Now that the mad woman Nielson has resigned, who's next?

I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job. dare anyone do something so racist.
Protecting your country from an invasion is sooooooooo racist.

He gave the orders to rip children away from their parents.
No, dumbass.
Trump was just following a law that Congress passed and another president signed.
Trump is the only person in Washington to actually do anything to stop the practice.
All Democrats did was bitch and moan about it.
I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job. dare anyone do something so racist.
Protecting your country from an invasion is sooooooooo racist.

He gave the orders to rip children away from their parents.
----------------------------------------- parents shouldn't have brought the little invaders . Course the widdle invaders [hostages to their traffickers] were key to messing up any good border enforcement Penny .

They did to protect their lives. I am so happy I was not born in Central American. I'm glad I did not have to walk 1000 miles to safety.
None of them walked 1000 miles. Every one of them got rides.
Explain how a family with children could possibly walk 1000 miles in a couple of weeks.
The sad thing is, like most creeping dictatorships, you have people who are higher and higher levels of sycophants rising to the top. Whoever replaces Neilsen will be worse.
Explain how that will be possible if the DHS secretary need to be confirmed by the Senate? Although it takes a simple majority, I doubt they are going to approve an extreme sycophant.

Do you really think moderate Senators will want to do that?
I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job. dare anyone do something so racist.
Protecting your country from an invasion is sooooooooo racist.

He gave the orders to rip children away from their parents.
----------------------------------------- parents shouldn't have brought the little invaders . Course the widdle invaders [hostages to their traffickers] were key to messing up any good border enforcement Penny .

They did to protect their lives. I am so happy I was not born in Central American. I'm glad I did not have to walk 1000 miles to safety.

They did it for more economic opportunity.

If it was about life and death, we would be talking tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands swarming out of the conflict zones. We would also have independent journalists covering genocide and war torn areas. As it is, we aren't talking about that. Nothing of the sort exists.

What exists is gang warfare and poverty, the same thing that exists in the wastelands of America's inner cities.

Stop parroting propaganda.
The sad thing is, like most creeping dictatorships, you have people who are higher and higher levels of sycophants rising to the top. Whoever replaces Neilsen will be worse.
If you wanted freedom Cruz had that in his agenda. Hillary and Trump not so much. I tell you what. Get all of the Prog candidates to promise to remove every tyranny law we have. I know ICE. Well from your point of view there is more then ICE. Massive changes to Homeland Security, the Patriot Act and the TSA to start. How about all of the rancor with the FBI and CIA we see today? And there is more. What part of the swamp do you like and not like? So protecting our border is bad. But ph ukn with citizens is A OK depending on who they are.
The sad thing is, like most creeping dictatorships, you have people who are higher and higher levels of sycophants rising to the top. Whoever replaces Neilsen will be worse.
Not according to Obama’s former border patrol chief.
Oh I'm sure Tramp will try and blame Nielson for his inadequacy.
I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job. dare anyone do something so racist.
Protecting your country from an invasion is sooooooooo racist.

He gave the orders to rip children away from their parents.
----------------------------------------- parents shouldn't have brought the little invaders . Course the widdle invaders [hostages to their traffickers] were key to messing up any good border enforcement Penny .

They did to protect their lives. I am so happy I was not born in Central American. I'm glad I did not have to walk 1000 miles to safety.

They did it for more economic opportunity.

If it was about life and death, we would be talking tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands swarming out of the conflict zones. We would also have independent journalists covering genocide and war torn areas. As it is, we aren't talking about that. Nothing of the sort exists.

What exists is gang warfare and poverty, the same thing that exists in the wastelands of America's inner cities.

Stop parroting propaganda.

I'm not, who would walk 1000 miles for naught.
I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job.

What kinda, "bad things" have you done Penelope?
Everyone who has been fired by Trump or quit since he took office

She's been raped, pillaged and crucified by your TDS media for the past 2 years, she needs some TLC and God bless her for lasting this long.

..and really what's your point (link). it's just fake media hype for the always outraged TDS-ers..

I'm still giving you credit for being less gullible than that... :wink_2:
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I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job.

What kinda, "bad things" have you done Penelope?
Everyone who has been fired by Trump or quit since he took office

She's been raped, pillaged and crucified by your TDS media for the past 2 years, she needs some TLC and God bless her for lasting this long.

..and really what's your point (link). it's just fake media hype for the always outraged TDS-ers.. :lol:

Only because she was carrying out Tramps orders. See what that got her, unemployed.
I tried to avoid commenting in order to not get banned again. Yet putting things in a cooled down way. This is in reference to the current event of this mad woman Nielson who has been thrown down after getting a wolf ticket from Congress in particular, and who was recruited like all other 45's acting tyrants when it comes to engaging in heinous and uncivilized crimes against humanity, destructive schemes against democracy and the common decency of civilization. Therefore, there is a heightened alarm in society that the maniac in chief 45 will put a demagogue worse than Nielson in there as a hyper mega tyrant. Yet, as the saying goes, bring it on and the fate of this next tRump appointee from hell might get a wolf ticket far worse that what happened against this tyrant woman Nielson who merely got the boot be it from numerous directions. Yet, who's legacy is completely destroyed from a common decency point of view and as a criminal against humanity. This includes another result of fools being eager to team up with the 45 devil to go on a rampage against humanity, and to which 45 holds allegiance with no one and will turn his devoted fools loose. This severance from the 45 devil is when his uncivilized subjects are no longer of any use to the fake president, chief demagogue and enemy against humanity.

Ref: Opinion | Kirstjen Nielsen Enforced Cruelty at the Border. Her Replacement Could Be Worse.

I don't know if getting banned needs to be your concern about a post like that. Getting committed, maybe. But I don't see why anyone would ban you for rambling gibberish.
I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job.

What kinda, "bad things" have you done Penelope?
Everyone who has been fired by Trump or quit since he took office

She's been raped, pillaged and crucified by your TDS media for the past 2 years, she needs some TLC and God bless her for lasting this long.

..and really what's your point (link). it's just fake media hype for the always outraged TDS-ers.. :lol:

Only because she was carrying out Tramps orders. See what that got her, unemployed.
-------------------------------- she shoulda done a better job i guess eh Penny .
I actually feel bad for her, she was just carrying out her orders from tramp. People do bad things when they want to keep their job.

What kinda, "bad things" have you done Penelope?
Everyone who has been fired by Trump or quit since he took office

She's been raped, pillaged and crucified by your TDS media for the past 2 years, she needs some TLC and God bless her for lasting this long.

..and really what's your point (link). it's just fake media hype for the always outraged TDS-ers.. :lol:

Only because she was carrying out Tramps orders. See what that got her, unemployed.

I'm thinking she's far better off... btw. weren't you thrilled that TDS media absolutely hated her?
. dare anyone do something so racist.
Protecting your country from an invasion is sooooooooo racist.

He gave the orders to rip children away from their parents.
----------------------------------------- parents shouldn't have brought the little invaders . Course the widdle invaders [hostages to their traffickers] were key to messing up any good border enforcement Penny .

They did to protect their lives. I am so happy I was not born in Central American. I'm glad I did not have to walk 1000 miles to safety.

They did it for more economic opportunity.

If it was about life and death, we would be talking tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands swarming out of the conflict zones. We would also have independent journalists covering genocide and war torn areas. As it is, we aren't talking about that. Nothing of the sort exists.

What exists is gang warfare and poverty, the same thing that exists in the wastelands of America's inner cities.

Stop parroting propaganda.

I'm not, who would walk 1000 miles for naught.
For naught?


The Hidden Hand Behind the Migrant 'Caravan'

National Day Laborers Organizing Network: How It Supports Illegal Immigration
So, the government agencies we were paying to keep terrorists out failed to do their job..I know! Let's make more government agencies to fail at their jobs, derp!

They only failed due to lack of policy

He gave the orders to rip children away from their parents.

Yes, w/out any resolve of daca policy (he'll simply blame the Dems)

seems to me that if the TRUMP ever gets things figured out there SHOULD or MIGHT be new and different and much more severe sanctions against these big and widdle invaders in the future .

I wouldn't hold your breath....

Your confusing HS with your TDS media sources.. but no problem

More i'm confusing HS with 1938 German gestapo

Oh I'm sure Tramp will try and blame Nielson for his inadequacy.


and yes, he's all about the blame game

not exactly desireable leadership quality


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