Now Missouri

Well, yeh. Remember, wer're not brainwashed cult morons like you. We're in touch with reality, so we know you're just making up butthurt stories. You can't gaslight those who aren't in your liars' cult.

See? None of that is a policy, not to mention that it's not happening.

It won't matter. Your masters told you what to believe, and in your cult mind, that settles it. Good little sheep. Bleat what you're told to bleat.
Reality is .. illegal immigration, drug trafficking and sex trafficking are at all time highs .. whose gaslighting?
I think most States should do the same. Its return fire and sends a message to the DNC.. And forcescl SCOTUS to rule
You're right. It is ridiculous. If Trump qualified to be on the GOP ballot and Biden Biden qualified to be on the Democrat ballot, then let the voters decide. I'm guessing Jay Ashcroft may have made one of those impromptu bets on his belief that he'll never have to follow through because SCOTUS is going to end all this nonsense once and for all and restore sanity to the process. I hope and pray for that myself.

Trump was NEVER qualified to be President on the basis of character or experience. He has proven his unfitness for office in spades, and after January 6th, should never be allowed to run for office again.

My hope is that the SC will uphold the Constitution and bar Trump from running for any office ever again.
Trump was NEVER qualified to be President on the basis of character or experience. He has proven his unfitness for office in spades, and after January 6th, should never be allowed to run for office again.

My hope is that the SC will uphold the Constitution and bar Trump from running for any office ever again.
DL I accept your exaggerated and extreme TDS and I honestly wish you would discuss it with somebody else. I'm not buying your take on it and never will. Thanks for understanding.
DL I accept your exaggerated and extreme TDS and I honestly wish you would discuss it with somebody else. I'm not buying your take on it and never will. Thanks for understanding.

I will never understand how any decent human being and Christian could ever vote for anyone so dishonest and corrupt as Donald Trump.

Your refusal to face reality is beyond disappointing. TDS is the abiding belief by Cult members that Donald Trump was a good President.
Is anyone supposed to be surprised that our divisions are rapidly increasing? Is this supposed to be a shock?

Those who have vested interest in increasing our divisions are winning, bigly. And they're not difficult to identify -- they're just hammering away, with binary, one-sided, all-or-nothing rhetoric that is meant to inflame, not heal. They must be amazed at how easy it is.
Is anyone supposed to be surprised that our divisions are rapidly increasing? Is this supposed to be a shock?

Those who have vested interest in increasing our divisions are winning, bigly. And they're not difficult to identify -- they're just hammering away, with binary, one-sided, all-or-nothing rhetoric that is meant to inflame, not heal. They must be amazed at how easy it is.

Take a stand, Gigi. Do you love these states removing Trump from the ballot, or no?
Is anyone supposed to be surprised that our divisions are rapidly increasing? Is this supposed to be a shock?

Those who have vested interest in increasing our divisions are winning, bigly. And they're not difficult to identify -- they're just hammering away, with binary, one-sided, all-or-nothing rhetoric that is meant to inflame, not heal. They must be amazed at how easy it is.

You know why you're worse, Gigi? Because you come here throwing rocks at MAGA again, unlike even CANDYCORN, who stands up to say short of convicted felons, Americans should be able to vote for who they want.

You can't say that though; your obsession with Trump prevents it.
You know why you're worse, Gigi? Because you come here throwing rocks at MAGA again, unlike even CANDYCORN, who stands up to say short of convicted felons, Americans should be able to vote for who they want.

You can't say that though; your obsession with Trump prevents it.
Their biggest Anger is they lost SCOTUS and it set back their plans decades.

They will use Lawfare if they ever get their coj artist there. They will use that to subvert the 2nd Amendment and the First.

This country is ready for a divorce.
This is getting ridiculous.

Let the people decide.
We did...........And Trump and his cult did this............


SCOTUS needs to address this

Missouri official threatens to remove Biden from 2024 presidential ballot if 'new legal standard' boots Trump

Ashcroft is a moron, just like his daddy.
Agreed. We need to get guidance from SCOTUS on this matter.

I hope they tell the states to just chill. That absent a felony conviction and a state law that prohibits felons from being on the ballot, anyone who meets the constitutional requirements can be on the ballot.

You should be able to vote for anyone you wish to vote for who is otherwise eligible to hold the office.

While I agree, SCOTUS will find a way to keep FPOTUS#45 on the ballot, I think they will punt the question as both Colorado and Maine are taking FPOTUS#45 off the primary ballot which is actually a party function. I think they will punt and let him remain on the primary ballot and will state that the case can reexamined as function of the federal general election ballot if FPOTUS#45 becomes the nominee.
With that said though you are incorrect about States being able to prohibit a felon from being on the ballot for Representative, Senator, or President. There is no Constitutional limitation on holding federal office if you are a felon and states can't add that as an eligibility criteria.

There are 6 requirements in the Constitution to be able to hold the Office of President:
  • Age 35+
  • Resident of the United States 14+ years
  • A natural born citizen
  • Not have engaged in insurrection, rebellion, or provided aid or comfort to those that did, and
  • Not have been impeached and convicted by the US Congress with a determination removing the agility to hold government office

Minor policy difference? Like record illegal aliens pouring over the border, record sex trafficking, record fentanyl and other illicit drugs and other outcomes of not enforcing federal laws to thwart illegal immigration? Putting Harris in charge of the illegal immigration?

Yes .. just minor . :rolleyes:
By aiding and abetting the invasion at the Southern Border, Biden is guilty of sedition and treason

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