Now tell me animals have no soul

lol!! OK, so a lot of folks say that human procreation is a bad thing. I'd disagree. Over the past couple hundred years the human population has increased eight-fold. Humans are far better off now than they were back then.

Most of us, anyway.
Funny that people with souls would intentionally kill the life inside them but we would be shocked if chimps did the same thing.
The more I am around humans, the more I love animals.

Insert any breed or heinz variety.
So many think animals are just...well...animals. No soul. No feelings of love or hate or whatever. This video speaks thousands of words.

God also spoke thousands of words. And the only animal he created in his own image was man. And then gave man dominion over the animals.

So as Billy Preston said "That's the way God planned it
That's the way God wants it to be"
These words are even more appropriate today in light of our animal factories and slaughterhouses, where billions of animals never see the sun and die in agony, piece by piece. One can only imagine what Gandhi’s reaction would be to seeing calves taken away from their mothers the day that they are born and immobilized in veal crates or chickens whose beaks are seared off with a hot blade to prevent them from fighting for space in tiny, cramped cages. One can only imagine his reaction to seeing fully conscious pigs screaming as they are dropped into tanks of boiling water and cows looking slaughterhouse workers in the eye as their hooves are cut off.

More than 70 years after his death, Gandhi remains a source of wisdom and inspiration to the world. As we pray for an end to violence and terrorism, please remember his words, “It ill becomes us to invoke in our daily prayers the blessings of God, the Compassionate, if we in turn will not practice elemental compassion toward our fellow creatures.”~Ghandi
Yes. Animals are to eat. But how they are killed to be eaten is another whole ballgame.

Meanwhile, I am leaving the thread before something awful is posted and it makes me not sleep for a fucking week. Like the post I just did above. Animal abuse is a mind killer for me and I need a safe place to not see it or read it or hear of it. The main reason for this thread was the beauty and love a mother has for her child....which happens to be a monkey. ALL animals are like her.

I just wanted to share the vid. So I did.
Of course animals have a soul. They feel, they love, they grieve a loss. Animals go to the right hand of God.

If dogs don't go to heaven when they die, I want to go to wherever they go.
Will Rogers.
Yes. Animals are to eat. But how they are killed to be eaten is another whole ballgame.

Meanwhile, I am leaving the thread before something awful is posted and it makes me not sleep for a fucking week. Like the post I just did above. Animal abuse is a mind killer for me and I need a safe place to not see it or read it or hear of it. The main reason for this thread was the beauty and love a mother has for her child....which happens to be a monkey. ALL animals are like her.

I just wanted to share the vid. So I did.
Watch this all the way through Gracie.

Two young mothers sharing a moment and showing off their babies.
God also spoke thousands of words. And the only animal he created in his own image was man. And then gave man dominion over the animals.

So as Billy Preston said "That's the way God planned it
That's the way God wants it to be"

See post #26. "Dominion" doesn't mean exploit, brutalize, kill and eat the flesh. The word used in the original language simply means to rule. And if you read that whole passage, you will see that the phrase "Let us make man in our image" is immediately followed by the words "let them have dominion" which infers that being made in God's image has to do with our unique calling or purpose. God gave us the role of ruling over the rest of creation IN HIS IMAGE and likeness. Since God is love, ruling in a Godly way means with LOVE, mercy, respect for their dignity.... not in a selfish way! :) So contrary to what most Christians assume, being made in God's image and having dominion are not things we should be prideful and selfish about… It's about ruling or managing those who were entrusted to us with love and mercy... the same way God rules over us.
Anyone who thinks animals have no souls have not spent enough time with them.
It’s age old question, do animals really express emotions of love, or are we humanizing them when that’s how we interpret their expression?
Yes, animals are souless. Chimps are smarter than the average animal though.
How do you know that though. There is not one word in the Bible that indicates the dog, the horse, the lion, the sheep have no souls or that they do not go to heaven. Is that not a human invention perhaps to salve our consciences when we use creatures as 'slaves' or when we make them food, or just eliminate them because they are a hazard or danger or annoyance?

There is a distinct difference in the description of how all other creatures on Earth were created as opposed to how humankind was created the two creation stories in Genesis 1 and 2 and that man was given dominion over all others, but no indication of the existence or non existence of souls or who could go to heaven.

Watching a mother chimp embrace her missing baby, seeing the selfless and sometimes incredible devotion of a dog for the welfare of its owner, watching critters figure out solutions to problems makes us know that they really do feel, love, think, reason--are sentient beings. All characteristics of a 'soul'.

I for one cannot claim to know anything about the hereafter except I am assured it exists. And I hope it is filled with fur friends and horses and song birds and butterflies.
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Animals have a soul, no doubt about that, a collective soul, but they have a sould indeed!

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