Now that Bidens bribes are common knowledge

A bank statement by itself isn’t evidence. Without context, it could be an invasion of privacy. I’m sure it’ll be looked into once Trump has been fitted for his orange jumpsuit.
Why do you think 20 million was sent to the bidens from foreign adversaries? Trump will not wear a orange jumpsuit, he has secret service for life. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom with the evidence we have that you say is not evidence LOL. Stupid Democrat
Not until you show how it was earned.

The Bidens don't have to prove anything to you.

As soon as Mr. Trump is safely snuggled in prison, we can get to the Bidens.
Why do you think 20 million was sent to the bidens from foreign adversaries? Trump will not wear a orange jumpsuit, he has secret service for life. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom with the evidence we have that you say is not evidence LOL. Stupid Democrat
Trump has SS for now, he may be wearing orange for life.
What "bi-partisan letter?" What exactly did it call for?

This is the point in the debate where all you deep state minions start waving your hands.
Try and keep up tonto

The 2016 Senate Ukraine Caucus letter is attached (here), and so is the Sept. 27, 2019 oversight letter from Senators Johnson and Grassley (here). The file memorandum is highlighted in the oversight letter in this passage:

In addition, information has surfaced that raises new questions. A recent report described a note purporting to memorialize a meeting in Kiev between the Ukrainian Acting Prosecutor General, Yuriy Sevruk, and Burisma’s American legal team. Yuriy Sevruk was the temporary replacement for the Prosecutor General that Vice President Biden demanded be fired, Victor Shokin. The note, reportedly written by Sevruk, states that “[t]he purpose of their visit was an apology for dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures on the activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine [Shokin] in regards to the investigation of criminal activities of Zlochevshy [Oligarch owner of Burisma Holdings].”
Trump has SS for now, he may be wearing orange for life.
He won't be wearing orange at all, he will never go to prison. You'll be left crying in a gutter LOL
Try and keep up tonto

The 2016 Senate Ukraine Caucus letter is attached (here), and so is the Sept. 27, 2019 oversight letter from Senators Johnson and Grassley (here). The file memorandum is highlighted in the oversight letter in this passage:

In addition, information has surfaced that raises new questions. A recent report described a note purporting to memorialize a meeting in Kiev between the Ukrainian Acting Prosecutor General, Yuriy Sevruk, and Burisma’s American legal team. Yuriy Sevruk was the temporary replacement for the Prosecutor General that Vice President Biden demanded be fired, Victor Shokin. The note, reportedly written by Sevruk, states that “[t]he purpose of their visit was an apology for dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures on the activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine [Shokin] in regards to the investigation of criminal activities of Zlochevshy [Oligarch owner of Burisma Holdings].”
These idiots don't even know what evidence is LOL
These are facts we must know before we can consider those bank statements as non-evidence. I was asked for evidence and I provided. Now you can shut up and go away. Corrupt fucking Democrat

Biden has turned over his tax returns for 20 years or so.. What are the Trumpies claiming exactly?
Where do we go from here?
Frankly I suspect nowhere
Libs have carved out a non reality, not factual mode of operation that is sinisterly effective. I think their response will be mostly So What, you are reading the words wrong, etc and we roll along with daily revelations immediately followed by another Trump indictment and some Covid mandate bullshit mixed in.

We don’t live in reality anymore. We live in the vengeful, fictitious spirit of Orange Man Bad.

The end game is coming fast. That will be a kinetic civil war. Which will be absolutely terrible.

The only question is how terrible.

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