Now that the good guys are in charge, is it time to revisit the 14th amendment?

They come here because they know Democrats will welcome them in with open arms. If the Democrats sat home and minded their own business after the last batch invaded us, these people wouldn't even consider coming to this country. They would be in their home country trying to figure out how to improve their plight.

America is not the worlds dumping ground for every vagrant across the globe.

I'm sure someone said the same thing when your forbears came here from Poland.

They came legally. Big difference.
By Jove, I think you've got it.

Of course, I can't speak to the entire North American continent; just the portion of it between the Northern and Southern Borders of the US.

WE decide who comes and goes, not your Barbarian Hordes south of the border.

As long as you have rich white people on THIS side of the border offering them the jobs your dumb white trash ass won't do, they'll cross the border.

Deal with it. The only barbarians are the inbred white trash that keeps voting against my economic interests.

And anyone who wants to bend over and give it to 'em.

Of course... you-and-yours could always decide to fight to take it back.

again, ebb and flow... the world is overcoming it's infection of white people... we are kind of on our way out... we aren't reproducing in adequate numbers to maintain ourselves...

Just like the WASP's got horribly upset when Poles, Germans and Italians came to this country, you have the white bigots today getting upset about Hispanics... but the country turns out fine, don't worry about it. We'll all look back at Trump the way we look back at racists of the 1920's...
They came legally. Big difference.

Not really.

Yes, really. I was born in an immigrant community and lived there until 8 years old. People were legal, had jobs, and came here to become Americans--not to use America. Nobody had to learn their language outside of our community. They strived to learn English and as much as they could every day. This was long before the internet, CD's, even cassette tapes where language translation was so convenient. In fact our local school held English classes in the evenings for free to teach the immigrants about our language and society itself.
Yes, really. I was born in an immigrant community and lived there until 8 years old. People were legal, had jobs, and came here to become Americans--not to use America. Nobody had to learn their language outside of our community. They strived to learn English and as much as they could every day. This was long before the internet, CD's, even cassette tapes where language translation was so convenient. In fact our local school held English classes in the evenings for free to teach the immigrants about our language and society itself.

Uh, frankly, in Chicago, we have Poles who still haven't bothered to speak English and you can go into Polish neighborhoods and see signs in Polish.. and it was that way growing up. But, hey, again, they were white and got a pass from bigots like you.

Most Hispanics I know speak English...
Yes, really. I was born in an immigrant community and lived there until 8 years old. People were legal, had jobs, and came here to become Americans--not to use America. Nobody had to learn their language outside of our community. They strived to learn English and as much as they could every day. This was long before the internet, CD's, even cassette tapes where language translation was so convenient. In fact our local school held English classes in the evenings for free to teach the immigrants about our language and society itself.

Uh, frankly, in Chicago, we have Poles who still haven't bothered to speak English and you can go into Polish neighborhoods and see signs in Polish.. and it was that way growing up. But, hey, again, they were white and got a pass from bigots like you.

Most Hispanics I know speak English...

Yes, and the world goes no further than your front door. Well watch the news sometime; especially with these new criminals ready to invade our country and tell me how many of them speak English. And what is it about "outside our community" that you did not understand?
Yes, and the world goes no further than your front door. Well watch the news sometime; especially with these new criminals ready to invade our country and tell me how many of them speak English. And what is it about "outside our community" that you did not understand?

Well, um, guy, the fact that the Poles had a "community" tells me that they weren't assimilating, doesn't it? Seriously, two jobs back, most of the Poles on the assembly floor, you couldn't communicate with them at all... their English was so bad.

But then again, they are white, so that's all cool.
Yes, and the world goes no further than your front door. Well watch the news sometime; especially with these new criminals ready to invade our country and tell me how many of them speak English. And what is it about "outside our community" that you did not understand?

Well, um, guy, the fact that the Poles had a "community" tells me that they weren't assimilating, doesn't it? Seriously, two jobs back, most of the Poles on the assembly floor, you couldn't communicate with them at all... their English was so bad.

But then again, they are white, so that's all cool.

Actually European immigrants all had their own communities. Religion was a big thing back then so their churches reflected their heritage. They had some masses in their native language. We didn't have huge markets back then, it was mostly little stores where immigrants could purchase the food they were used to eating. And generally, people are more comfortable being with others of their own kind because they didn't hate their own people like you do.
Actually European immigrants all had their own communities.

And Hispanic immigrants have their own communities... so what's your problem again?

Oh, that's right. They aren't white.

Religion was a big thing back then so their churches reflected their heritage.

Again, Hispanics, pretty religious as a people. Heck, there's a reason why the Catholic Church supports immigration reform. The Mexicans show up for church and the white folks, not so much anymore.

And generally, people are more comfortable being with others of their own kind because they didn't hate their own people like you do.

Naw, man, I just don't think that the guy in the corner office who decides, "Let's cut Joe despite his seniority because he had health problems last year" is "my own people".

In fact, a person of color has never screwed me. When I've been screwed, it's always been by a fellow white male. The best boss i ever had was a Lesbian.
Actually European immigrants all had their own communities.

And Hispanic immigrants have their own communities... so what's your problem again?

Oh, that's right. They aren't white.

Religion was a big thing back then so their churches reflected their heritage.

Again, Hispanics, pretty religious as a people. Heck, there's a reason why the Catholic Church supports immigration reform. The Mexicans show up for church and the white folks, not so much anymore.

And generally, people are more comfortable being with others of their own kind because they didn't hate their own people like you do.

Naw, man, I just don't think that the guy in the corner office who decides, "Let's cut Joe despite his seniority because he had health problems last year" is "my own people".

In fact, a person of color has never screwed me. When I've been screwed, it's always been by a fellow white male. The best boss i ever had was a Lesbian.
My, my, my... so much hatred and contempt for White Folk... a White Boy so in-love with Blacks and Browns... a.k.a. "Wigger".

Typical mindset of modern-day Liberal-Progressive-Democrats... White, Male, Straight, Christian... all cuss-words in LibSpeak.

That's right... keep throwing rocks at White Folks, inside of two weeks before an election... that worked in November 2016, right? *


Ya know... honest-to-God... if these Tools and Fools can't even figure out that *, I'm not sure I want to give them back the House.


It's also interesting to note that whenever one speaks up against Illegal Aliens and in favor of tighter border controls...

Leftists automatically brand you a racist or xenophobe or other nastiness... whatever the audience will tolerate...

Fortunately, in recent years, much of America has stood up to the LibProg Public Shaming and told 'em go to <bleep> themselves...

Nobody likes to see a sucker wise-up, and it's killing LibProgs, to have to fight so hard, just to stay above water on this issue...

Fortunately, they're drowning in their own track record and their foolhardy, ineffective continuation of old positions and tactics...

A sure sign of dogmatic inflexibility and an inability to both perceive and act upon a need for change in goals and strategies...

Progressives... stalled, and stuck in a rut... ironic... and damned funny.
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And Hispanic immigrants have their own communities... so what's your problem again?

Oh, that's right. They aren't white.

No, the problem is we are being pressured into a bilingual society. That didn't happen outside our neighborhood.

Again, Hispanics, pretty religious as a people. Heck, there's a reason why the Catholic Church supports immigration reform. The Mexicans show up for church and the white folks, not so much anymore.

And who do we have to thank for that? So you think all Hispanics are Catholic?

Naw, man, I just don't think that the guy in the corner office who decides, "Let's cut Joe despite his seniority because he had health problems last year" is "my own people".

In fact, a person of color has never screwed me. When I've been screwed, it's always been by a fellow white male. The best boss i ever had was a Lesbian.

If you were let go it must have been a hell of a lot more than health problems, and probably your health problems probably had nothing to do with it. The few times I was laid off it was always by a white person, but their race had nothing to do with it. Most supervisors and employers are white or Jewish.
My, my, my... so much hatred and contempt for White Folk... a White Boy so in-love with Blacks and Browns... a.k.a. "Wigger".

Typical mindset of modern-day Liberal-Progressive-Democrats... White, Male, Straight, Christian... all cuss-words in LibSpeak.

That's right... keep throwing rocks at White Folks, inside of two weeks before an election... that worked in November 2016, right? *

Many white folks are decent enough to realize that we have a race problem in this country.

Which is why you guys are going to lose the house and most of the governor mansions in two weeks.

And with the stock market crashing, even the dumbest racists are going to figure out Trump was a bad deal for them.
No, the problem is we are being pressured into a bilingual society. That didn't happen outside our neighborhood.

Whose pressuring you? I mean, no one has made me learn Spanish... how about you?

And who do we have to thank for that? So you think all Hispanics are Catholic?

Well,I think it will be a great day when all the Churches close because people stop falling for their bullshit, but the reality is, too many of you fall for the scam.

If you were let go it must have been a hell of a lot more than health problems, and probably your health problems probably had nothing to do with it. The few times I was laid off it was always by a white person, but their race had nothing to do with it. Most supervisors and employers are white or Jewish.

No, it was pretty much that. Got outstanding reviews every year.. But man, the minute I started running up medical bills, that was it. I was someone they wanted to get rid of really bad. They tried to get me to quit on my own, and man, I tried, but Bush fucked up the economy so bad that wasn't an option. So eventually, they paid me a big old severance package...
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

No, it’s not time for the Constitution to stop. If YOU don’t want to be a US citizen, renounce and go live somewhere else.
My, my, my... so much hatred and contempt for White Folk... a White Boy so in-love with Blacks and Browns... a.k.a. "Wigger".

Typical mindset of modern-day Liberal-Progressive-Democrats... White, Male, Straight, Christian... all cuss-words in LibSpeak.

That's right... keep throwing rocks at White Folks, inside of two weeks before an election... that worked in November 2016, right? *

Many white folks are decent enough to realize that we have a race problem in this country.

Which is why you guys are going to lose the house and most of the governor mansions in two weeks.

And with the stock market crashing, even the dumbest racists are going to figure out Trump was a bad deal for them.

Can't wait to hear you excuses after we win. Which will it be this time? Russia? Gerrymandering? Voter-ID? Voter suppression? Do you want to pick one now or wait until two weeks? That would give you time to think about it.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

No, it’s not time for the Constitution to stop. If YOU don’t want to be a US citizen, renounce and go live somewhere else.

No, it's time for the Constitution to be decided on for the intent of the amendments.
Can't wait to hear you excuses after we win. Which will it be this time? Russia? Gerrymandering? Voter-ID? Voter suppression? Do you want to pick one now or wait until two weeks? That would give you time to think about it.

You're not going to win.... so I'm not worried about it. I do think that the Gerrymandering gives you guys an unfair advantage, but that's been the case for a long time.
My, my, my... so much hatred and contempt for White Folk... a White Boy so in-love with Blacks and Browns... a.k.a. "Wigger".

Typical mindset of modern-day Liberal-Progressive-Democrats... White, Male, Straight, Christian... all cuss-words in LibSpeak.

That's right... keep throwing rocks at White Folks, inside of two weeks before an election... that worked in November 2016, right? *

Many white folks are decent enough to realize that we have a race problem in this country. ..
Most white folks are busy with their careers and paying mortgages and raising their kids and holding their own.

...Which is why you guys are going to lose the house and most of the governor mansions in two weeks. ..
After November 8, 2016, I am done believing polls; preferring to wait until the Ultimate Polling closes on Election Day.

...And with the stock market crashing, even the dumbest racists are going to figure out Trump was a bad deal for them.
Trump is a bad deal for everyone, but so was Shrillary; folks will choose the lesser of two very great evils in two weeks.

Whichever evil wins, it will be a bad deal for everyone.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

No, it’s not time for the Constitution to stop. If YOU don’t want to be a US citizen, renounce and go live somewhere else.

No, it's time for the Constitution to be decided on for the intent of the amendments.

Go ahead and try to change the Constitution. You will fail.
Actually European immigrants all had their own communities.

And Hispanic immigrants have their own communities... so what's your problem again?

Oh, that's right. They aren't white.

Religion was a big thing back then so their churches reflected their heritage.

Again, Hispanics, pretty religious as a people. Heck, there's a reason why the Catholic Church supports immigration reform. The Mexicans show up for church and the white folks, not so much anymore.

And generally, people are more comfortable being with others of their own kind because they didn't hate their own people like you do.

Naw, man, I just don't think that the guy in the corner office who decides, "Let's cut Joe despite his seniority because he had health problems last year" is "my own people".

In fact, a person of color has never screwed me. When I've been screwed, it's always been by a fellow white male. The best boss i ever had was a Lesbian.
My, my, my... so much hatred and contempt for White Folk... a White Boy so in-love with Blacks and Browns... a.k.a. "Wigger".

Typical mindset of modern-day Liberal-Progressive-Democrats... White, Male, Straight, Christian... all cuss-words in LibSpeak.

That's right... keep throwing rocks at White Folks, inside of two weeks before an election... that worked in November 2016, right? *


Ya know... honest-to-God... if these Tools and Fools can't even figure out that *, I'm not sure I want to give them back the House.


It's also interesting to note that whenever one speaks up against Illegal Aliens and in favor of tighter border controls...

Leftists automatically brand you a racist or xenophobe or other nastiness... whatever the audience will tolerate...

Fortunately, in recent years, much of America has stood up to the LibProg Public Shaming and told 'em go to <bleep> themselves...

Nobody likes to see a sucker wise-up, and it's killing LibProgs, to have to fight so hard, just to stay above water on this issue...

Fortunately, they're drowning in their own track record and their foolhardy, ineffective continuation of old positions and tactics...

A sure sign of dogmatic inflexibility and an inability to both perceive and act upon a need for change in goals and strategies...

Progressives... stalled, and stuck in a rut... ironic... and damned funny.

Hopefully you haven’t fallen for the bullshit that spews from JoeB131
There is no way in hell this dude is Caucasian, I’d wager everything I’ve ever owned on that. This guy HATES whites and loves, loves, loves wetbacks like nobody I’ve ever known. Dude is a fraud, I’m 100% sure of that.

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