Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

In the same statement people are obsessing over, Trump also said Khan is a hero, but that seems to be of no interest:

In a statement released Saturday night, Trump called the fallen Muslim soldier a hero who died but said his father, Khizr Khan, has "no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things."

The real problem, he said, was the rise of radical Islam. He said Hillary Clinton played "a central role in destabilizing the Middle East," through her vote for the invasion of Iraq, her support of withdrawal of troops and the situation in Benghazi.

Trump calls fallen Muslim soldier a hero, but says father has 'no right' to attack him
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
You don't think this is an attack? You don't think Khan and his family considered this an attack? You don't think all American Muslims interpreted this as an attack? I know it's way easier to rate someting funny then it is to actually debate but I don't have to try to somehow spin something into something else in order for it to be acceptable.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.

Trump attacked Muslims first.
No asshole they first attacked us in 1993 on U.S. soil!

The Kahns attacked us in 1993? Are you sure about that?

Yes, you would make yourself look like a bigger asshole than you already are!!
In the same statement people are obsessing over, Trump also said Khan is a hero, but that seems to be of no interest:

In a statement released Saturday night, Trump called the fallen Muslim soldier a hero who died but said his father, Khizr Khan, has "no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things."

The real problem, he said, was the rise of radical Islam. He said Hillary Clinton played "a central role in destabilizing the Middle East," through her vote for the invasion of Iraq, her support of withdrawal of troops and the situation in Benghazi.

Trump calls fallen Muslim soldier a hero, but says father has 'no right' to attack him
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
You don't think this is an attack? You don't think Khan and his family considered this an attack? You don't think all American Muslims interpreted this as an attack? I know it's way easier to rate someting funny then it is to actually debate but I don't have to try to somehow spin something into something else in order for it to be acceptable.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
You don't think this is an attack? You don't think Khan and his family considered this an attack? You don't think all American Muslims interpreted this as an attack? I know it's way easier to rate someting funny then it is to actually debate but I don't have to try to somehow spin something into something else in order for it to be acceptable.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
Yes I do, lik
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
You don't think this is an attack? You don't think Khan and his family considered this an attack? You don't think all American Muslims interpreted this as an attack? I know it's way easier to rate someting funny then it is to actually debate but I don't have to try to somehow spin something into something else in order for it to be acceptable.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
Yes, I do call that an attack. Thank you for making my point. The Khan family considered it an attack and they responded in kind. Like I said I don't need to spin it.
All very nice. Yes, as the transcript link I posted shows, you are correct about what he said.

Still, it was a misstep for Trump to attack the family of a fallen American hero. He would have been smarter, and showed more Presidential leadership skills, but staying away from it.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
You don't think this is an attack? You don't think Khan and his family considered this an attack? You don't think all American Muslims interpreted this as an attack? I know it's way easier to rate someting funny then it is to actually debate but I don't have to try to somehow spin something into something else in order for it to be acceptable.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there,"
This is an observation
She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
This is an attack, see the difference.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
Disagreed on "observation". Khan was wrong to bring Trump's family into it since they haven't commented on this. OTOH, on one side we have the grieving parent of an American hero seeing his religion dragged through the mud and on the other side we have a man running for the highest office in the land.

One big disagreement I have with President Obama is that he tends to be a President represent black people and not all people. I see Trump making the same mistake in his attacks on Muslim Americans and American veterans, especially POWs.
If he hadn't responded he'd have been asked endlessly by the press until he did.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
You don't think this is an attack? You don't think Khan and his family considered this an attack? You don't think all American Muslims interpreted this as an attack? I know it's way easier to rate someting funny then it is to actually debate but I don't have to try to somehow spin something into something else in order for it to be acceptable.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there,"
This is an observation
She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
This is an attack, see the difference.
If you think that is an attack, you are clearly every bit the limp wristed moronic crybaby you are coming across as.
Now, Mr Khan was happy to be used by the dems, and was equally happy to use his own sons death in order to politicise it and to launch a very personal attack against Trump. He has also dragged Trumps family into it and referred to them as shameful. To whine endlessly about receiving such a tepid comeback is quite pathetic, not to mention Trump said his son is a hero. But then, all you dems are whiney crybullies. Lol.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.

Trump attacked Muslims first.
He didn't attack Muslims. He only proposed to limit their immigration. Of course, Muslims have plenty to attack. They have no problem with Jihadis murdering scores of people every day, as their recent lack of attendance at a protest against such attacks recently demonstrated.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.
Or maybe he could just act like , um , Presidential. Its not the schoolyard.

In other words, he should just lie down and take it.

Go fuck yourself.
Mr Khan is more American than Trump.He gave his son.
His son made his own decisions, douche bag. Apparently he's also more American than HIllary. One has to wonder why Khan is attacking Trump rather than Hillary who is far more responsible for his son's death.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.
Or maybe he could just act like , um , Presidential. Its not the schoolyard.

In other words, he should just lie down and take it.

Go fuck yourself.
Fuckin hell. I am beginning to understand how this clown is getting support. You are one thick fucker.Can you spell KLASS ?
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
Disagreed on "observation". Khan was wrong to bring Trump's family into it since they haven't commented on this. OTOH, on one side we have the grieving parent of an American hero seeing his religion dragged through the mud and on the other side we have a man running for the highest office in the land.

One big disagreement I have with President Obama is that he tends to be a President represent black people and not all people. I see Trump making the same mistake in his attacks on Muslim Americans and American veterans, especially POWs.
Trump isn't dragging Islam though the mud. He simply notes irrefutable facts. Islam is a bloodthirsty cult and a danger to every American.
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.
Or maybe he could just act like , um , Presidential. Its not the schoolyard.

In other words, he should just lie down and take it.

Go fuck yourself.
Fuckin hell. I am beginning to understand how this clown is getting support. You are one thick fucker.Can you spell KLASS ?

You don't spell it "K-H-A-N" or "D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T."

Can you spell "douche bag?"
Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.
Or maybe he could just act like , um , Presidential. Its not the schoolyard.

In other words, he should just lie down and take it.

Go fuck yourself.
Fuckin hell. I am beginning to understand how this clown is getting support. You are one thick fucker.Can you spell KLASS ?

You don't spell it "K-H-A-N" or "D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T."

Can you spell "douche bag?"
Is that K-H-A-N who died protecting your way of life ?
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.
Or maybe he could just act like , um , Presidential. Its not the schoolyard.

In other words, he should just lie down and take it.

Go fuck yourself.
Fuckin hell. I am beginning to understand how this clown is getting support. You are one thick fucker.Can you spell KLASS ?

You don't spell it "K-H-A-N" or "D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T."

Can you spell "douche bag?"
Is that K-H-A-N who died protecting your way of life ?

How did Omar Mateen die?
Trump isn't dragging Islam though the mud. He simply notes irrefutable facts. Islam is a bloodthirsty cult and a danger to every American.
Disagreed. OTOH, I think Trump is mostly throwing red meat to the mob in hopes of being elected. You know, just like Hillary does when she talks about guns.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
Disagreed on "observation". Khan was wrong to bring Trump's family into it since they haven't commented on this. OTOH, on one side we have the grieving parent of an American hero seeing his religion dragged through the mud and on the other side we have a man running for the highest office in the land.

One big disagreement I have with President Obama is that he tends to be a President represent black people and not all people. I see Trump making the same mistake in his attacks on Muslim Americans and American veterans, especially POWs.
Trump isn't dragging Islam though the mud. He simply notes irrefutable facts. Islam is a bloodthirsty cult and a danger to every American.

What danger are the Khan's to America? What danger was their son?
"Shame on his family?" For what? This guy is obviously a whackadoodle. Who else would use his son's death to promote a presidential candidate? He should be ashamed. He's definitely got that Sharia attitude.

Khan's latest attack on Trump:

"Running for president is not an entitlement to disrespect Gold Star families and [a] Gold Star mother not realizing her pain. Shame on him! Shame on his family!" Khizr Khan said, struggling to hold back his anger. "He is not worthy of our comments. He has no decency. He is void of decency, he has a dark heart."

Trump attacked this man's family and thus opened the door. Fair play to respond in kind.
They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.

Trump attacked Muslims first.
He didn't attack Muslims. He only proposed to limit their immigration. Of course, Muslims have plenty to attack. They have no problem with Jihadis murdering scores of people every day, as their recent lack of attendance at a protest against such attacks recently demonstrated.

You didn't attend that protest.

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