Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal...

None of it means shit till it is all proven true in a court of law

Keep telling yourself that, lil' snowflake.

You snowflakes usually do when it is a Democtat who is proven to be a criminal, traitor, or compromised politician.

Of course for the last 7 years you whiny bitches have been screaming how guilty Trump is despite the fact every single Democrat scheme, plot, coup, and 'We've got him this time' attempt has ended in failure, tears, and morons rumning out into the streets to scream at the sky.

The hilarity of the hypocrisy has been truly amusing.
Why are Democrats, the MSM, and snowflakes still defending him?

The Department of the Treasury and The CCP Bank both released Biden Family financial records proving the Bidens took millions / were paid millions from the CCP and did so for years.

There is no denying these documents were released and what they show.

The fact that Joe Biden is a COMPROMISED President after having received over $1 million dollars from the CCP is not even questionable any longer.

The fact that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and 2 other Bidens received MILLIONS of dollars from the CCP is not even up for debate anymore.

The FACT that Joe Biden and his family engaged in Influence Peddling, potential classified Information peddling, Espionage, Conspiracy, Russian Money Laundering, negotiating and conducting foreign business deals illegally without being registered as a foreign agent, committing Perjury is undeniable without ignoring proven, reported, recorded, documented fact, irrefutable evidence, and reality ... despite the fact that the Democrats, MSM, and the US governmet's own corrupt criminally partisan Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of (In)Justice has and continues to protect the Bidens from indictment and prosrcution.

At this point everyone on the planet, even the most die-hard Biden defender and apologist, knows the Biden family has been for decades and continues to be corrupt, self-servimg / enriching, criminals and traitors.

So WHY, despite all of the undeniable proof, do snowflakes still so adamantly defend him and lie for him?

To make matters worse, Joe Biden is a dementia-ravaged, pathologically lying, embarrassing disgrace on the world stage. He, like Diane Feinstein, is literally incapable of carryong out his duties as President, even if he weren' the most comproised, criminal Presidrnt in the History of the United States.
Really think this kind of stuff is going to save Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
Of course for the last 7 years you whiny bitches have been screaming how guilty Trump is despite the fact every single Democrat scheme, plot, coup, and 'We've got him this time' attempt has ended in failure, tears, and morons rumning out into the streets to scream at the sky.

The hilarity of the hypocrisy has been truly amusing.

You confuse me with someone else.

On this very forum I said the impeachments were wrong, I said Mueller was a waste of money.

But it is good of you to know admit you are no different than those Dems you hate so very much.
Liar liar pants on FIRE!

NO WHERE does Comer report say the Biden family received money from the CCP.

WHY do you lie so much?
Oh ignorant one, nothing happens in China without the blessing of the CCP.

You think an American in a hotel can bring in not one but two underage hookers and smoke crack for 8 hours without the CCP knowing about it and allowing it to happen?
Really think this kind of stuff is going to save Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
Hey shit for brains, it's not about Trump. Not any more. Trump is yesterday's news.

This is about a bunch of very dangerous Stalinist asswipes abusing the law, abusing power, and abusing their elected offices.

Sure, Trump is one of the people in the target zone, but so are hundreds of others. In making a martyr of Trump, you made them martyrs too.

And you changed the playing field, and that is going to come back and haunt you big time. Not "maybe". For sure.

You're fighting yesterday's battle, if you think this is about Trump. People care a lot more about the leftard DA's, because they're the ones letting all the criminals back on the streets. People care when crimes are committed right under their noses, and the cops stand by doing nothing.
There isn't anyone available to look into the Biden Crime Family as the entire DOJ is occupied with GET TRUMP scams.
Really think this kind of stuff is going to save Trump? :auiqs.jpg:

The fact thatthe Nidens are compromised, influence peddling,classified info peddling, extorting, Russian money laundering recipients of CCP millions have nothing to do with Trump and this will not save him.

I don't think Trump needs saving, as long as real, unbiased justice is carried out.
You confuse me with someone else.

No, I don't. You said all the sources of the atticles provided, which includes CNN, are fake news.

In the case of CNN, I could not agree with you more, lil snowflake.
We will have to wait when Donald Trump becomes President of the US again in correct all this wrongs from this scummy stolen Administration.

Bless President Trump.

Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal.​

Oh ignorant one, nothing happens in China without the blessing of the CCP.

You think an American in a hotel can bring in not one but two underage hookers and smoke crack for 8 hours without the CCP knowing about it and allowing it to happen?
Sure. So you claim anyone doing business in China are doing business with the CCP...even Trump, even Ivanka, even Kushner, even Walmart, even Big Pharma etc etc....all in bed with the

by all means, prove it, and prove Joe was involved and gave something to the ccp for know, the quid pro quo...

So far y'all are all talk and no action....
Sure. So you claim anyone doing business in China are doing business with the CCP...even Trump, even Ivanka, even Kushner, even Walmart, even Big Pharma etc etc....all in bed with the

by all means, prove it, and prove Joe was involved and gave something to the ccp for know, the quid pro quo...

So far y'all are all talk and no action....

You should know how to talk about China!

Being in Canada like you are...under the scum Castro Trudeau.....who has sold almost the whole of Canada to China.... can talk talk about China!

Shame on you and the likes of you!

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