Now tell me animals have no soul

Sarcasm, my mentally challenged friend.

In the bible, Genesis 1:28 specifically,

"And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth"

In other words, why let us have "dominion" over the earth, including killing, eating and using animals, if they had a soul? When God created man, He took the time to form him, create him in His own image, and breathe His own breath into his nostrils and give him life and a soul. No mention of the same thing happening to animals is described.

I'm sorry, but anyone who claims that because the bible doesn't say that they don't have souls means that they do, is a moron. Animals are animals. We own them, wear them, eat them, and make them work.

And there is no place in the Bible that says anything about killing people?
Sarcasm, my mentally challenged friend.

In the bible, Genesis 1:28 specifically,

"And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth"

In other words, why let us have "dominion" over the earth, including killing, eating and using animals, if they had a soul? When God created man, He took the time to form him, create him in His own image, and breathe His own breath into his nostrils and give him life and a soul. No mention of the same thing happening to animals is described.

I'm sorry, but anyone who claims that because the bible doesn't say that they don't have souls means that they do, is a moron. Animals are animals. We own them, wear them, eat them, and make them work.

You utterly butchered that verse. In the very next verse (1:29) we were given our diet from God which was 100% plantbased. So it is silly to think dominion means = eat animals when the very next verse says our diet is vegetarian. Also, the verse right before it says we were made in God's image, so our dominion is supposed to look like God's dominion, which means love, mercy and taking care of those we are in charge of, not exploiting them for our own selfish reasons.

Shameless plug ;) but here's a short video I did on the topic.
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I believe what I believe because of my interactions with animals. I have seen surprising actions by creature who are supposed to ignore the needs of others, or to only deal with the physical world.

I find it fascinating that while the Bible does not say one way or the other, some mock the belief an animal souls. I guess they think they are the arbiter of what has a soul.
I'm sorry, but anyone who claims that because the bible doesn't say that they don't have souls means that they do, is a moron. Animals are animals. We own them, wear them, eat them, and make them work.

The bible does say animals have souls. And spirits.

In Genesis 1:30 the exact same phrase is used to describe animals that is used in Genesis 2:7 for humans. Also, Ecclesiastes 3:19 says humans and animals have the same fate, and "the same breath", in other words, the breath of God.

And animals will be in heaven, that is not only something intuitive, it's also biblical. :)
The bible does say animals have souls. And spirits.

In Genesis 1:30 the exact same phrase is used to describe animals that is used in Genesis 2:7 for humans. Also, Ecclesiastes 3:19 says humans and animals have the same fate, and "the same breath", in other words, the breath of God.

And animals will be in heaven, that is not only something intuitive, it's also biblical. :)

Thank you. I did not know the chapter & verse that told us.

But when I hear people say that there are no animals in Heaven, my immediate response is "Then how can it be Heaven?".
God has tits and a penis?

Yes? ... No? ... What's a possibility between? ... What kind of question is this? ...

As far as I know Hildegard von Bingen had been the first in history who had informed us: God is not only our father - he (or she) is also our mother. When the middle age men and women heard this they had been baffled - because never before anyone thought about this possibility. They had to think a little while and said: She's right! God is not only our father - he is also our mother.

And what says now the more modern theology some hundred years later? They define god not to be a man and not to be a woman but god. Aha. So god is our father and mother but he is no man and no woman. But I'm sure for your amusement he will have also tits and a penis. Why not? But it is also said: "We are amusing us to death!"
She's a sweet mother
But she also likes meat with a soul to

Actually we are all just souls running around in rented meat machines

My problem is that I have absolutelly not any idea about why English speakling people are so mad when they speak about such a theme. What for heavens sake do you like to say with this sentences? That the 13 pages of the theory of relativity in 1905 do also contain the meat and/or the sex of Einsteins mother and father?

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A lot of four-legged animals are much better than a lot of the two-legged animals that make this earth a living hell.
Are u saying that u exist in a "living hell" or are u just complaining for the heck of it? I see the reality as being good, and I enjoy life.
I see the reality as being good, and I enjoy life.
That's great!

I envy you.

Yes, I am living in a nightmare. (I won't bother you with the details.)

And I think that a lot of other people (in Ukraine, for example) are living in a kind of hell, too.
That's great!

I envy you.

Yes, I am living in a nightmare. (I won't bother you with the details.)

And I think that a lot of other people (in Ukraine, for example) are living in a kind of hell, too.
Sorry to hear ur unhappy w/ ur lot.

Not sure the nature of how ur bad off, but I note that in the same breath as ur trials u also mention the Ukraine. Since the war began more than 14,000 people have died there. Just last year 348,000 have been born there. If the Ukraine's the worse place u can think of then u might want to consider that the world is flourishing.
Sorry to hear ur unhappy w/ ur lot.

Not sure the nature of how ur bad off, but I note that in the same breath as ur trials u also mention the Ukraine. Since the war began more than 14,000 people have died there. Just last year 348,000 have been born there. If the Ukraine's the worse place u can think of then u might want to consider that the world is flourishing.
In terms of human procreation anyway.
In terms of human procreation anyway.
lol!! OK, so a lot of folks say that human procreation is a bad thing. I'd disagree. Over the past couple hundred years the human population has increased eight-fold. Humans are far better off now than they were back then.

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