the perceived difference is how you create divisiveness and hate.
In the same statement people are obsessing over, Trump also said Khan is a hero, but that seems to be of no interest:

In a statement released Saturday night, Trump called the fallen Muslim soldier a hero who died but said his father, Khizr Khan, has "no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things."

The real problem, he said, was the rise of radical Islam. He said Hillary Clinton played "a central role in destabilizing the Middle East," through her vote for the invasion of Iraq, her support of withdrawal of troops and the situation in Benghazi.

Trump calls fallen Muslim soldier a hero, but says father has 'no right' to attack him
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
Shall we see if the fucking bleeding hearts have the same reaction to Sean Smiths mother? Or is hypocrisy all they know?

No body attacked her. They attacked the GOP for using her. And rightly so. Clearly she's unbalanced. Mrs. Kahn isn't.
An Open Letter to Mr. Khizr Khan
US Defense Watch ^ | July 30, 2016 | Ray Starmann

Dear Mr. Khan:

I, like millions of Americans saw your speech at the DNC on Thursday night.

I wish to offer my sympathy for the death of your son, Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq.

As a former US Army officer, and a veteran of the Gulf War, I can certainly understand the pain and anguish that you and your wife endure every day.

Your son died saving the lives of his fellow soldiers. As John the Baptist wrote, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Captain Khan is a hero. I am sure the soldiers he served with regard him as one. I know you and your wife do. Rest assured that millions of veterans regard your son as a hero as well.

To paraphrase from the Book of Ecclesiasticus, your son’s name liveth for evermore.

Your son made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, a country that was new to you and your family and one which you openly embraced and certainly love.

When you and your family arrived to America from Pakistan, you assimilated into our country. You adopted American ways, learned our history and apparently you even acquired a pocket Constitution along the way. Good for you sir.

But, there are many Muslims in America who not only have no desire to assimilate, but wish to live under Sharia Law.

That is unacceptable to Americans. There is only one law of the land. That is the US Constitution.

As you well know, Mr. Khan, we live in violent times, dangerous times. Muslim madmen from ISIS and other radical Jihadi groups are on a murder and terror spree across the globe.

Your religion of peace, Islam, is anything but that in 2016. That is a fact that is confirmed every time a Muslim shoots, bombs, beheads and tortures innocent men, women and children. This does not mean that every Muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists, sir, are indeed Muslims.

A Muslim terrorist attack has become the sign of the times.

Regardless of what the feckless, naïve, leftist ideologue Barack Obama and his dimwitted colleagues John Kerry, Jacques Hollande and Angela Merkel state, the United States and the West are at war with Radical Islam. It is the job of the President of the United States to protect his nation from all enemies; foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama romanticizes Islam and refuses to accept reality, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people across the world.

Groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda have one goal, the complete destruction of the Judeo-Christian culture, our religions and our way of life.

Many Americans have families that have been here for decades, even centuries. Many families like mine have relatives who fought in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm. Some families have relatives who fought in the American Revolution.

We don’t plan on letting our country be devoured by Muslim maniacs. We are Americans sir, and not unarmed, socialist European zombies. We will do what is necessary to protect the United States. While many Democrats and liberals see the world through rose colored glasses, conservatives understand that there is good and evil in this world. Evil must be destroyed before it destroys us.

Strong measures, wartime measures, must be taken to protect this country from those that wish to annihilate us and our way of life.

Mr. Trump’s plan to temporarily halt immigration from Muslim countries that are known to either support terrorism or harbor terrorist groups is not only pragmatic, but indeed it is constitutional. It is the constitutional duty of the President of the United States to protect this nation.

There is simply no way to vet hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees from war zones like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Europe is being destroyed because reckless leaders like Angela Merkel have opened the continent’s doors to a flood of over one million undocumented Muslims arriving with nothing more than a bad attitude and a haversack of Jihad.

Do you think Americans are stupid? While the left lives in a dream world, the right does not. Mr. Trump understands the threat to his nation and the threat, sir, is not from Swedish Lutherans named Anna and Lars. The threat, sir, is from Radical Islam.

How in God’s name are US immigration authorities supposed to know the true intentions of a 22 year old Syrian man? It is impossible. You know it is impossible.

How in God’s name are US immigration authorities supposed to know the true intentions of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and thousands of other sundry Muslims who wish to arrive on our shores?

It is impossible. You know it is impossible.

Whether you, your wife, the Muslim world and millions of Democrats are offended by Mr. Trump’s realistic view of the world is irrelevant.

Whether you, your wife and son would have been prohibited from emigrating from Pakistan to America under Mr. Trump’s wartime plan is irrelevant. The security of this great land supersedes your desires and the desires of others who wish to come here now. The United States of America has no obligation to open its doors in order to placate foreigners and liberals in our government.

To adopt any other course but Mr. Trump’s would be a cause for further endangering the lives of Americans every day. That, sir, is unacceptable.

You attacked Mr. Trump in front of a worldwide audience, yet you can’t understand the fact that he defends himself against attacks from you, Hillary Clinton and the left. What else is one to do sir?

We must live in a world of reality, not a world of denial, delusion and fantasy the Democrats inhabit every waking day of their lives.

Radical Islam is the enemy of everyone on this planet who believes in freedom and justice. Until it is destroyed, this nation must protect itself from enemies both foreign and domestic.
But no letter from Donald Trump?
In the same statement people are obsessing over, Trump also said Khan is a hero, but that seems to be of no interest:

In a statement released Saturday night, Trump called the fallen Muslim soldier a hero who died but said his father, Khizr Khan, has "no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things."

The real problem, he said, was the rise of radical Islam. He said Hillary Clinton played "a central role in destabilizing the Middle East," through her vote for the invasion of Iraq, her support of withdrawal of troops and the situation in Benghazi.

Trump calls fallen Muslim soldier a hero, but says father has 'no right' to attack him
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
He's an adult who volunteered to run for office. No one made him. ;)

The press is looking for sound bites. If he doesn't give them one on one question, he can always give them one on something else. It takes brains and a spine to refuse to be baited by anyone, including the press. If someone can't do so, then they are unfit for a national leadership role.

In part of my work in aviation safety and security I was given training in how to respond to questions from the press. In my case it was primarily "I do not have the authority to answer your question(s), but if you contact XXX at XXX-XXX-XXXX, I'm sure he can help you". Sometimes this requires a lot of mental toughness against a persistent reporter looking for something to report. If a rep like myself can't do the job, then we are removed from the position.
Khan's son was killed 12 years ago. The DNC must have had 50 staffers pouring over records to find this guy and pay him to attend. All expenses paid.
In the same statement people are obsessing over, Trump also said Khan is a hero, but that seems to be of no interest:

In a statement released Saturday night, Trump called the fallen Muslim soldier a hero who died but said his father, Khizr Khan, has "no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things."

The real problem, he said, was the rise of radical Islam. He said Hillary Clinton played "a central role in destabilizing the Middle East," through her vote for the invasion of Iraq, her support of withdrawal of troops and the situation in Benghazi.

Trump calls fallen Muslim soldier a hero, but says father has 'no right' to attack him
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
Agreed and an excellent point: Trump could have responded to many of the attacks made on him at the DNC, but he chose to focus on the Khans. No one asked him about Captain Khan's mother, yet he chose to offer his opinion on the matter anyway. He can't claim he was hounded by the press or baited into commenting about Mrs. Khan.

I don't know if you saw this speech, but there was a man named Khizr Khan speaking at the Democratic Convention last night. His son, Captain Humayun Khan, was killed serving in Iraq. And he had some very tough questions for you. He said you wouldn't have even let his son in America.

He doesn't know. He doesn't know that. I saw him. He was, you know, very emotional and probably looked like a nice guy to me. His wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me. But plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet. And it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that. And personally, I watched him. I wish him the best of luck.
Khan's son was killed 12 years ago. The DNC must have had 50 staffers pouring over records to find this guy and pay him to attend. All expenses paid.
True. OTOH, is there a time limit on remembering fallen American troops?


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