Now that science is welcomed back...

Just because you have no regard for high culture, I don't have to wear a red trucker's ball cap.

Is that why galleries, concert halls and museums are in cosmopolitan cities and not out by the fair grounds where demolition derbies are staged?

Sweetie ... I would bet good money I appreciate and enjoy a more broad expanse of cultural events and activities, as well as more often, than you do.
In fact ... I think you are rather retarded if you believe President Trump being in the White House would have any significant impact on what was available.
Unless of course you just want to cry about it not being in the White House, like he didn't spend the weekend at Mara Logo anyway.

Of course maybe you didn't go anywhere. or do anything.
Or maybe your snot nosed, stuck up liberal artsy-fartsy fellow assholes were too scared to do anything in the shithole cities you have created for yourselves.

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Now that maturity, sanity, dignity, respect and science is back, will the arts follow?

In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house.

Come January, can we expect artists to be honored in the East Room again? I certainly hope so.

The soprano Beverly Sills once said, "Art is the signature of civilization."

For four years, our civilization's signature has been a crudely fashioned X.
Is that the same science that says men with tits are women?
And the gender one was born with is just a social construct designed to oppress those that are mentally a woman when they have a penis...the majority of which will never undergo the surgery.

"In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house"

LMAO! I would hope that the alleged leader of the free world has more pressing issues than meeting with those that have an over-inflated sense of self. YOU need a president to validate allged musicians and artists? Sounds a bit like what Lenin did......
The gender one? Are you talking about the mentally ill, who would go out and physically alter their bodies even though their DNA says that they are men?
I'm hoping artists are welcome back to be celebrated and honored.

Meanwhile, the homophobes are clutching pearls and scrotums with equal paranoia.
You do realize that most(but not all) artists are flaming Progs? That they were against this president for the 4 years of his office? The ones that did show up, Kanye West was demonized for being there. Is he an artist?
Now that maturity, sanity, dignity, respect and science is back, will the arts follow?

In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house.

Come January, can we expect artists to be honored in the East Room again? I certainly hope so.

The soprano Beverly Sills once said, "Art is the signature of civilization."

For four years, our civilization's signature has been a crudely fashioned X.
Talk about condescending...
WTF would you know about art or science?
Had I followed Trump for the passed few years, absolutely nothing.
Had I followed Trump for the passed few years, absolutely nothing.
Of course if you would of continued with your education and moved out of the public ones, you would understand your mistake.

Had I followed Trump for the past few years, absolutely nothing.
You do realize that most(but not all) artists are flaming Progs? That they were against this president for the 4 years of his office? The ones that did show up, Kanye West was demonized for being there. Is he an artist?

Progressives may be the biggest moochers for federal funding in the Art Community, but they pale in comparison to what is actually available.

The proof of that is that Nosmo's pompous idea that his tragically narrow, and woefully vapid interpretation of art and culture,
could possibly supply him with credible credentials as far as even defining what art and culture is, or should be, is just stupid.

He doesn't even know that the true value of art and culture is determined within, and not set by some arbitrary external opinion.
At best, Nosmo would be limited to looking up the definition at Wikipedia ... :thup:

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Now that maturity, sanity, dignity, respect and science is back, will the arts follow?

In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house.

Come January, can we expect artists to be honored in the East Room again? I certainly hope so.

The soprano Beverly Sills once said, "Art is the signature of civilization."

For four years, our civilization's signature has been a crudely fashioned X.

Science was always welcome. Fauci and the CDC could attest to that.

I'd say the country did pretty damned well for the last four years. Of course that was before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world.
When did Fauci or Pfizer know about the C-19 source in nature? The latter would have undoubtedly profited by knowing the animal model par excellence while developing a vaccine against it. For how long had the Chinese known the source? The sequence of the receptor binding domain clearly snows that it evolved due to some animal. Human manipulation in the lab is not evidenced in COVID-19’s receptor binding domain. That is a conspiracy theory fairy tale.
Now that maturity, sanity, dignity, respect and science is back, will the arts follow?

In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house.

Come January, can we expect artists to be honored in the East Room again? I certainly hope so.

The soprano Beverly Sills once said, "Art is the signature of civilization."

For four years, our civilization's signature has been a crudely fashioned X.

So will now begin at conception and it is a life, it isn’t just tissue matter. I wonder if real science will change anyone’s opinion?

So will there be two sexes for human beings as science tells us or will there still be inequity in sports, men using women’s bathrooms because the men feel like a woman?

Let’s hope science does still exist.

Why don't you science-denying homophobes calm down? Yer done!

I'm wondering if the arts will be celebrated again, not dragging luddites from the darkness of ignorance into the light!

What did I post that wasn’t based on science?

What part of my post was homophobic?

It seems you can’t deny the science I brought up, only two sexes and life begins at conception.

As far as art being celebrated at the White House? I don’t need the White House to watch read, listen to music, watch plays, enjoy musicals, go to and art gallery or enjoy any of the arts. I can enjoy talented people no matter who is in the White House, pretty strange if that is required of you.
I look to the White House to celebrate and honor the arts. When the White House fails to do so it speaks volumes about what is to be celebrated and honored.

Okay, strange you need to rely on the White House for that. I for one don’t need direction from anyone on the arts. I couldn’t tell you any artist that has been to the White House in the last 60 years, things like that aren’t important to me. I have heard a story about the Guess Who appearing at the White House during the Nixon administration, other than that I really have not or heard or cared. I love my arts, what Presidents like is of no interest to me and has no effect on my quality of life.
Politics? Do you mean government? Like the government of, by and for the people?

You are a person and not 'the people'.
Art may be your thing , but Mathematics isn't working well for you.

Seriously, you have got to be the only person I know that can screw up counting to one ... :thup:

Just because you have no regard for high culture, I don't have to wear a red trucker's ball cap.

Is that why galleries, concert halls and museums are in cosmopolitan cities and not out by the fair grounds where demolition derbies are staged?

How do you know what he like or doesn’t like in the arts? I love the arts, what I hate are arrogant, self righteous, pricks like yourself that think they are better than others.

At least most people don’t bitch or look to the White House to figure out what the heck art is.

You make stupid comments, get called on them and then you reply with BS that has nothing to do with the post. It sounds like you aren’t smart enough to know what science or art really is. You are an arrogant ass, I’ll give you that.
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Okay, strange you need to rely on the White House for that. I for one don’t need direction from anyone on the arts. I couldn’t tell you any artist that has been to the White House in the last 60 years, things like that aren’t important to me. I have heard a story about the Guess Who appearing at the White House during the Nixon administration, other than that I really have not or heard or cared. I love my arts, what Presidents like is of no interest to me and has no effect on my quality of life.

It might be focused on the idea that Nosmo is more interested in artistic and cultural events that require federal funding,
because they are so rejected by the people, they can't earn enough money to survive.

Of course I say that with the knowledge of all the wonderful art I have acquired at what we commonly call the Starving Artist Market.
Great works, wonderful people, and an environment that promotes individual expression, freedom and unity at the same time.

Just because you have no regard for high culture, I don't have to wear a red trucker's ball cap.

Is that why galleries, concert halls and museums are in cosmopolitan cities and not out by the fair grounds where demolition derbies are staged?

Sweetie ... I would bet good money I appreciate and enjoy a more broad expanse of cultural events and activities, as well as more often, than you do.
In fact ... I think you are rather retarded if you believe President Trump being in the White House would have any significant impact on what was available.
Unless of course you just want to cry about it not being in the White House, like he didn't spend the weekend at Mara Logo anyway.

Of course maybe you didn't go anywhere. or do anything.
Or maybe your snot nosed, stuck up liberal artsy-fartsy fellow assholes were too scared to do anything in the shithole cities you have created for yourselves.

Trump has shown no interest in promoting, celebrating or honoring American artists.

That alone would indicate his low brow propensity. And that is a reflection of those who wonder why there have been no White House cultural events.

Now culture will be back on the national stage.
Just because you have no regard for high culture, I don't have to wear a red trucker's ball cap.

Is that why galleries, concert halls and museums are in cosmopolitan cities and not out by the fair grounds where demolition derbies are staged?

Sweetie ... I would bet good money I appreciate and enjoy a more broad expanse of cultural events and activities, as well as more often, than you do.
In fact ... I think you are rather retarded if you believe President Trump being in the White House would have any significant impact on what was available.
Unless of course you just want to cry about it not being in the White House, like he didn't spend the weekend at Mara Logo anyway.

Of course maybe you didn't go anywhere. or do anything.
Or maybe your snot nosed, stuck up liberal artsy-fartsy fellow assholes were too scared to do anything in the shithole cities you have created for yourselves.

Trump has shown no interest in promoting, celebrating or honoring American artists.

That alone would indicate his low brow propensity. And that is a reflection of those who wonder why there have been no White House cultural events.

Now culture will be back on the national stage.

Hate to tell you but most people couldn't care less about art and if you think Biden or Harris do then you will be disappointed.
Just because you have no regard for high culture, I don't have to wear a red trucker's ball cap.

Is that why galleries, concert halls and museums are in cosmopolitan cities and not out by the fair grounds where demolition derbies are staged?

Sweetie ... I would bet good money I appreciate and enjoy a more broad expanse of cultural events and activities, as well as more often, than you do.
In fact ... I think you are rather retarded if you believe President Trump being in the White House would have any significant impact on what was available.
Unless of course you just want to cry about it not being in the White House, like he didn't spend the weekend at Mara Logo anyway.

Of course maybe you didn't go anywhere. or do anything.
Or maybe your snot nosed, stuck up liberal artsy-fartsy fellow assholes were too scared to do anything in the shithole cities you have created for yourselves.

Trump has shown no interest in promoting, celebrating or honoring American artists.

That alone would indicate his low brow propensity. And that is a reflection of those who wonder why there have been no White House cultural events.

Now culture will be back on the national stage.
The left's idea of "culture" is "Piss Jesus".
Now that maturity, sanity, dignity, respect and science is back, will the arts follow?

In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house.

Come January, can we expect artists to be honored in the East Room again? I certainly hope so.

The soprano Beverly Sills once said, "Art is the signature of civilization."

For four years, our civilization's signature has been a crudely fashioned X.

Lie, Kid Rock, Kanye west, without even searching google.
Ahh! The A Listers!
For people who are into science you certainly know how to spread disease. The funny thing is that you have heart attacks and strokes because some people do not want to wear masks. Let me tell you about reality. If I went near those riots you called protest with very few wearing masks, I had a thousands of times more chance of dying then getting Covid.
Trump has shown no interest in promoting, celebrating or honoring American artists.

That alone would indicate his low brow propensity. And that is a reflection of those who wonder why there have been no White House cultural events.

Now culture will be back on the national stage.

Nosmo, dang ... Is it that hard for you to notice that you have already been dismissed?

Grown-ups are not waiting for a President to do something for them.
Grown-ups don't need to be instructed on how to think, nor what to appreciate.
Grown-ups don't have to try and make some absent point about the irrelevant, to participate in, celebrate and enjoy their artistic and cultural experiences.

Simply put, all the objections you have expressed are nothing more than a very sophomoric and flawed ideology ... :thup:

Now that maturity, sanity, dignity, respect and science is back, will the arts follow?

In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house.

Come January, can we expect artists to be honored in the East Room again? I certainly hope so.

The soprano Beverly Sills once said, "Art is the signature of civilization."

For four years, our civilization's signature has been a crudely fashioned X.
The Deplorables think that Beverly Sills was Tony Sopranos daughter. Now you have them all confused. Shame on you.;)
Now that maturity, sanity, dignity, respect and science is back, will the arts follow?

In his four years subletting the White House, Trump never hosted musicians, sculptors, writers, painters or poets in the people.'s house.

Come January, can we expect artists to be honored in the East Room again? I certainly hope so.

The soprano Beverly Sills once said, "Art is the signature of civilization."

For four years, our civilization's signature has been a crudely fashioned X.

Science was always welcome. Fauci and the CDC could attest to that.

I'd say the country did pretty damned well for the last four years. Of course that was before the Chinese loosed their virus on the world.
Why hasn`t Trump sued those Chinese mice?
It has been proven over and over for decades that music stimulates certain areas of the brain.

It has been proven over and over and over for decades that children who play a musical instrument and learn music do much better in other subjects like math, reading and logic.

I don't know if there have been studies on how visual art such as drawings or paintings effect the brain but I wouldn't be surprised if they had the same effect as music.

I'm not surprised the trump people don't see the value and benefit of music and art.
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

I'm not surprised the trump people don't see the value and benefit of music and art.

It's really quite more probable that those who support President Trump just live a bit closer to reality.
We live in a day and age where art, culture and music are nothing more than a click away you nit-wit ... :thup:


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