Now that comey admitted to committing a crime, they know where to look for the leaks...

Comey......admitted under oath that he leaked to the press.....information generated on government computers....FBI computers, making it work product, not private notes......the one thing this does for allows the Justice Department to narrow their leak one individual....they can now look into his computer work and see how many other times he may have leaked to the press......
Providing information to the press is not a crime

Colluding with Russia is a crime

That is why one is being investigated and the other isn't

They are both being investigated.

So far after 10 months of digging: ZERO EVIDENCE of collusion. Stated as FACT by Comey.

Now to looking deeper at those memos, how he released them, then there is Lynch.

Semantics at this time
Comey said there is no evidence against Trump at the time he was director
He never said no evidence against the Trump campaign

Lying about the facts does not change them. Oh No!

View attachment 132115
Very true

It is a fact that Trump aides met with the Russians
All we have gotten out of team Trump is lies
Leaking your own words isn't a crime.

Really? So you are a top intelligence agent discussing secret plans with a foreign country about how and when America will strike an enemy in the middle of the night, but because they were your words, you can blab them to the newspaper? Better put cotton in your ears, your brain fell out and rolled away.

When you work for the government in an intelligence capacity, there is no "your." "Your" words are government property. "Your" emails and letters are government property. The air you breath is government property. Even now that Comey is fired, he is still bound to keep secrets secret.


Ref your last line - EXACTLY what "secrets" did Comey make public?

Please be specific.

Thank you.


DEAR MORON, where did I ever say Comey released any secrets? But any secrets he does know he is bound to keep unless permitted to reveal. Those notes of his were still not his to release. His notes were made as a federal employee about federal business on federal time. They are government property.

Taking those government notes on government equipment as a government employee on government time about a meeting with the president, in secret, keeping them to oneself and releasing them to the press with no prior approval violates The Federal Records Act. A serious crime. And here it was the top law enforcement officer in the land doing it.

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