Now that the good guys are in charge, is it time to revisit the 14th amendment?

New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

The 14th amendment is the one they use. That one states anyone born in America is an American citizen. Illegals have no problem popping out babies in America. Collecting every social service they can.

The 14th was put in there so the children of ex slaves would be recognized as America citizens. Its not needed anymore.

The Congress should boot the 14th thereby getting rid of the anchor baby bullshit that illegals use. Oh and they use it in the territories as well. No anchor baby. No welfare, Medicaid, food stamps or anything else.

Save we the taxpayer billions.

Build the damned wall to keep all them out.
Amazing....someone claiming to be a U.S. citizen who thinks Congress can just boot an Amendment. :71:
14 th Amendment is a cornerstone of our Constitution

It ain’t going nowhere

It was not even legally Amended to the Constitution! It was an effort to punish the Confederate states who were forced to support it even though Congress did not consider them part of the Union states. How can a state not part of the Union vote on an Amendment? Null and void!
Because your rich boss cheated you and you aren't man enough to do something about it.

Not much can be done when Communists ruin the country. Nobody is offering insurance anymore as if I need to keep repeating the same thing a hundred times. But you are so dense and so hard headed you refuse to lay the blame where it properly belongs because oh........we can never blame the black man.

Again, the immigrants are doing the jobs that white trash like you don't want to do... I can't imagine they'd ever offer you enough to wash dishes or clean toilets... you'd consider that job beneath you....

Let me tell you something, I did plenty of those jobs when I was younger for shit money to boot. But back then, we didn't have able bodied people living off of taxpayers like we do today. I've scrubbed plenty of toilets when I worked for an industrial cleaning company. I cleaned lockers, cleaned showers, mopped floors. When I worked for vending company, I helped clean the huge kitchen where 50 employees worked all day long messing up the place. When I was in the work/ study program in junior high, I used to go into the window wells of the school every morning to clean those out so the sewer drain didn't get plugged up and leak water through the windows of the basement classrooms.

My father was a bricklayer and he did side-jobs when he got home from work and during the weekends. My father and I worked side by side. I used to mix cement, carry clamps of brick, load wheelbarrows of eight inch block, wheel it through the grass or dirt, and unload them at the job site. He paid me one dollar an hour. I used to come home filthier than he did; sand and cement in my hair, cloths so dirty I had to change in the utility room because I couldn't enter the house. Oh yes, I did all those jobs and worse.

Yup, because kids aren't clever like they were when I was growing up... heck, we had the Order of Sister Mary Gestapo teaching us, and We STILL found ways to break the rules.

However your claim here is that the reason kids don't learn anything in school was technology, not foreign kids holding up the class. If that's so, then why do children do well in schools that don't have foreigners?

Why? Frankly, a sign in Spanish doesn't bother me in the least little bit and it has no effect on my life. It obviously bothers you, but that's because you're racist, not acting out of anything rational.

There is nothing rational when people come into your country to take it over. Of course it doesn't bother you. You hate this country and are a self-hating white to boot. Your attitude is typical of the Surrender First whites in this country.

Uh, guy, recognizing we live in a racist as shit society is hardly a problem... it's a recognition of reality. It's kind of like saying I'm obsessed with gravity...

No, it's more like saying you're obsessed with ghosts. It's something that isn't there.
Do they still have shop classes in Ohio schools? I learned basic welding, run a lathe etc. in 9th grade. I recommend it for all who aren't on some type of college track program.
Because your rich boss cheated you and you aren't man enough to do something about it.

Not much can be done when Communists ruin the country. Nobody is offering insurance anymore as if I need to keep repeating the same thing a hundred times. But you are so dense and so hard headed you refuse to lay the blame where it properly belongs because oh........we can never blame the black man.

Again, the immigrants are doing the jobs that white trash like you don't want to do... I can't imagine they'd ever offer you enough to wash dishes or clean toilets... you'd consider that job beneath you....

Let me tell you something, I did plenty of those jobs when I was younger for shit money to boot. But back then, we didn't have able bodied people living off of taxpayers like we do today. I've scrubbed plenty of toilets when I worked for an industrial cleaning company. I cleaned lockers, cleaned showers, mopped floors. When I worked for vending company, I helped clean the huge kitchen where 50 employees worked all day long messing up the place. When I was in the work/ study program in junior high, I used to go into the window wells of the school every morning to clean those out so the sewer drain didn't get plugged up and leak water through the windows of the basement classrooms.

My father was a bricklayer and he did side-jobs when he got home from work and during the weekends. My father and I worked side by side. I used to mix cement, carry clamps of brick, load wheelbarrows of eight inch block, wheel it through the grass or dirt, and unload them at the job site. He paid me one dollar an hour. I used to come home filthier than he did; sand and cement in my hair, cloths so dirty I had to change in the utility room because I couldn't enter the house. Oh yes, I did all those jobs and worse.

Yup, because kids aren't clever like they were when I was growing up... heck, we had the Order of Sister Mary Gestapo teaching us, and We STILL found ways to break the rules.

However your claim here is that the reason kids don't learn anything in school was technology, not foreign kids holding up the class. If that's so, then why do children do well in schools that don't have foreigners?

Why? Frankly, a sign in Spanish doesn't bother me in the least little bit and it has no effect on my life. It obviously bothers you, but that's because you're racist, not acting out of anything rational.

There is nothing rational when people come into your country to take it over. Of course it doesn't bother you. You hate this country and are a self-hating white to boot. Your attitude is typical of the Surrender First whites in this country.

Uh, guy, recognizing we live in a racist as shit society is hardly a problem... it's a recognition of reality. It's kind of like saying I'm obsessed with gravity...

No, it's more like saying you're obsessed with ghosts. It's something that isn't there.
Do they still have shop classes in Ohio schools? I learned basic welding, run a lathe etc. in 9th grade. I recommend it for all who aren't on some type of college track program.

We do have vocational schools but the problem with that is by the time you go through them, everything you learned is outdated.

I took Data Processing in school. Looking back now, it was so primitive. We used to make punch-cards to operate the computer. It took months to make those things, and then half the time typos or some other problem would stop the computer (which was the size of a king sized bed) and give you some code it took hours to figure out.

By the time we left the program, those computers were no longer in use; even the language (cobalt) was no longer used. All the equipment we used was no longer in industry.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

The only way to repeal an amendment is to pass a new one.

Apparently you don't know what the constitution says about passing amendments.

It requires a super majority, that's two thirds of both the House and Senate, to pass the amendment. However it's still not an amendment until it passes a super majority of the states which is three quarters of the states and must do it in a specified amount of time.

Good luck with that.

By the way, anyone who wants to repeal equal protection under the law and wants to deny people born in America citizenship isn't anything close to being a "good guy."

For people who claim they are the only ones who love our constitution you people sure do want to make a lot of changes to it. What's so wrong with it just the way it is? What is so wrong with equal protection under the law and all people who are born in America are citizens? America doesn't have any authority to issue any birth certificate for another nations to anyone born here in America nor do we have different birth certificates for people who are born here.

Your hate for people who aren't like you really is disgusting. You're the minority in this nation and there's no way that the 14th amendment is going to be repealed.


Deal with it.

I think what you should do is not respond to the past couple of posts, and instead, read what was being discussed.

So tell me, where did I suggest that the 14th should be repealed? You can't because I never said that. What I did say is that the 14th should be redefined to it's original intent which was to aid former slaves.

Until Kavanaugh, that could never have been brought up. Now that we have constitutionalists and originalists in leadership, perhaps it should be something the SC should look at: what was the 14th intended for?
Where does it talk about slaves in Section 1?

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I guess in the same place Church and State are or perhaps the clause that makes abortion constitutionally protected.

So one more time: I said the case should be heard on what the Amendment was written for:

According to the Constitution's 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868 to ensure citizenship for the newly emancipated African Americans, "all persons, born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude from automatic citizenship American-born persons whose allegiance to the United States was incomplete. For example, Native Americans were excluded from American citizenship because of their tribal jurisdiction. Also not subject to American jurisdiction were foreign visitors, ambassadors, consuls, and their babies born here. In the case of illegal aliens, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Therefore, some Constitutional scholars argue that the completeness of the allegiance to the United States is impaired and logically precludes automatic citizenship. However, this issue has never been directly decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Because your rich boss cheated you and you aren't man enough to do something about it.

Not much can be done when Communists ruin the country. Nobody is offering insurance anymore as if I need to keep repeating the same thing a hundred times. But you are so dense and so hard headed you refuse to lay the blame where it properly belongs because oh........we can never blame the black man.

Again, the immigrants are doing the jobs that white trash like you don't want to do... I can't imagine they'd ever offer you enough to wash dishes or clean toilets... you'd consider that job beneath you....

Let me tell you something, I did plenty of those jobs when I was younger for shit money to boot. But back then, we didn't have able bodied people living off of taxpayers like we do today. I've scrubbed plenty of toilets when I worked for an industrial cleaning company. I cleaned lockers, cleaned showers, mopped floors. When I worked for vending company, I helped clean the huge kitchen where 50 employees worked all day long messing up the place. When I was in the work/ study program in junior high, I used to go into the window wells of the school every morning to clean those out so the sewer drain didn't get plugged up and leak water through the windows of the basement classrooms.

My father was a bricklayer and he did side-jobs when he got home from work and during the weekends. My father and I worked side by side. I used to mix cement, carry clamps of brick, load wheelbarrows of eight inch block, wheel it through the grass or dirt, and unload them at the job site. He paid me one dollar an hour. I used to come home filthier than he did; sand and cement in my hair, cloths so dirty I had to change in the utility room because I couldn't enter the house. Oh yes, I did all those jobs and worse.

Yup, because kids aren't clever like they were when I was growing up... heck, we had the Order of Sister Mary Gestapo teaching us, and We STILL found ways to break the rules.

However your claim here is that the reason kids don't learn anything in school was technology, not foreign kids holding up the class. If that's so, then why do children do well in schools that don't have foreigners?

Why? Frankly, a sign in Spanish doesn't bother me in the least little bit and it has no effect on my life. It obviously bothers you, but that's because you're racist, not acting out of anything rational.

There is nothing rational when people come into your country to take it over. Of course it doesn't bother you. You hate this country and are a self-hating white to boot. Your attitude is typical of the Surrender First whites in this country.

Uh, guy, recognizing we live in a racist as shit society is hardly a problem... it's a recognition of reality. It's kind of like saying I'm obsessed with gravity...

No, it's more like saying you're obsessed with ghosts. It's something that isn't there.
Do they still have shop classes in Ohio schools? I learned basic welding, run a lathe etc. in 9th grade. I recommend it for all who aren't on some type of college track program.

We do have vocational schools but the problem with that is by the time you go through them, everything you learned is outdated.

I took Data Processing in school. Looking back now, it was so primitive. We used to make punch-cards to operate the computer. It took months to make those things, and then half the time typos or some other problem would stop the computer (which was the size of a king sized bed) and give you some code it took hours to figure out.

By the time we left the program, those computers were no longer in use; even the language (cobalt) was no longer used. All the equipment we used was no longer in industry.
The type of skill I'm talking is a little different, all basic. But think, at age 14 or 15, operating tools like the big time seemed like a pretty big deal to me. Makes me think that the old apprentice programs were good. By the time a kid's a certain age he should know basic education and start in on a skill and making some money instead of goofing off like they do now. Oh well.
Because your rich boss cheated you and you aren't man enough to do something about it.

Not much can be done when Communists ruin the country. Nobody is offering insurance anymore as if I need to keep repeating the same thing a hundred times. But you are so dense and so hard headed you refuse to lay the blame where it properly belongs because oh........we can never blame the black man.

Again, the immigrants are doing the jobs that white trash like you don't want to do... I can't imagine they'd ever offer you enough to wash dishes or clean toilets... you'd consider that job beneath you....

Let me tell you something, I did plenty of those jobs when I was younger for shit money to boot. But back then, we didn't have able bodied people living off of taxpayers like we do today. I've scrubbed plenty of toilets when I worked for an industrial cleaning company. I cleaned lockers, cleaned showers, mopped floors. When I worked for vending company, I helped clean the huge kitchen where 50 employees worked all day long messing up the place. When I was in the work/ study program in junior high, I used to go into the window wells of the school every morning to clean those out so the sewer drain didn't get plugged up and leak water through the windows of the basement classrooms.

My father was a bricklayer and he did side-jobs when he got home from work and during the weekends. My father and I worked side by side. I used to mix cement, carry clamps of brick, load wheelbarrows of eight inch block, wheel it through the grass or dirt, and unload them at the job site. He paid me one dollar an hour. I used to come home filthier than he did; sand and cement in my hair, cloths so dirty I had to change in the utility room because I couldn't enter the house. Oh yes, I did all those jobs and worse.

Yup, because kids aren't clever like they were when I was growing up... heck, we had the Order of Sister Mary Gestapo teaching us, and We STILL found ways to break the rules.

However your claim here is that the reason kids don't learn anything in school was technology, not foreign kids holding up the class. If that's so, then why do children do well in schools that don't have foreigners?

Why? Frankly, a sign in Spanish doesn't bother me in the least little bit and it has no effect on my life. It obviously bothers you, but that's because you're racist, not acting out of anything rational.

There is nothing rational when people come into your country to take it over. Of course it doesn't bother you. You hate this country and are a self-hating white to boot. Your attitude is typical of the Surrender First whites in this country.

Uh, guy, recognizing we live in a racist as shit society is hardly a problem... it's a recognition of reality. It's kind of like saying I'm obsessed with gravity...

No, it's more like saying you're obsessed with ghosts. It's something that isn't there.
Do they still have shop classes in Ohio schools? I learned basic welding, run a lathe etc. in 9th grade. I recommend it for all who aren't on some type of college track program.

We do have vocational schools but the problem with that is by the time you go through them, everything you learned is outdated.

I took Data Processing in school. Looking back now, it was so primitive. We used to make punch-cards to operate the computer. It took months to make those things, and then half the time typos or some other problem would stop the computer (which was the size of a king sized bed) and give you some code it took hours to figure out.

By the time we left the program, those computers were no longer in use; even the language (cobalt) was no longer used. All the equipment we used was no longer in industry.
The type of skill I'm talking is a little different, all basic. But think, at age 14 or 15, operating tools like the big time seemed like a pretty big deal to me. Makes me think that the old apprentice programs were good. By the time a kid's a certain age he should know basic education and start in on a skill and making some money instead of goofing off like they do now. Oh well.

IMO I believe mandatory investment classes should be in high school; particularly in the lower income areas.

The way it is now, the only way to get such an education is through your parents if they have investments. I think a lot of younger poorer kids get robbed of that because their parent(s) are poor and never invested in anything in their lives outside of maybe a house.

Nothing too intense. Just simple things like learning about compound interest. The basics of opening up a business. Real estate investments, stock market investments, the commodities market, things like that. Show the real cost of having children from birth to HS graduation.

I think way too many believe that if you're not born the right color, from the right neighborhood, from the right family, wealth is hopeless unless you become a drug dealer, be great at sports, or make a hit rap song. Let's face it, many of the lower income kids will never make it to college.
Because your rich boss cheated you and you aren't man enough to do something about it.

Not much can be done when Communists ruin the country. Nobody is offering insurance anymore as if I need to keep repeating the same thing a hundred times. But you are so dense and so hard headed you refuse to lay the blame where it properly belongs because oh........we can never blame the black man.

Again, the immigrants are doing the jobs that white trash like you don't want to do... I can't imagine they'd ever offer you enough to wash dishes or clean toilets... you'd consider that job beneath you....

Let me tell you something, I did plenty of those jobs when I was younger for shit money to boot. But back then, we didn't have able bodied people living off of taxpayers like we do today. I've scrubbed plenty of toilets when I worked for an industrial cleaning company. I cleaned lockers, cleaned showers, mopped floors. When I worked for vending company, I helped clean the huge kitchen where 50 employees worked all day long messing up the place. When I was in the work/ study program in junior high, I used to go into the window wells of the school every morning to clean those out so the sewer drain didn't get plugged up and leak water through the windows of the basement classrooms.

My father was a bricklayer and he did side-jobs when he got home from work and during the weekends. My father and I worked side by side. I used to mix cement, carry clamps of brick, load wheelbarrows of eight inch block, wheel it through the grass or dirt, and unload them at the job site. He paid me one dollar an hour. I used to come home filthier than he did; sand and cement in my hair, cloths so dirty I had to change in the utility room because I couldn't enter the house. Oh yes, I did all those jobs and worse.

Yup, because kids aren't clever like they were when I was growing up... heck, we had the Order of Sister Mary Gestapo teaching us, and We STILL found ways to break the rules.

However your claim here is that the reason kids don't learn anything in school was technology, not foreign kids holding up the class. If that's so, then why do children do well in schools that don't have foreigners?

Why? Frankly, a sign in Spanish doesn't bother me in the least little bit and it has no effect on my life. It obviously bothers you, but that's because you're racist, not acting out of anything rational.

There is nothing rational when people come into your country to take it over. Of course it doesn't bother you. You hate this country and are a self-hating white to boot. Your attitude is typical of the Surrender First whites in this country.

Uh, guy, recognizing we live in a racist as shit society is hardly a problem... it's a recognition of reality. It's kind of like saying I'm obsessed with gravity...

No, it's more like saying you're obsessed with ghosts. It's something that isn't there.
Do they still have shop classes in Ohio schools? I learned basic welding, run a lathe etc. in 9th grade. I recommend it for all who aren't on some type of college track program.

We do have vocational schools but the problem with that is by the time you go through them, everything you learned is outdated.

I took Data Processing in school. Looking back now, it was so primitive. We used to make punch-cards to operate the computer. It took months to make those things, and then half the time typos or some other problem would stop the computer (which was the size of a king sized bed) and give you some code it took hours to figure out.

By the time we left the program, those computers were no longer in use; even the language (cobalt) was no longer used. All the equipment we used was no longer in industry.

10 "Lprint" Your are correct
20 goto 10

What I remember from Basic.

Hopefully a tractor fed printer somewhere isn't reading that and printing it over and over again.

We desperately need to get Vocational Education back in the high schools. This needs to happen yesterday.
Because your rich boss cheated you and you aren't man enough to do something about it.

Not much can be done when Communists ruin the country. Nobody is offering insurance anymore as if I need to keep repeating the same thing a hundred times. But you are so dense and so hard headed you refuse to lay the blame where it properly belongs because oh........we can never blame the black man.

Again, the immigrants are doing the jobs that white trash like you don't want to do... I can't imagine they'd ever offer you enough to wash dishes or clean toilets... you'd consider that job beneath you....

Let me tell you something, I did plenty of those jobs when I was younger for shit money to boot. But back then, we didn't have able bodied people living off of taxpayers like we do today. I've scrubbed plenty of toilets when I worked for an industrial cleaning company. I cleaned lockers, cleaned showers, mopped floors. When I worked for vending company, I helped clean the huge kitchen where 50 employees worked all day long messing up the place. When I was in the work/ study program in junior high, I used to go into the window wells of the school every morning to clean those out so the sewer drain didn't get plugged up and leak water through the windows of the basement classrooms.

My father was a bricklayer and he did side-jobs when he got home from work and during the weekends. My father and I worked side by side. I used to mix cement, carry clamps of brick, load wheelbarrows of eight inch block, wheel it through the grass or dirt, and unload them at the job site. He paid me one dollar an hour. I used to come home filthier than he did; sand and cement in my hair, cloths so dirty I had to change in the utility room because I couldn't enter the house. Oh yes, I did all those jobs and worse.

Yup, because kids aren't clever like they were when I was growing up... heck, we had the Order of Sister Mary Gestapo teaching us, and We STILL found ways to break the rules.

However your claim here is that the reason kids don't learn anything in school was technology, not foreign kids holding up the class. If that's so, then why do children do well in schools that don't have foreigners?

Why? Frankly, a sign in Spanish doesn't bother me in the least little bit and it has no effect on my life. It obviously bothers you, but that's because you're racist, not acting out of anything rational.

There is nothing rational when people come into your country to take it over. Of course it doesn't bother you. You hate this country and are a self-hating white to boot. Your attitude is typical of the Surrender First whites in this country.

Uh, guy, recognizing we live in a racist as shit society is hardly a problem... it's a recognition of reality. It's kind of like saying I'm obsessed with gravity...

No, it's more like saying you're obsessed with ghosts. It's something that isn't there.
Do they still have shop classes in Ohio schools? I learned basic welding, run a lathe etc. in 9th grade. I recommend it for all who aren't on some type of college track program.

We do have vocational schools but the problem with that is by the time you go through them, everything you learned is outdated.

I took Data Processing in school. Looking back now, it was so primitive. We used to make punch-cards to operate the computer. It took months to make those things, and then half the time typos or some other problem would stop the computer (which was the size of a king sized bed) and give you some code it took hours to figure out.

By the time we left the program, those computers were no longer in use; even the language (cobalt) was no longer used. All the equipment we used was no longer in industry.

10 "Lprint" Your are correct
20 goto 10

What I remember from Basic.

Hopefully a tractor fed printer somewhere isn't reading that and printing it over and over again.

We desperately need to get Vocational Education back in the high schools. This needs to happen yesterday.

After I got out of school I signed up for an electronics school about five years later. After I learned it didn't pay anything, I dropped out. This was back in the early 80's. A few years later I ordered cable television and the guy that came to install it was a former classmate of mine. He told me how smart I was to drop out of that school. He went for two years and the closest he could get to electronics was installing cable television.

Last year my modem went, and again, the cable guy that came out also had an associates degree in electronics.

Some education becomes useless after a short time.
Because your rich boss cheated you and you aren't man enough to do something about it.

Not much can be done when Communists ruin the country. Nobody is offering insurance anymore as if I need to keep repeating the same thing a hundred times. But you are so dense and so hard headed you refuse to lay the blame where it properly belongs because oh........we can never blame the black man.

Again, the immigrants are doing the jobs that white trash like you don't want to do... I can't imagine they'd ever offer you enough to wash dishes or clean toilets... you'd consider that job beneath you....

Let me tell you something, I did plenty of those jobs when I was younger for shit money to boot. But back then, we didn't have able bodied people living off of taxpayers like we do today. I've scrubbed plenty of toilets when I worked for an industrial cleaning company. I cleaned lockers, cleaned showers, mopped floors. When I worked for vending company, I helped clean the huge kitchen where 50 employees worked all day long messing up the place. When I was in the work/ study program in junior high, I used to go into the window wells of the school every morning to clean those out so the sewer drain didn't get plugged up and leak water through the windows of the basement classrooms.

My father was a bricklayer and he did side-jobs when he got home from work and during the weekends. My father and I worked side by side. I used to mix cement, carry clamps of brick, load wheelbarrows of eight inch block, wheel it through the grass or dirt, and unload them at the job site. He paid me one dollar an hour. I used to come home filthier than he did; sand and cement in my hair, cloths so dirty I had to change in the utility room because I couldn't enter the house. Oh yes, I did all those jobs and worse.

Yup, because kids aren't clever like they were when I was growing up... heck, we had the Order of Sister Mary Gestapo teaching us, and We STILL found ways to break the rules.

However your claim here is that the reason kids don't learn anything in school was technology, not foreign kids holding up the class. If that's so, then why do children do well in schools that don't have foreigners?

Why? Frankly, a sign in Spanish doesn't bother me in the least little bit and it has no effect on my life. It obviously bothers you, but that's because you're racist, not acting out of anything rational.

There is nothing rational when people come into your country to take it over. Of course it doesn't bother you. You hate this country and are a self-hating white to boot. Your attitude is typical of the Surrender First whites in this country.

Uh, guy, recognizing we live in a racist as shit society is hardly a problem... it's a recognition of reality. It's kind of like saying I'm obsessed with gravity...

No, it's more like saying you're obsessed with ghosts. It's something that isn't there.
Do they still have shop classes in Ohio schools? I learned basic welding, run a lathe etc. in 9th grade. I recommend it for all who aren't on some type of college track program.

We do have vocational schools but the problem with that is by the time you go through them, everything you learned is outdated.

I took Data Processing in school. Looking back now, it was so primitive. We used to make punch-cards to operate the computer. It took months to make those things, and then half the time typos or some other problem would stop the computer (which was the size of a king sized bed) and give you some code it took hours to figure out.

By the time we left the program, those computers were no longer in use; even the language (cobalt) was no longer used. All the equipment we used was no longer in industry.

10 "Lprint" Your are correct
20 goto 10

What I remember from Basic.

Hopefully a tractor fed printer somewhere isn't reading that and printing it over and over again.

We desperately need to get Vocational Education back in the high schools. This needs to happen yesterday.

After I got out of school I signed up for an electronics school about five years later. After I learned it didn't pay anything, I dropped out. This was back in the early 80's. A few years later I ordered cable television and the guy that came to install it was a former classmate of mine. He told me how smart I was to drop out of that school. He went for two years and the closest he could get to electronics was installing cable television.

Last year my modem went, and again, the cable guy that came out also had an associates degree in electronics.

Some education becomes useless after a short time.

Way back in the day, I used to play chess in the library with some other students. There was this Hispanic fella who was good at putting a pencil over his index finger, under his middle finger and over his ring finger then slamming his hand on the table and breaking the pencil.

One day, I had one of those big fat pencils (about 1/2 inch in diameter) and asked him to break it. He took it in 2 hands and broke it in two. Asshole!

Anyway, he dropped out in 10th grade. Last I heard, he had something like 4 auto body shops in the Houston area.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

i'll accept your point but completely disagree that republicans are the "good guys".....roy moore is a republican....endorsed by trump and millions voted for him!....moore wants to jail gays! THAT a good guy?

Trump only endorsed Moore because he won the Republican primary. Had Moore not done so, there would never have been an endorsement.

You are allowed to have your opinions, but not your own facts.

In Moore's case there was just about the same evidence as there was with Kavanaugh. In other words, there was no evidence in either case.
I am down with the OP.

14 ammendment was for Slaves who were kidnapped and brought to America against their wills and the children of those slaves to benefit.

Not for people willingly sneaking across the border to shoot out an anchor baby.

We need to take care of the African American underclass, not import a new one.
We need a national SS ID card with a chip and end this b*******.

Yes. We should embed chips in every white male's testicles. It's the only way.

No. That would just give liberals another incentive to eat them.
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.

The 14th amendment is the one they use. That one states anyone born in America is an American citizen. Illegals have no problem popping out babies in America. Collecting every social service they can.

The 14th was put in there so the children of ex slaves would be recognized as America citizens. Its not needed anymore.

The Congress should boot the 14th thereby getting rid of the anchor baby bullshit that illegals use. Oh and they use it in the territories as well. No anchor baby. No welfare, Medicaid, food stamps or anything else.

Save we the taxpayer billions.

Build the damned wall to keep all them out.

Then you have to pass a constitutional amendment. The language in the amendment is clear. "All babies born", not some or all but. The current interpretation is exactly what it says.

To hell with a wall.

Hey libtard! Where do you find the word "babies" in the 14th? You used quotes, so it must be there!
It would be nice to see these kinds of issues addressed as actual amendments to the Constitution - which would require real national consensus - instead of chickenshit laws passed with a fleeting 51% majority.

The answer would be that libtards should stop electing their 49% which are morons!
New wide-ranging analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies‘ Steven Camarotta reveals that there are an estimated 28,000 births to illegal aliens every year in the Los Angeles metro area, exceeding the total number of U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.

The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. and eventually are allowed to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the country through the process known as “chain migration.”

More Anchor Baby Births in Los Angeles than Total U.S. Births in 14 States

If you want to stop the flies from buzzing around you, close the pancake syrup container if you're going to sit outside.

For years the left has been telling us we don't need a wall, just a heavy fine or prison time for employers who hire illegals. Well I have to agree with that, but I also think that anchor babies are just as much of a problem. Come to the US, find a way to stay for a few months, and pop out a baby(s) so you have an excuse to have to be here.

Time for that to stop.
Anchor babies like:

Who would that be?
I had no problem finding a job with insurance either until that big-eared freak was elected. Since that time, many in my industry no longer offer it. But it can't have anything to do with DumBama in your little world, can it?

Sounds more like you are just too lazy to look very hard. I think you just enjoy complaining about Obama... it's easy for a loser racist to blame his fail on a black guy.

No, I wouldn't do those jobs at this age. Those are starting jobs that pay little money because there is little skill involved. But you won't find many foreigners at my age doing those jobs either.

Like driving a truck in a straight line. that takes a lot of skill.

I find it amusing that you whine about being cheated, but think it's okay to cheat others.

Of course they would improve because there would be no violence, no drug sales, kids from two parent homes, and kids that actually study. Those kids would do just as well in those schools as the ones they attend today.

And the same goes with those lilly white schools those kids used to go to. The little lowlifes would ruin those schools in a matter of a few years. How do I know this? Because our schools were one of the best in the county before the lowlifes moved in. Now they are rated one of the worst. Teachers get attacked every month by these little animals.

Look, everyone, Ray brought the Racism.

Well Timothy McVeigh served our country as well. What does that tell you?

That he as a racist that was easily brainwashed... but what made him bitter was that he didn't get into Special Forces like he wanted to.

that's when he fell in iwth the racist nuts.

I am a Pole and I was around 50 years ago. Not a problem. Polish jokes were big at the time and mostly told by Polish people. You see, we have a sense of humor.

My father did well and so did his brothers and sisters. All middle-class people who raised good families and lived in nice middle-class neighborhoods.

And what's lost on you is that you are white... so when you lose the accent and the culture, you just look like any other white guy. The same thing with the Germans. When my Grandfather came here after getting away from Hitler, he called himself "Louis" instead of "Ludwig" and pronounced the last name with a soft U instead of hard U so it would sound more American.

But, yeah, bigotry was a real thing then, it's a real thing now. that's how the One Percent keeps you stupid, giving you someone to hate other than them.

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