Now that the good guys are in charge, is it time to revisit the 14th amendment?

Sounds more like you are just too lazy to look very hard. I think you just enjoy complaining about Obama... it's easy for a loser racist to blame his fail on a black guy.

Only when it's the black guys fault. Trust me, I've looked for jobs in the past, and never seen anything like this. Oh, it can't be the black guys fault......he's black after all. It must be everybody but.

Like driving a truck in a straight line. that takes a lot of skill.

I find it amusing that you whine about being cheated, but think it's okay to cheat others.

Who am I cheating?

You couldn't do my job if you tried. Probably crap your pants and somebody would have to change you.

Look, everyone, Ray brought the Racism.

I did? Who brought this up in the first place?

That he as a racist that was easily brainwashed... but what made him bitter was that he didn't get into Special Forces like he wanted to.

that's when he fell in iwth the racist nuts.

But he served his country. Isn't that what you said it takes to prove you love your country?

And what's lost on you is that you are white... so when you lose the accent and the culture, you just look like any other white guy. The same thing with the Germans. When my Grandfather came here after getting away from Hitler, he called himself "Louis" instead of "Ludwig" and pronounced the last name with a soft U instead of hard U so it would sound more American.

But, yeah, bigotry was a real thing then, it's a real thing now. that's how the One Percent keeps you stupid, giving you someone to hate other than them.

Yes, racism was very real back then, but you need to quit living in the past.
It would be nice to see these kinds of issues addressed as actual amendments to the Constitution - which would require real national consensus - instead of chickenshit laws passed with a fleeting 51% majority.

The answer would be that libtards should stop electing their 49% which are morons!

It seems like the point whizzed right on by you.

Nope! Got it. You don't because you are part of that 49%.
Only when it's the black guys fault. Trust me, I've looked for jobs in the past, and never seen anything like this. Oh, it can't be the black guys fault......he's black after all. It must be everybody but.

Hey, try looking somewhere other than Dead Hooker's LIst, you'd probably be able to find a job pretty easily. But it's more fun for you to complain about how a black president screwed you.

Who am I cheating?

You couldn't do my job if you tried. Probably crap your pants and somebody would have to change you.

Again, drove a truck for the Army. Realized I could do better things.

Yes, racism was very real back then, but you need to quit living in the past.

Racism is just as real now. You know, I thought we got past it when we elected Obama, but then Trump stole the presidency and we all went along with it, so probably not.
Hey, try looking somewhere other than Dead Hooker's LIst, you'd probably be able to find a job pretty easily. But it's more fun for you to complain about how a black president screwed you.

Let's see, this half-breed created this policy, and the week it went into effect, I lost my insurance; insurance I've had all my working life. So who's fault is that? Duh!

Again, drove a truck for the Army. Realized I could do better things.

You drove a straight truck, not a tractor-trailer. I did both, and trust me, it's apples and oranges.

Racism is just as real now. You know, I thought we got past it when we elected Obama, but then Trump stole the presidency and we all went along with it, so probably not.

When we elected DumBama? You mean when the Knockout Game started? You mean when we had two riots in black communities? You mean "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" Obama? You mean like the Beer Summit Obama?
Let's see, this half-breed created this policy, and the week it went into effect, I lost my insurance; insurance I've had all my working life. So who's fault is that? Duh!

Naw, you're not racist at all, Ray.

Did he personally go down and tell your boss to cancel insurance? Or did your boss just have the excuse he needed. Did he stop you from looking on Indeed for a better job? Did he call every place you interviewed at and tell them not to hire you?

When we elected DumBama? You mean when the Knockout Game started? You mean when we had two riots in black communities? You mean "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" Obama? You mean like the Beer Summit Obama?

First of all, the 'knockout game" was something Fox News made up. Can't believe you fell for that. The Riots happened because racist cops shot black children and got away with it. Oh, yeah, and the "Beer Summit" wasn't the problem, a racist cop arresting a distinguished black professor IN HIS OWN HOME was the problem.
Naw, you're not racist at all, Ray.

Did he personally go down and tell your boss to cancel insurance? Or did your boss just have the excuse he needed. Did he stop you from looking on Indeed for a better job? Did he call every place you interviewed at and tell them not to hire you?

Do you think the pig had to visit my employer personally? Many small businesses did exactly as my employer did and Ears didn't visit them either. Yes, DumBama changed the entire playing field. He should have conducted himself like a President instead of a Communist leader.

First of all, the 'knockout game" was something Fox News made up. Can't believe you fell for that. The Riots happened because racist cops shot black children and got away with it. Oh, yeah, and the "Beer Summit" wasn't the problem, a racist cop arresting a distinguished black professor IN HIS OWN HOME was the problem.

Fox made up? Would you like me to post the countless reports of it happening from sources outside of Fox?

No, it was real. Maybe you just don't understand what the Knockout game was all about. You see, blacks targeted white victims to attack. They had to be white to be part of the game. The idea was to sucker punch them as hard as they could knocking them out or killing them simply because they were white.

Like I said, I have a folder of stories of victims of the Knockout game if you want to see them. The only time a hate crime charge was issued was when some lowlife attacked a Jewish guy. Other than that, no hate crime charges on any of the attackers.

Yes, when a suspect fights with the police even in their own home (which the officer was simply trying to verify) you get arrested no matter what race you are.
Do you think the pig had to visit my employer personally? Many small businesses did exactly as my employer did and Ears didn't visit them either. Yes, DumBama changed the entire playing field. He should have conducted himself like a President instead of a Communist leader.

I think your employer blamed Obama for what he was planning to do all along. Most companies I know not only didn't drop insurance, they improved their programs to comply with ACA.

Fox made up? Would you like me to post the countless reports of it happening from sources outside of Fox?

No, it was real. Maybe you just don't understand what the Knockout game was all about. You see, blacks targeted white victims to attack. They had to be white to be part of the game. The idea was to sucker punch them as hard as they could knocking them out or killing them simply because they were white.

again, they'll all be right wing sources that pretend it was a thing that was happening. That's how they keep dumb white people scared.

Sorry, Conservative Media: The "Knockout Game" Trend Is a Myth

Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

You see, this is how the One Percent keeps you stupid, Ray. They create all these moral panics playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears why they screw you.

Like I said, I have a folder of stories of victims of the Knockout game if you want to see them.

Why the fuck would you keep a folder on that shit? Oh, that's right, because you are totally not racist.

The only time a hate crime charge was issued was when some lowlife attacked a Jewish guy. Other than that, no hate crime charges on any of the attackers.

Because they really weren't happening, dude.

Yes, when a suspect fights with the police even in their own home (which the officer was simply trying to verify) you get arrested no matter what race you are.

Let's not forget, these same right wingers supported Randy Weaver and David Koresh when they SHOT federal agents on their property. in fact, that's why you nuts think (white) people should have guns, to shoot at the government.

But a black guy yells at a racist cop who assumed he had to be robbing the place if he lived in a nice neighborhood? Arrest that N*****!
I think your employer blamed Obama for what he was planning to do all along. Most companies I know not only didn't drop insurance, they improved their programs to comply with ACA.

Sure, he was planning all along, and DumBama just happened to have it timed just right, is that what you're saying?

If I was going to try to do something stupid like sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it was a leftist because you people will believe anything.

again, they'll all be right wing sources that pretend it was a thing that was happening. That's how they keep dumb white people scared.

Sorry, Conservative Media: The "Knockout Game" Trend Is a Myth

Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

You see, this is how the One Percent keeps you stupid, Ray. They create all these moral panics playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears why they screw you.

Every one of these sites are Commie sites. Oh, these reports had noting to do with the knockout game, they were random acts of violence. Right, who just walks up to strangers of an opposite race, hits them, and runs away for no reason at all. Only a brainwashed leftist would believe this crap.

Let's not forget, these same right wingers supported Randy Weaver and David Koresh when they SHOT federal agents on their property. in fact, that's why you nuts think (white) people should have guns, to shoot at the government.

But a black guy yells at a racist cop who assumed he had to be robbing the place if he lived in a nice neighborhood? Arrest that N*****!

No, because a neighbor called police stating that a black guy was trying to break into a home.

According to the police report, Crowley arrived at the scene, went up to the front door, and asked Gates to step outside. Crowley explained he was investigating the report of a break-in in progress; as he did so, Gates opened the front door and said, "Why, because I'm a black man in America?"

Crowley's report states that he believed Gates was lawfully in the residence, but that he was surprised and confused by Gates' behavior, which included a threat that Crowley did not know who he was "messing with."

Crowley then told Gates that he was leaving his residence and that if Gates wanted to continue discussing the matter, he would speak to him outside. Gates replied, "Yeah, I'll speak with your mama outside."

Gates stepped onto his front porch and continued to yell at Crowley, accusing him of racial bias and saying he had not heard the last of him. Faced with this tumultuous behavior from Gates, even though he was still standing on his own front porch, Crowley warned Gates that he was becoming disorderly. When Gates ignored this warning and persisted in his behavior, and likewise ignored a second warning from Crowley, Crowley informed him that he was under arrest.[1]

Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy - Wikipedia

I want to see one white person act like this at a police officer and not be arrested. I've seen white people arrested for a lot less. Oh, and as to this evil racist police officer; from the same link:

Sgt. James Crowley's supporters noted he was chosen by a black police commissioner to serve as an instructor for a Lowell Police Academy course entitled "Racial Profiling", which Crowley has taught since 2004. While working as a campus police officer at Brandeis University in 1993, Crowley had tried to revive African American Boston Celtics star Reggie Lewis with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after the latter suffered a fatal heart attack.[33] Crowley received public support from many police officers, including African Americans, who portrayed him as a good and fair officer.[34][35]
Sure, he was planning all along, and DumBama just happened to have it timed just right, is that what you're saying?

If I was going to try to do something stupid like sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it was a leftist because you people will believe anything.

Again, guy, you are the only person who told me this... and apparently you can't find a better job in a 3.7% unemployment economy... and your company cut insurance while most other companies improved their programs.

Every one of these sites are Commie sites. Oh, these reports had noting to do with the knockout game, they were random acts of violence. Right, who just walks up to strangers of an opposite race, hits them, and runs away for no reason at all. Only a brainwashed leftist would believe this crap.

USA Today and Slate are "Commies"? Really? You guys live in your own reality. There was no "knockout game." Fox just made that shit up. Kind of like the "Creepy Clown" panic of a couple of years ago. Or the "Satanic Panic" of a few decades ago.... That's how they keep you stupid, ray, by keeping you scared and selling you guns.

No, because a neighbor called police stating that a black guy was trying to break into a home.

Okay, so you go into the whole thing, and he yelled at a racist cop... which last time I checked, he had every right to do under the First Amendment. The MINUTE he determined that this was Gate's house, he should have gotten back into his car and left. Period.

This officer acted stupidly. Period. And we are kind of done with bullies with badges.
Again, guy, you are the only person who told me this... and apparently you can't find a better job in a 3.7% unemployment economy... and your company cut insurance while most other companies improved their programs.

Nobody improved their programs because Commie Care offers the worst. Last year the best policy they could offer cost me 20% of my net pay, had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It was absolutely worthless and even the worker on the phone told me she could never afford it.

If it was so great, why are we taxpayers still giving government employees great healthcare coverage? They should have had to go on Commie Care like the millions that lost their insurance like I did. Do you know why? Because it's garbage and many of the workers would have quit. But of course, they have dupes like you who think it was the most wonderful program ever created.

USA Today and Slate are "Commies"? Really? You guys live in your own reality. There was no "knockout game." Fox just made that shit up. Kind of like the "Creepy Clown" panic of a couple of years ago. Or the "Satanic Panic" of a few decades ago.... That's how they keep you stupid, ray, by keeping you scared and selling you guns.

Do you bother reading your own links? Guess where USA got their information from.

New Yorkers are getting brutally sucker punched in the face because of a vicious game

Deadly "knockout game": what it is and why teens are playing it - CBS News

The rise of the 'Knockout Game' leaves New York terrified | Daily Mail Online

Okay, so you go into the whole thing, and he yelled at a racist cop... which last time I checked, he had every right to do under the First Amendment. The MINUTE he determined that this was Gate's house, he should have gotten back into his car and left. Period.

This officer acted stupidly. Period. And we are kind of done with bullies with badges.

He was heading back to his car when the piece of garbage decided to follow and challenge the officer several times. He was looking to make an issue out of this and hoping to be arrested.

You people don't belong in a civilized society. You belong in a jungle where there are no laws or authority. Over here, we have authority and it's expected that the citizens respect that authority. We have laws that you don't violate without penalty.
Nobody improved their programs because Commie Care offers the worst. Last year the best policy they could offer cost me 20% of my net pay, had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and a $50.00 office copay. It was absolutely worthless and even the worker on the phone told me she could never afford it.

again, was able to get a pretty good policy for less than $3000 a year. Kind of like finding a new job, it requires you to actually LOOK.

If it was so great, why are we taxpayers still giving government employees great healthcare coverage? They should have had to go on Commie Care like the millions that lost their insurance like I did. Do you know why? Because it's garbage and many of the workers would have quit. But of course, they have dupes like you who think it was the most wonderful program ever created.

The only employers that dropped coverage were the ones who were providing shit coverage that didn't meet standards. They'd have dropped coverage anyway.

Do you bother reading your own links? Guess where USA got their information from.

And still concluded it wasn't really happening... just another media panic. Kind of like Shark Week.

He was heading back to his car when the piece of garbage decided to follow and challenge the officer several times. He was looking to make an issue out of this and hoping to be arrested.

Or he was RIGHTFULLY outraged that a Racist cop treated him like a criminal just for being black. Guess what, the days white folks can do that shit are OVER, buddy, despite your fuhrer in the White House. Now we catch them on tape and fire them.

Like the cops who tasered the NBA player. FIRED.

The guy who chased down the black motorist and yelled racist obscenities at him. DRIVEN OUT OF BUSINESS.

The bitch who said, "How dare you be in my building?" FIRED

It's a new world, one where racists aren't welcome.

You people don't belong in a civilized society. You belong in a jungle where there are no laws or authority. Over here, we have authority and it's expected that the citizens respect that authority. We have laws that you don't violate without penalty.

Guy, I have no desire to live in a fascist, racist police state. Civilization means the cops are held to the same laws the rest of us are.

If cops treated white people like that, you'd be screaming bloody murder.
again, was able to get a pretty good policy for less than $3000 a year. Kind of like finding a new job, it requires you to actually LOOK.

Well staying ignorant doesn't help either. So next time you call your insurance company, ask if a person with preexisting conditions can get insurance outside of Commie Care. Learn something.

The only employers that dropped coverage were the ones who were providing shit coverage that didn't meet standards. They'd have dropped coverage anyway.

Even if that was the case, shit coverage is better than no coverage. And no, nobody would have dropped their insurance because before Hussein ruined healthcare in this country, most every employer offered it.

And still concluded it wasn't really happening... just another media panic. Kind of like Shark Week.

I see you didn't read any of my links........expected. Stay brainwashed by your masters.

Or he was RIGHTFULLY outraged that a Racist cop treated him like a criminal just for being black. Guess what, the days white folks can do that shit are OVER, buddy, despite your fuhrer in the White House. Now we catch them on tape and fire them.

Treated him like a criminal by asking for an ID? Most white people would have been arrested much sooner than the cop arrested this fat pig.

Guy, I have no desire to live in a fascist, racist police state. Civilization means the cops are held to the same laws the rest of us are.

Except when it comes to using a firearm, huh?

If cops treated white people like that, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

They do treat white people like that, but you are too brainwashed to open your eyes.
No it wasn't just fine because most never came back for their hearing because the excuse they gave the government wouldn't hold up in court.

Actually, most of them did... they wanted legal residency.

The reality is, there is no illegal immigration crisis. The number of undocumented immigrants leveled off in 2011 and has stayed consistent since then.
You mean illegal aliens you stupid ass motherfucker

It's time for the US Supreme Court to revisit the Fourteenth.

Re-interpret it, in a legal sense, to apply only to slaves of the mid-nineteenth, and to the children of American citizens and legal residents.

I suppose we're stuck grandfathering-in those already here, but it's time to close that loophole - no more Anchor Babies, moving forward.

We've got all the Beaners we're gonna need for a long, long time to come.

It's time to revisit the Fourteenth.

Re-interpret it, in a legal sense, to apply only to slaves of the mid-nineteenth, and to the children of American citizens and legal residents.

I suppose we're stuck grandfathering-in those already here, but it's time to close that loophole - no more Anchor Babies, moving forward.

Why? YOu guys haven't really given a compelling reason why this has to be so, other than your racism.

It's time to revisit the Fourteenth.

Re-interpret it, in a legal sense, to apply only to slaves of the mid-nineteenth, and to the children of American citizens and legal residents.

I suppose we're stuck grandfathering-in those already here, but it's time to close that loophole - no more Anchor Babies, moving forward.

Why? YOu guys haven't really given a compelling reason why this has to be so, other than your racism.
Why not?

It's our country, not theirs.

Our country... our rules...

We can do whatever-the-hell we want...

Time to shove you Leftist-globalists out of the way, in this context, and to put an end to this Anchor Baby $hit.


Because it pleases us to do so.

That's all the reason we need...

Screw the economics... screw the politics... screw the rationale... and screw arguing about it any longer with you Leftists...

It pleases us to do so...

That's all the reason we need.
Why not?

It's our country, not theirs.

Our country... our rules...

We can do whatever-the-hell we want...

who is this "We" paleface. What you dumb inbred racists fail to get is the reason they come here at all is because rich people don't want to pay you a higher wage to work half as hard.

Time to shove you Leftist-globalists out of the way, in this context, and to put an end to this Anchor Baby $hit.


Because it pleases us to do so.

That's all the reason we need.

Well, sorry, man, the Constitution says otherwise... and just like we can't take your guns away because of poor wording in the second, you have to put up with birthright citizenship because of poor wording in the 14th.

Those people are going to be citizens,and they are going to have long memories.

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