Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal...

We will have to wait when Donald Trump becomes President of the US again in correct all this wrongs from this scummy stolen Administration.

Bless President Trump.

Now That It Has Been Proven Biden & His Family Took Millions From The CCP & Joe Is Compromised / Criminal.​

Do you really believe with Chris Wray in charge of enforcing election fraud that Trump has any chance of winning a general election?

Do you think Brian Kemp and Raffensparger will remove Dominion Voting Machines from GA and actually count votes honestly?
Do you really believe with Chris Wray in charge of enforcing election fraud that Trump has any chance of winning a general election?

Do you think Brian Kemp and Raffensparger will remove Dominion Voting Machines from GA and actually count votes honestly?

We will have to wait and see.

We will pray so hard for the truth...

Hope Springs Eternal.
We will have to wait and see.

We will pray so hard for the truth...

Hope Springs Eternal.

You can HOPE all you want for Chris Wray to grow one single cell that is honest and patriotic to America.

The two traitors in this photo already know the answer to that "hope"


You can HOPE all you want for Chris Wray to grow one single cell that is honest and patriotic to America.

The two traitors in this photo already know the answer to that "hope"


I can not see the computer is not allowing it.
I can not see the computer is not allowing it.

W and Michael Robinson celebrating their agreement....

W and the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" keep the CLOSET DOOR SHUT

homO does not re-open 911 despite a chorus of calls to do so from the Left base
None of it means shit till it is all proven true in a court of law
You have been presented with links multiple times from multiple MSM SOURCES - frome the pulitzer-prize winning NY Times to the WSJ to the National Review to ABC to CBS to CNN - reporting all these facts.

The release of the Biden's financial records by the Treasury Department and the CCP Bank have been all over the news recently, even by the usually quiet fake news MSM.

Evidence and facts about the Bidens have been leaking recently like a screen door on a submarine.

Even CNN recently reported the former Obama administration staff member is telling how he witnessed and has evidence then VP Biden was engaging in Influence peddling with Burisa.

And of course the news recently broke that Burisma reps have visited Joe in the WH some 80 times ... you know, the Burisma reps Joe said he never met in his life...

Then there is you, in light of all of this evidence and reporting, ridiculously posting 'fake news' every time confirmed facts ae reported.

You do it so often no one takes you seriously anymore.

And to prove the point and to take the cake / prove no one should take you seriously you post this immature 3rd grade chant, 'Liar, liar, pants on fire'.

What are you, 6 years old?

Can you even read / understand the articles that have been provided to you?

Why don't you go back to the kids' table, at least to you grow up / mature, until you can discuss issues rationally and can come up with better responses than 'Liar, Liar....'?!

Yes, you’ve posted all of those things but none of it is evidence of anything.

The Treasury Department has records that the Bidens receive money from overseas, so what? Who did they receive it from? What did they receive it for? Where is the evidence?

You went crazy over the idea that you had bank records from a law firm that showed checks payable to the Biden. Again so what?

When you get these records and you make up shit about where the money came from and what it what it was for.

Trump had the Bidens investigated for years before the election and all of the investigations turned up nothing. Nobody’s been charged there hasn’t been a single charge much less a trial.

You’re always wanting to condemn Democrats on no evidence, but there isn’t enough evidence in the world for you to believe Donald Trump is a crook.

Trump is on trial in New York now for being a crook and a criminal. Two fraud cases, tax evasion, witness intimidation, obstruction of Justice, and the DOJ hasn’t even started yet.

What a gullible fool you are a sleazy.
You have to wonder how many Dem politicians are purchased by China and what government favors they traded to line their own pockets. :eusa_think:
You guys keep claiming that in the RW Echo Chamber but you can’t identify any money going to Democrats or any legislation they passed that favors China
I think it's official now: They don't care about actually proving anything. That's not even a consideration.

They just want to BELIEVE. They just have to BELIEVE, and then it's "The Truth".

This is a cult.
As usual, the lefts response to getting caught red handed, “nothing happened”….What a sad display.
As usual, the lefts response to getting caught red handed, “nothing happened”….What a sad display.

Getting caught red handed doing WHAT, exactly??? If they've been "caught", why haven't they been charged.

Banking regulations flag all overseas transactions over a set limit - often as low as $1000. Republicans are now suggesting all sorts of nefarious things around these standard reports.

Why didn't Y0U care when the Trump transactions were being flagged???? There were far more Trump overseas transactions than there are for the Bidens. Right wing media and propaganda is making a big deal out of the Biden's overseas dealings to gin up Y0UR outrage.

Stop being so easy to deceive.
As usual, the lefts response to getting caught red handed, “nothing happened”….What a sad display.

We do not know what happened. All we have are allegations and stories from the news, which are historically unreliable.
As usual, the lefts response to getting caught red handed, “nothing happened”….What a sad display.
You'll have to ask someone on the Left.

PROVE IT. Man up for a change, and prove it. Then I'm with you in full punishment. Just like the "rigged election".

I don't care about the politics of it. And THAT'S what you can't stand. I'm not like you, thank goodness.

Man up and PROVE IT. For once.
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You should know how to talk about China!

Being in Canada like you are...under the scum Castro Trudeau.....who has sold almost the whole of Canada to China.... can talk talk about China!

Shame on you and the likes of you!
:lol: Born in good ole Sweet Alabama, the land of Dixie, pretty one!
Raskin, the top Democrat on the committee, said after four years of investigations in the House and Senate into Hunter Biden, Republicans found no conection to the president or any other government official.

"It must be frustrating to my GOP colleagues to have even Fox News commentators rolling their eyes about this tiresome fishing expedition
, but I want to stress that there always remains the possibility of doing serious bipartisan legislative oversight work together," Raskin said.

So...........not "Biden & his family," Biden's family.

Get back to us when you have something of any substance implicating Old Joe.
"The Oversight Committee is concerned about the national security implications resulting from President Biden’s family receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals,"

Oh, now they are concerned. Trump got millions from foreign nationals, and his son-in-law, he actually got BILLIONS. The difference here, well Biden's family members were not operating under the Emoluments clause, Trump was. Have you heard of it? It is in this document called The Constitution, you ever hear of that?
link to these "billions " Kushner got.

This is always fun.
Raskin, the top Democrat on the committee, said after four years of investigations in the House and Senate into Hunter Biden, Republicans found no conection to the president or any other government official.

"It must be frustrating to my GOP colleagues to have even Fox News commentators rolling their eyes about this tiresome fishing expedition
, but I want to stress that there always remains the possibility of doing serious bipartisan legislative oversight work together," Raskin said.

So...........not "Biden & his family," Biden's family.

Get back to us when you have something of any substance implicating Old Joe.
Raskin said......:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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