Now that the good guys are in charge, is it time to revisit the 14th amendment?

Actually European immigrants all had their own communities.

And Hispanic immigrants have their own communities... so what's your problem again?

Oh, that's right. They aren't white.

Religion was a big thing back then so their churches reflected their heritage.

Again, Hispanics, pretty religious as a people. Heck, there's a reason why the Catholic Church supports immigration reform. The Mexicans show up for church and the white folks, not so much anymore.

And generally, people are more comfortable being with others of their own kind because they didn't hate their own people like you do.

Naw, man, I just don't think that the guy in the corner office who decides, "Let's cut Joe despite his seniority because he had health problems last year" is "my own people".

In fact, a person of color has never screwed me. When I've been screwed, it's always been by a fellow white male. The best boss i ever had was a Lesbian.
My, my, my... so much hatred and contempt for White Folk... a White Boy so in-love with Blacks and Browns... a.k.a. "Wigger".

Typical mindset of modern-day Liberal-Progressive-Democrats... White, Male, Straight, Christian... all cuss-words in LibSpeak.

That's right... keep throwing rocks at White Folks, inside of two weeks before an election... that worked in November 2016, right? *


Ya know... honest-to-God... if these Tools and Fools can't even figure out that *, I'm not sure I want to give them back the House.


It's also interesting to note that whenever one speaks up against Illegal Aliens and in favor of tighter border controls...

Leftists automatically brand you a racist or xenophobe or other nastiness... whatever the audience will tolerate...

Fortunately, in recent years, much of America has stood up to the LibProg Public Shaming and told 'em go to <bleep> themselves...

Nobody likes to see a sucker wise-up, and it's killing LibProgs, to have to fight so hard, just to stay above water on this issue...

Fortunately, they're drowning in their own track record and their foolhardy, ineffective continuation of old positions and tactics...

A sure sign of dogmatic inflexibility and an inability to both perceive and act upon a need for change in goals and strategies...

Progressives... stalled, and stuck in a rut... ironic... and damned funny.

Hopefully you haven’t fallen for the bullshit that spews from JoeB131
There is no way in hell this dude is Caucasian, I’d wager everything I’ve ever owned on that. This guy HATES whites and loves, loves, loves wetbacks like nobody I’ve ever known. Dude is a fraud, I’m 100% sure of that.

You need professional help with your fetish, weirdo.
So the good 'ol boys are in charge Ray?

Perhaps that's how you look at it from your myopic view. But by the good guys, I mean constitutionalists.

But you want to change the Constitution. Ironic.

No change needed...interpretation, perceived intent needs to be revisited.
The U.S. Constitution was never intended to be an international document, it was not authored for We The People Of Mexico. I know that hurts your feelings.
So the good 'ol boys are in charge Ray?

Perhaps that's how you look at it from your myopic view. But by the good guys, I mean constitutionalists.

But you want to change the Constitution. Ironic.

No change needed...interpretation, perceived intent needs to be revisited.

In other words, you’re not even going to try. You’re just going to tippy-tap from behind your keyboard like a little bitch, just the way you like it.
Can't wait to hear you excuses after we win. Which will it be this time? Russia? Gerrymandering? Voter-ID? Voter suppression? Do you want to pick one now or wait until two weeks? That would give you time to think about it.

You're not going to win.... so I'm not worried about it. I do think that the Gerrymandering gives you guys an unfair advantage, but that's been the case for a long time.

If you believe that a majority of people will want to see a disruption in this economy, I think you're kidding yourself.

Some may not like Trump's personality, but few could criticize all the work he's done--especially when it comes to the economy. It's important for people to see this continue, and few are going to come out and vote against Republicans because Trump gives people mean nicknames.
So the good 'ol boys are in charge Ray?

Perhaps that's how you look at it from your myopic view. But by the good guys, I mean constitutionalists.

But you want to change the Constitution. Ironic.

Show me one post of mine where I said that.

You know the 14th Amendment is part of the Constitution, right?

You know you didn't provide proof of what you claim I said.......right?
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

Where is the Black American outrage over the current application of the 14th Amendment? This amendment was enacted on the behalf of victims of slavery and their families. These people were captured, taken from their homeland and forced into labor. They were innocent victims who broke no laws of this country.

So why now are African Americans not outraged over illegal immigrants who willingly come to this country, and break laws to do so invoking the 14th Amendment, their Amendment?

I’d like to hear from our black members on this, I really would.
I'm a naturalized African....and your conservative friends call me all sorta names...I say the same people that brought slaves and fought the US to keep their slaves, are the same people who complain about immigrants, qnxhor babies, refugees, etc...same breed of racists really.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.
How about revisiting 2nd amendment and electoral college?
...I'm a naturalized African....and your conservative friends call me all sorta names...I say the same people that brought slaves and fought the US to keep their slaves, are the same people who complain about immigrants, qnxhor babies, refugees, etc...same breed of racists really.
That's rather amusing, considering that Blacks have been capturing and enslaving fellow Blacks for untold generations...

That's rather amusing, considering that Blacks have been selling fellow Blacks to Arab and Berber Muslims for a millennia or more...

That's rather amusing, considering that Muslims were selling Blacks to slave-buying Euro-Whites for only a few hundred years...

That's rather amusing, considering that Euro-Whites put an end to slavery on their own soil generations ago...

That's rather amusing, considering that African Slavery persists to this very day, without any help from Euro-Whites...

Euro-Whites made it an economic practice for a few hundred years, willingly aided by African Blacks and Muslims...

African Blacks and Arab and Berber Muslims have spanned the millennia with that practice and never seem to learn...

Not our circus... not our monkeys... and many of us simply don't care any longer.
...I'm a naturalized African....and your conservative friends call me all sorta names...I say the same people that brought slaves and fought the US to keep their slaves, are the same people who complain about immigrants, qnxhor babies, refugees, etc...same breed of racists really.
That's rather amusing, considering that Blacks have been capturing and enslaving fellow Blacks for untold generations...

That's rather amusing, considering that Blacks have been selling fellow Blacks to Arab and Berber Muslims for a millennia or more...

That's rather amusing, considering that Muslims were selling Blacks to slave-buying Euro-Whites for only a few hundred years...

That's rather amusing, considering that Euro-Whites put an end to slavery on their own soil generations ago...

That's rather amusing, considering that African Slavery persists to this very day, without any help from Euro-Whites...

Euro-Whites made it an economic practice for a few hundred years, willingly aided by African Blacks and Muslims...

African Blacks and Arab and Berber Muslims have spanned the millennia with that practice and never seem to learn...

Not our circus... not our monkeys... and many of us simply don't care any longer.
Europeans abolished slavery to go slaughter, enslave African nations and steal their resources. Slaves a long time ago were a commodity, and no north Africans even enslaved Europeans as well and it has nothing to do with religion but merely a cultural heritage and a show of dominance.

It's time to revisit the Fourteenth.

Re-interpret it, in a legal sense, to apply only to slaves of the mid-nineteenth, and to the children of American citizens and legal residents.

I suppose we're stuck grandfathering-in those already here, but it's time to close that loophole - no more Anchor Babies, moving forward.

Why? YOu guys haven't really given a compelling reason why this has to be so, other than your racism.

How about because it’s an incentive for illegals to come here. It was never written for anchor babies because there was no such thing at the time.

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Doesn't matter why it was done. Plain English says it applies to anchor babies.

It very much matters why it was done. HTF can you say it doesn't matter what an Amendment was written for?

Words mean things. When you read the amendment, a common sense reading says it applies to anchor babies. The author cannot testify to what his meaning meant.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

The 14th amendment is the one they use. That one states anyone born in America is an American citizen. Illegals have no problem popping out babies in America. Collecting every social service they can.

The 14th was put in there so the children of ex slaves would be recognized as America citizens. Its not needed anymore.

The Congress should boot the 14th thereby getting rid of the anchor baby bullshit that illegals use. Oh and they use it in the territories as well. No anchor baby. No welfare, Medicaid, food stamps or anything else.

Save we the taxpayer billions.

Build the damned wall to keep all them out.

Then you have to pass a constitutional amendment. The language in the amendment is clear. "All babies born", not some or all but. The current interpretation is exactly what it says.

To hell with a wall.

Yes, that's what I understand. I've been told that the last 30 years or so. Yet today, we own the White House, the House, the Senate, and most of the governorships across the country not counting local positions.

That will end this election cycle. Democrats are poised to take over Michigan and Maine. Florida is leaning Democrat. Iowa, Kansas, and Iowa are dead heats.
The House will likely flip. The Senate is uncertain.

If you believe in polls. Polls try to tell you how to think, not what people are thinking.

Now the polls are starting to tighten up so they can't take blame for highly inaccurate reporting. This is normal though.

Are they tightening up? The polls in Virginia was supposed to be tightening up but on election day the turnout led to a nearly double digit win for Democrats and a surprising loss of 16 House seats in the Virginia House of Delegates for Republicans.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

So your goal is to reduce the demand for our real estate?

I fear loans off our projected real estate values churn our economy. Ask George Bush what happens when imiginary value disappears and ppl have to make the payments they signed up for.

I'll meet you on stopping illegal immigration if we can double the number of legal inmigrands next year. I have looked to the Big Government past and decided we should apply what we learned from The Homestead Act to our empty cities in the Midwest and East.

So in other words you want the US to look like China in another 50 years or so. We currently allow one million new people a year in this country.

Don’t worry about real estate. I believe it was Roy Rogers who once said “Buy land. God ain’t making any more of it.”

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We don't need any more people here legal or otherwise.

We need to stop allowing people in for five years or more. We have enough people in this country.

You don't speak for the whole country. Quiet.

Poor Claudette wants to make America white again. Her kind had better start having babies - QUICKLY (as Dotard would say).
Even with Zero immigration and record slow population growth, we'll be minority white by 2045.
Growth of U.S. Population Is at Slowest Pace Since 1937

Minorities are the largest population in our Grade Schools today. In another 15 years they will be the majority voters in this country.
U.S. School Enrollment Hits Majority-Minority Milestone
who is this "We" paleface. What you dumb inbred racists fail to get is the reason they come here at all is because rich people don't want to pay you a higher wage to work half as hard.

They come here because they know Democrats will welcome them in with open arms. If the Democrats sat home and minded their own business after the last batch invaded us, these people wouldn't even consider coming to this country. They would be in their home country trying to figure out how to improve their plight.

America is not the worlds dumping ground for every vagrant across the globe.

Those people are going to be citizens,and they are going to have long memories.

Only if Democrats get total power of our federal government. That's why I believe they never will because people know that.

The United States was founded by people seeking freedom and this country has a long tradition of doing that. It is hard for people to improve their plight when the drug cartels control power using force. Those cartels exist because of America's desire for drugs. If a market in the US didn't exist then the drug cartels would not exist. Taking asylum requests seriously does not constitute a invasion as there is none.
"We"?? LOL

Yes, we. We as in Republicans.

But the republicans are now garbage. The dregs of our country. This stupid bitch in Pennsylvania talking about walking on his opponent's face with golf spikes??? When I grew up, the republican party was a political party. Respectable. Respectful. I even campaigned for a republican candidate when I was a teenager. We went throughout the state together campaigning. My mother was a republican who actively supported a republican candidate who was on our town's school board. What happened to this party? Running around chanting "lock her up" at rallies and wearing obscene t-shirts against Democrats? Sexperts telling Americans to put aspirins between their knees. This is filth.

Well good for you. Now you support a party that promotes violence. Good choice on your part.
Stupid statement. The Democratic Party does not promote violence. This assertion is ridiculous. I just stated the the republican party is now the party of people from the sewers of the U.S. You need to go to the people on USMB who talk about shooting people; opening fire. All that I said is that the republican party is now the party of the lowest level of American society. How do we manage this? These people actually want respect, yet they are the dirt of our society. How do you handle dirt?
Progressives are all about violence, They are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims

10 pipe bombs showing up in the last few days to a list of prominent Democrats doesn't say anything to you--:auiqs.jpg:

You've got a new arm to the Republican party called the ALT-RIGHT. And they showed up in Charlottesville for Trump and used a car to run over and kill a young woman.


As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

Campaigning on hate, violence & division will attract people that are hateful, violent and want division.
They come here because they know Democrats will welcome them in with open arms. If the Democrats sat home and minded their own business after the last batch invaded us, these people wouldn't even consider coming to this country. They would be in their home country trying to figure out how to improve their plight.

America is not the worlds dumping ground for every vagrant across the globe.

I'm sure someone said the same thing when your forbears came here from Poland.
Trouble is, his ancestors had to book passage across the Atlantic Ocean, limiting the number who could come here.

Today's Illegal Alien pestilence originates just across the Rio Grande and they can walk and swim here in vastly great numbers.

Big frigging difference... a difference no longer to be tolerated.

This is Nova Europe... not Nova Azteca... and it's going to stay that way.

The pestilence that infests this country is white supremacists and neo-nazis that need to be gotten rid off. These are the people Trump is trying to appeal to.

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