Now Khan says about Trump, "Shame on him, Shame on his family" (his family?)

They attacked him first, douche bag. Trump is justified in attacking him.

Trump attacked Muslims first.
He didn't attack Muslims. He only proposed to limit their immigration. Of course, Muslims have plenty to attack. They have no problem with Jihadis murdering scores of people every day, as their recent lack of attendance at a protest against such attacks recently demonstrated.

You didn't attend that protest.

It was for Muslims, dumbass.

That is not true. It was open to anyone who cared. Obviously you don't care.

Read the article, dumbass. It was intended for Muslims to show their contempt for jihadis. Apparently they don't feel that much contempt.
That makes you a fucking idiot then because it wasn't remotely my point.
Try not to shit your pants over this. I simply disagreed with you as I'm doing now. Besides the posts causing your present conniption, you've made several posts against Kazir Khan. Mine, OTOH, have mostly been that it's a political misstep for Trump to even go there, much less make bullshit remarks about Mrs. Khan.

If Trump wants to be President, he needs to start acting more Presidential and grow a thicker skin. This is a losing situation for him. Best for him to drop it and focus on policy, not going tit-for-tat with the father of an American hero.
That makes you a fucking idiot then because it wasn't remotely my point.
Try not to shit your pants over this. I simply disagreed with you as I'm doing now. Besides the posts causing your present conniption, you've made several posts against Kazir Khan. Mine, OTOH, have mostly been that it's a political misstep for Trump to even go there, much less make bullshit remarks about Mrs. Khan.

If Trump wants to be President, he needs to start acting more Presidential and grow a thicker skin. This is a losing situation for him. Best for him to drop it and focus on policy, not going tit-for-tat with the father of an American hero.
You think you have the power to make people shit themselves over the internet? How so? You badly misinterpreted what I said. When I said losing a son doesn't someone the right to be an asshole towards someone I wasn't talking about 1st amendment rights. It should have been obvious. You didn't "simply disagree" you missed the point by a country mile.

Send a tweet to Trump, don't give me a hard time over what someone else said, it does no good.
Good grief....
Trump wants additional measures in place to make sure
we are not letting people into the country who want to kill us....

And he's the bad guy....

Hillary and her ilk want it to be more like Germany.......

And that's the bottom line.
You think you have the power to make people shit themselves over the internet? ...
No. I think some people are emotionally unstable and work themselves up onto such frenzies while at their keyboard, that they shit themselves. It's a psychosomatic reaction and has nothing to do with anyone other than themselves.

Good grief....
Trump wants additional measures in place to make sure
we are not letting people into the country who want to kill us....

And he's the bad guy....

Hillary and her ilk want it to be more like Germany.......

And that's the bottom line.
I support not allowing immigrants from terrorist or war-torn nations. I strongly support stopping the cause of refugees rather than importing refugees. It's like the problem with too many puppies and kittens. We can't save all the puppies and kittens in the world, but we can certainly work to prevent the problem by requiring licenses for breeding them and that pets be neutered chemically or physically.
No it would have been snowed under. It wasn't like the the DNC convention had only 1 person attacking Trump. He choose to go into that one. Or he just could have said. His son was a hero and a grieving parent has the right to speak and it would have been over. Instead he attacked them.
There was no 'attack'. There was a question. One that no doubt many viewers were asking themselves. And he did refer to the son as a hero.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
You don't think this is an attack? You don't think Khan and his family considered this an attack? You don't think all American Muslims interpreted this as an attack? I know it's way easier to rate someting funny then it is to actually debate but I don't have to try to somehow spin something into something else in order for it to be acceptable.
No, I really don't call that an 'attack', I call it an observation. Do you call Mr Khans comment 'shame on his (Trumps) family' an attack?
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there,"
This is an observation
She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
This is an attack, see the difference.
If you think that is an attack, you are clearly every bit the limp wristed moronic crybaby you are coming across as.
Now, Mr Khan was happy to be used by the dems, and was equally happy to use his own sons death in order to politicise it and to launch a very personal attack against Trump. He has also dragged Trumps family into it and referred to them as shameful. To whine endlessly about receiving such a tepid comeback is quite pathetic, not to mention Trump said his son is a hero. But then, all you dems are whiney crybullies. Lol.

Point out this very personal attack. If somebody implies that I have a problem to let me wife speak in public, I would take offence. If that's being a crybaby I'll admit to it. You want to talk about being a crybaby, talk about somebody who is so thinskinned, he feels he needs to retaliate against a grieving father and mother because they criticised him. And there's another difference,I can be thiskinned since I'm not aspiring to be president of the United States.
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Yea it was a bit lazy to not want to spend an hour, wich I would need to post all the hatefull shit that Trump has said.
More libtard dishonesty. No one asked you to spend an hour. Posting one hateful thing would do, your link is a joke.
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”
This quote incites hate to all Mexican immigrants because he generalises. that's the very first one on my so called bullshit link.
Which is bullshit, he was specifically talking about the illegals coming in, not all Mexicans. He has hired many of them himself. Yes, it was a generalization about the illegals but a great many crimes are being committed by them, well, just being here is a crime actually.

Ah so it's not inciting hate when it's true? Wich it isn't of course. Btw you believe that any Mexican didn't feel directly insulted by that statement? Or for that matter you don't think people like a former leader of the KKK don't feel like Trump speaks for them because of statements like that? Like I said you can try to laywer your way out of it but it doesn't make it less hatefull.
The legal immigrants want and need jobs so they are not all onboard with open boarders. There's no trial and you trying to make a federal case out of it by smearing someone with emotions they don't have just proves how weak your position is.
You are trying to say it doesn't incite hate. Me, all Mexicans and the KKK all disagree.
Point out this very personal attack. If somebody implies that I have a problem to let me wife speak in public, I would take offence. If that's being a crybaby I'll admit to it. You want to talk about being a crybaby, talk about somebody who is so thinskinned, he feels he needs to retaliate against a grieving father and mother because they criticised him. And there's aother difference,I can be thiskinned since I'm not aspiring to be president of the United States.
Agreed. Khan is just one of thousands of American parents who have lost their children serving our nation. Trump should have walked away.

OTOH, I'm reminded of Ted Cruz's refusal to endorse Trump with the comment "I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father". I don't agree with Cruz on a lot of things, but I admire him for putting family ahead of politics. Anyone who doesn't isn't trustworthy IMHO.

Defiant Ted Cruz stands by refusal to endorse Donald Trump after being booed during convention speech -
So, what's the grand strategy? Does Trump humble himself and admit that he has, indeed sacrificed nothing for his country? Does Trump reconsider his blanket ban on Muslim immigration after citing the heroics of Muslims serving and shining in that service? Should Trump concede that there are Muslims in America not only paying the ultimate price for our freedom, but working every day with intelligence services to discover radicals in our midst?

Nope! Trump first claims that he has sacrificed for our country by creating jobs. That's a sacrifice according to Trump's dictionary. Then Trump casts espersions on the mother of a fallen soldier by supposing she stood mute due to a social confinement. Now Trump supporters are working diligently to discredit the parents of a fallen American hero to score some cheap political points. Points that only count among themselves and serve to discredit those who count them.

As Frank Sinatra once sang, "Mistakes. I've mad a few. But then again, too few to mention." In this election when every mistake is trumpeted by the boorish, dyspeptic, thin skinned Donald Trump about Hillary Clinton, should we thinking Americans who still bear morals and mature comportment consider the mistakes and policies of Donald Trump?
...In this election when every mistake is trumpeted by the boorish, dyspeptic, thin skinned Donald Trump about Hillary Clinton, should we thinking Americans who still bear morals and mature comportment consider the mistakes and policies of Donald Trump?
There's a reason why so many Americans feel their only choices for President are the least loathsome of the two. This was exemplified at the Democrat's Convention by them begging to unite and to vote against Trump. They know Hillary has a bad rep. They know most Americans don't trust her. Their message is that she's better than Trump. Not much of an endorsement, but that's what we have.
This Kahn jagoff is already becoming annoying
He's probably beating the shit out of his wife right now to relieve some stress.
Is that what a sexually confused little faggot like yourself does to cover his latent identity?
Nah, I slap libtards around and enjoy highlighting their inconsistent morals. Pro gay but trot out the derogatory shit when it suits.
No, you're just fucking trash. And like Donald Trump you never risked or sacrificed anything for your country. People like you are scum.
This Kahn jagoff is already becoming annoying
He's probably beating the shit out of his wife right now to relieve some stress.

Then he'll rape the family goat afterwards
Is that what happened to you? That would explain a lot.

Who are you? More importantly why should I give a fuck?
Change your name to Dim Witted Drunk Irish Bitch.
Yeah this guy is another Cindy Sheehan type.....what did Trump ever do to him or his son?
Like all Trump are just about as fucking stupid and dishonest as you can possibly be. I thought Hilary was bad, but you Trump followers are the worst kind of scum.

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