Now that Sayoc is arrested, which USMB poster goes suddenly quiet?

"I’m seeing a lot of debate as to whether the guy is a “Filipino” or a “White Filipino.”"
My guess is we won’t here from Clayton for about 48 years. I know, it’s too soon.

Word has it that Sayoc was an avid internet commentator. I'd be surprised if he never found his way to USMB. So, who do you think will suddenly go quiet now that Sayoc is unable to access the interwebs?

Ah, interesting question.
If Sayoc was a participating here, he would be very interested to see what was being posted, all the while basking in the glow of famous anonymity on cable TV news.

So who do you think is suspiciously missing?
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are suckers for conspiracy theories.
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Sayoc is an ex-con who should have been off the streets but nobody was injured by the "suspicious packages". The former president's political adviser and friend is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who is responsible for about a hundred felonies including the death of his girlfriend and should have been off the streets but somehow has gained prominence in the democrat party. What the hell happened to America?
I found a UK website that claimed Sayoc was Native American. Could it be that Lakhota is a closet Trump supporter?

Lakhota might be on here to make democrats look bad. He does an outstanding job of that
Sayoc is an ex-con who should have been off the streets but nobody was injured by the "suspicious packages". The former president's political adviser and friend is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who is responsible for about a hundred felonies including the death of his girlfriend and should have been off the streets but somehow has gained prominence in the democrat party.

I tried to bring him up on a people search but others had the same idea and I couldn't completely open his profile.
But he had 36 documented criminal records.
Not that many more than Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, et al..

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Since it's Florida and he believed in a lot of whacky conspiracy theories, I'm thinking Dale Smith.
I want to know if the dumbasses who seriously argued that the bombs were an inside job from the DNC will come out and do a mea culpa and admit they are dumb as bricks.
Mr. Law, this character Cesar Sayoc was a career criminal of grand auto theft and drugs, plus an incident in which he threatened another driver with a bomb, and the thefts, for which he skated twice with contact with a good Criminal lawyer. They're still digging up his automobile thefts as we speak. He magically became a Republican to "support" President Trump in 2016, and got his van all ready to carry more than 30 bombs to various post office sites with readily-recognizable earmarks of a serial bomber. Keep your head planted safe in that sandy hole, dear. The Demmies don't play fair. Not one of the bombs came near to any of them. How many times do we have to hear "wolf, wolf," from the leftist's knapsacks of dirty trick before we realize that they're just crying wolf again and are hoping no one will notice their howling of "wolf" won't mean "crying wolf" to the public. Wolf is the hail Mary of the left. imho. The good guys are the inspectors at the post office, the FBI, the Secret Agents, and other first responders who apprehended this lunatic man. The timing just has a smell about it of character assassination of the entire Republican Party. It's a Democrat coup so far with the devil in the details, and a criminal who's good at getting himself off the hook.

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