Now that Kasich wins Ohio his mission is to catch Cruz

Trump will not be the nominee. The convention will be brokered. Kasich is the seasoned vet here, and where some have discounted him he's stayed the course, knowing exactly where he wants to go.

Kasich's goals is not to go in with the most delegates. It's to go in with more than Cruz if possible, or at least be close enough with Cruz to have negotiating leverage. If he does, he likely becomes the nominee. And if he is nominated, he defeats Clinton in November. If not, we get four more years of Democrat occupancy in the Oval Office.
RINO alert...
He's won ONE state for cripes sake, be realistic. He can't catch Cruz.

His speech is ridiculous. He almost cries? WTH??!! I think he may start burning incense and having everyone share a group hug. What he should do is start writing self help books

A president with a conscience? Haven't had one of those in a very long time. ;)
Kascish is pro-Amnesty.

I will not vote for anyone who is.

Then vote for a sociopath who believes in I instead of we the people.
He's won ONE state for cripes sake, be realistic. He can't catch Cruz.

His speech is ridiculous. He almost cries? WTH??!! I think he may start burning incense and having everyone share a group hug. What he should do is start writing self help books
Kasich has a problem and a big one at that.
Major Kasich backer embroiled in sex-slave suit
That puts him in the same exact league as Bill and Hillary Clinton.

How many sex offenders, rapists, murderor voted for Trump and cruz do you think?
Felons can't vote.
They have and they will in November....if Hillary has anything to do with it.
Okay, NOT supposed to vote.
Its not a winning strategy. Lets say they succeed. Then Trump, the candidate with the most delegates.....doesn't get the nomination.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.
Its not a winning strategy. Lets say they succeed. Then Trump, the candidate with the most delegates.....doesn't get the nomination.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates........the GOP is fucked. The best case scenario is that the nominee loses epicly when Trump supporters simply don't go to the polls. The worst case scenario (which is actually the most probable).....the GOP splits like a melon.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.

Tell it to Trumps supporters if he wins the most delegates in the elections but doesn't get the nomination. Just keep repeating 'horseshit' the party tears itself apart.
If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates

Then pigs will be flying. Repeat after me:

To be nominated, you have to win a majority of delegates.
To be nominated, you have to win a majority of delegates.
To be nominated, you have to win a majority of delegates.
If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates

Then pigs will be flying. Repeat after me:

To be nominated, you have to win a majority of delegates.
To be nominated, you have to win a majority of delegates.
To be nominated, you have to win a majority of delegates.

Its not me you have to convince. Its Trump supporters. With Trump going into the convention with the most delegates, you have to convince THEM that its fair and right that someone ELSE who came in with fewer delegates and fewer votes should get the nomination.

Goo luck convincing them that your technicality is the way its 'supposed to be'.

Just remember: I told you so. The predictable outcome isn't going to be some surprise that 'no one could have predicted'. Its been described to you in detail.

And the fun part? After failing to convince Trump's supporters to support the GOP establishment......after giving the nomination to someone other than Trump, THEN you expect to be able to convince them to support the GOP establishment?

Laughing....what color is the sky in your world?
Its not a winning strategy. Lets say they succeed. Then Trump, the candidate with the most delegates.....doesn't get the nomination.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates........the GOP is fucked. The best case scenario is that the nominee loses epicly when Trump supporters simply don't go to the polls. The worst case scenario (which is actually the most probable).....the GOP splits like a melon.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.

Tell it to Trumps supporters if he wins the most delegates in the elections but doesn't get the nomination. Just keep repeating 'horseshit' the party tears itself apart.

All you are doing is ignoring the facts, because you're afraid that Clinton can't win unless she faces the idiot Donald Drumpf.
He's won ONE state for cripes sake, be realistic. He can't catch Cruz.

His speech is ridiculous. He almost cries? WTH??!! I think he may start burning incense and having everyone share a group hug. What he should do is start writing self help books
Kasich has a problem and a big one at that.
Major Kasich backer embroiled in sex-slave suit
That puts him in the same exact league as Bill and Hillary Clinton.

How many sex offenders, rapists, murderor voted for Trump and cruz do you think?
Felons can't vote.
They have and they will in November....if Hillary has anything to do with it.
That probably means that Hitlery will vote...
Its not a winning strategy. Lets say they succeed. Then Trump, the candidate with the most delegates.....doesn't get the nomination.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates........the GOP is fucked. The best case scenario is that the nominee loses epicly when Trump supporters simply don't go to the polls. The worst case scenario (which is actually the most probable).....the GOP splits like a melon.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.

Tell it to Trumps supporters if he wins the most delegates in the elections but doesn't get the nomination. Just keep repeating 'horseshit' the party tears itself apart.

All you are doing is ignoring the facts, because you're afraid that Clinton can't win unless she faces the idiot Donald Drumpf.

You're insisting that because technically a brokered convention can give the nomination to a candidate with fewer delegates and fewer votes.......that Trump voters will just accept that.


Think about it. This is your assumed progression of events:

1) The GOP establishment and its candidates have failed utterly to convince Trump's supporters to support the GOP establishment

2) The GOP establishment will give the nomination to a candidate other than Trump, a candidate who got fewer votes than Trump and won fewer delegates

3) Ergo...Trump supporters will support the GOP establishment

That's really how you see it going down? Because your leap from #2 to #3...isn't going to go well.
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Its not a winning strategy. Lets say they succeed. Then Trump, the candidate with the most delegates.....doesn't get the nomination.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates........the GOP is fucked. The best case scenario is that the nominee loses epicly when Trump supporters simply don't go to the polls. The worst case scenario (which is actually the most probable).....the GOP splits like a melon.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.

Tell it to Trumps supporters if he wins the most delegates in the elections but doesn't get the nomination. Just keep repeating 'horseshit' the party tears itself apart.

All you are doing is ignoring the facts, because you're afraid that Clinton can't win unless she faces the idiot Donald Drumpf.

You're insisting that because technically a brokered convention can give the nomination to a candidate with fewer delegates and fewer votes.......that Trump voters will accept that.


Think about it. After failing to convince Trump's supporters to support the GOP establishment......after giving the nomination to someone other than Trump, THEN you expect to be able to convince them to support the GOP establishment?

You *really* think that's what's going to happen?

Repeat after me:

Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.

Whomever comes out as the nominee will have a majority of delegates. It is impossible to be nominated without a majority of delegates. If nobody goes into the convention with a majority, then they will repeat their voting until somebody receives a majority of delegates. And that somebody will become the nominee.

If Trump fails to gain a majority before the convention, and someone else gains a majority later, then that is Trump's failure.

And nobody cares whether Trump's supporters like it or not. Trump's supporters are idiots. And they only constitute 10% of the voting population. Many of his supporters are Democrats who have switched parties in an attempt to sabotage the GOP nomination. People who, like you, realize that Clinton is a pathetic candidate.
He's won ONE state for cripes sake, be realistic. He can't catch Cruz.

His speech is ridiculous. He almost cries? WTH??!! I think he may start burning incense and having everyone share a group hug. What he should do is start writing self help books
Kasich has a problem and a big one at that.
Major Kasich backer embroiled in sex-slave suit
That puts him in the same exact league as Bill and Hillary Clinton.

How many sex offenders, rapists, murderor voted for Trump and cruz do you think?
Felons can't vote.
They have and they will in November....if Hillary has anything to do with it.
I will vote in November and neither Hillary nor your ignorance of the voting laws has anything to do with it.
Its not a winning strategy. Lets say they succeed. Then Trump, the candidate with the most delegates.....doesn't get the nomination.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates........the GOP is fucked. The best case scenario is that the nominee loses epicly when Trump supporters simply don't go to the polls. The worst case scenario (which is actually the most probable).....the GOP splits like a melon.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.

Tell it to Trumps supporters if he wins the most delegates in the elections but doesn't get the nomination. Just keep repeating 'horseshit' the party tears itself apart.

All you are doing is ignoring the facts, because you're afraid that Clinton can't win unless she faces the idiot Donald Drumpf.

You're insisting that because technically a brokered convention can give the nomination to a candidate with fewer delegates and fewer votes.......that Trump voters will accept that.


Think about it. After failing to convince Trump's supporters to support the GOP establishment......after giving the nomination to someone other than Trump, THEN you expect to be able to convince them to support the GOP establishment?

You *really* think that's what's going to happen?

Repeat after me:

Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.

And if a candidate who got FEWER votes that Trump and won FEWER delegates gets the nomination instead of Trump.....

....the GOP is fucked. As Trump's supporters won't accept the GOP establishment using a technicality to give the nomination to a candidate who got fewer votes and won fewer delegates than Trump.

You can repeat your mantra of 'Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.' Trump supporters still won't give a shit.

Whomever comes out as the nominee will have a majority of delegates. It is impossible to be nominated without a majority of delegates. If nobody goes into the convention with a majority, then they will repeat their voting until somebody receives a majority of delegates. And that somebody will become the nominee.

If Trump fails to gain a majority before the convention, and someone else gains a majority later, then that is Trump's failure.

And you think that Trump's supporters are going to accept the GOP establishment giving the nomination to a candidate that got fewer votes and won fewer delegates than Trump?


And nobody cares whether Trump's supporters like it or not. Trump's supporters are idiots.

You'll care when they don't show up at the polls to vote for the GOP candidate. Or more probable....if they form a third party around Trump. As either scenario costs you the election.
You'll care when they don't show up at the polls to vote for the GOP candidate. Or more probable....if they form a third party around Trump. As either scenario costs you the election.

No. Trump's supporters only amount to 10% of the population. And they are easily replaced with the right GOP candidate, who is able to gain the support of independents and more reasonable Democrats who understand how much of a train wreck Clinton would be.
You'll care when they don't show up at the polls to vote for the GOP candidate. Or more probable....if they form a third party around Trump. As either scenario costs you the election.

No. Trump's supporters only amount to 10% of the population.

The 'population'? The 'population' doesn't vote. The electorate does. And among probable GOP voters, they're about 35%.

Good luck winning an election with roughly 1 in 3 of your voters not showing up.

Is the math starting to sink in yet?
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Its not a winning strategy. Lets say they succeed. Then Trump, the candidate with the most delegates.....doesn't get the nomination.

I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates........the GOP is fucked. The best case scenario is that the nominee loses epicly when Trump supporters simply don't go to the polls. The worst case scenario (which is actually the most probable).....the GOP splits like a melon.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.

Tell it to Trumps supporters if he wins the most delegates in the elections but doesn't get the nomination. Just keep repeating 'horseshit' the party tears itself apart.

All you are doing is ignoring the facts, because you're afraid that Clinton can't win unless she faces the idiot Donald Drumpf.

You're insisting that because technically a brokered convention can give the nomination to a candidate with fewer delegates and fewer votes.......that Trump voters will accept that.


Think about it. After failing to convince Trump's supporters to support the GOP establishment......after giving the nomination to someone other than Trump, THEN you expect to be able to convince them to support the GOP establishment?

You *really* think that's what's going to happen?

Repeat after me:

Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.

Whomever comes out as the nominee will have a majority of delegates. It is impossible to be nominated without a majority of delegates. If nobody goes into the convention with a majority, then they will repeat their voting until somebody receives a majority of delegates. And that somebody will become the nominee.

If Trump fails to gain a majority before the convention, and someone else gains a majority later, then that is Trump's failure.

And nobody cares whether Trump's supporters like it or not. Trump's supporters are idiots. And they only constitute 10% of the voting population. Many of his supporters are Democrats who have switched parties in an attempt to sabotage the GOP nomination. People who, like you, realize that Clinton is a pathetic candidate.

Rule 40B says that no one can be put into consideration without having won at the majority of delegates of each of 8 state delegations.

There is no way in hell Kasich does this, and it might not happen for Cruz either.

If the GOP tries to change Rule 40B Trump will take them to court and get a cease and desist order, easy peezy.

Even with a brokered convention, there might be only one or two candidates to consider; Trump and maybe Cruz.
I'm sick and tired of hearing people say this. You cannot become the nominee without getting a majority of the delegates. Period.

If the brokered convention gives the nomination to a candidate that DIDN'T win the most delegates........the GOP is fucked. The best case scenario is that the nominee loses epicly when Trump supporters simply don't go to the polls. The worst case scenario (which is actually the most probable).....the GOP splits like a melon.

If nobody has a majority going into the convention then they'll repeat the vote until someone does get a majority. So please, enough with the horseshit saying that a brokered convention would be stealing something from Trump that he never earned. The only reason you liberals keep saying that is because you're desperate because you know Clinton is an incredibly weak candidate.

Tell it to Trumps supporters if he wins the most delegates in the elections but doesn't get the nomination. Just keep repeating 'horseshit' the party tears itself apart.

All you are doing is ignoring the facts, because you're afraid that Clinton can't win unless she faces the idiot Donald Drumpf.

You're insisting that because technically a brokered convention can give the nomination to a candidate with fewer delegates and fewer votes.......that Trump voters will accept that.


Think about it. After failing to convince Trump's supporters to support the GOP establishment......after giving the nomination to someone other than Trump, THEN you expect to be able to convince them to support the GOP establishment?

You *really* think that's what's going to happen?

Repeat after me:

Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.
Being nominated requires a majority of delegates.

Whomever comes out as the nominee will have a majority of delegates. It is impossible to be nominated without a majority of delegates. If nobody goes into the convention with a majority, then they will repeat their voting until somebody receives a majority of delegates. And that somebody will become the nominee.

If Trump fails to gain a majority before the convention, and someone else gains a majority later, then that is Trump's failure.

And nobody cares whether Trump's supporters like it or not. Trump's supporters are idiots. And they only constitute 10% of the voting population. Many of his supporters are Democrats who have switched parties in an attempt to sabotage the GOP nomination. People who, like you, realize that Clinton is a pathetic candidate.

Rule 40B says that no one can be put into consideration without having won at the majority of delegates of each of 8 state delegations.

There is no way in hell Kasich does this, and it might not happen for Cruz either.

If the GOP tries to change Rule 40B Trump will take them to court and get a cease and desist order, easy peezy.

Even with a brokered convention, there might be only one or two candidates to consider; Trump and maybe Cruz.

Trump's supporters aren't going to give a fiddler's fuck about Rule 40B, subsection 4, paragraph Q.

They're going to care that the GOP establishment that they despise....just gave the nomination to a candidate that has fewer votes than Trump and won fewer delegates.

Now how do you think Trump's supporters will express their displeasure? By inexplicably deciding to support the very GOP establishment they despised BEFORE it screwed their candidate over ?

Or telling the GOP establishment to go fuck itself?
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