Now that Trump is in on the Coronavirus scam with the press, who are we to believe?

I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
You mean the Trump that closed air travel to and from China early on? That Trump?
This was going on while you were too busy listening to the media 24/7 with the impeachment hoax.
idiot child
That's okay, I'm not expecting straight answers.

I'm expecting drama queens, and that's what I'm getting.
You got a straight answer, and speaking of drama queens...your the one with the tiara on your head.
just an observation
Well, I guess that was a straight answer for a Trumpster. Sometimes I forget to lower my standards accordingly.

Okay, got it.

TDSer's, such as yourself, need to just move along and accept the fact that no matter what
Trump does or says, you and your ilk are going to bitch like drama queens over it.
People say your're a middle of the road type person??? :auiqs.jpg:
What do you mean? It is a Chinese virus.

Trump is owning the media and saving the country at the same time. This was always his destiny.

Call it Chinese that will stop it..

While it might have started in China, US is doing a great job of spreading it more people than anyone else in record times.. US will be number one by Monday maybe Tuesday..

How did US go from in few weeks were everyone else has it to the epicenter of the virus. Unchecked there will be more cases in the US than the rest of the world combined..
Had this anything to Trump downplaying the virus and lack of preparation despite the warnings... Remember all the Democratic calls were said to be a hoax...

Truth is Trump has shown inept leadership and the numbers on the ground don't lie....
You are misinformed

the US is doing Ok measured by deaths per 100,000 people compared to the rest of the world

its mostly deep blue liberal cesspools on the east and west coast that are driving the numbers up

as for calling it the wuhan or china virus this catastrophe is part of an ongoing debate about globalism

And more importantly CHINESE DOMINATED globalism which is bad for America and every nation outside of china
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
You mean the Trump that closed air travel to and from China early on? That Trump?
This was going on while you were too busy listening to the media 24/7 with the impeachment hoax.
idiot child
That's okay, I'm not expecting straight answers.

I'm expecting drama queens, and that's what I'm getting.
You got a straight answer, and speaking of drama queens...your the one with the tiara on your head.
just an observation
Well, I guess that was a straight answer for a Trumpster. Sometimes I forget to lower my standards accordingly.

Okay, got it.

TDSer's, such as yourself, need to just move along and accept the fact that no matter what
Trump does or says, you and your ilk are going to bitch like drama queens over it.
People say your're a middle of the road type person??? :auiqs.jpg:
They're wrong.

And you're a good and obedient Trumpster, swallowing everything he and talk radio dish out.

Cool dude! MAGA 'n stuff!
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
I don't think I agree with your narrative, which is based on media spin in the first place.
For instance, his statement on how the death rates are most likely lower than reported because a lot of people who actually have it, won't go to a doctor, get better on their own and just go to work like normal.
The media took that statement and blasted out there that Trump is telling people to "just go to work", no need to got to a doctor etc. - Which isn't at all what he said.
There are dozens of miss-characterized and outright false narratives created by the media on what he has, and hasn't said.

Outside of that - NO I do not agree in any way with mailing out checks to everyone, especially to the millions who are unaffected by this virus, one way or the other. It makes no sense.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!

They are following the advice of the experts......and then the experts say "oooops.......I misplaced a few numbers...."

Berenson continued: “Essentially, what has happened is that estimates of the viruses transmissibility have increased — which implies that many more people have already gotten it than we realize — which in turn implies it is less dangerous.”

“Ferguson now predicts that the epidemic in the U.K.
will peak and subside within ‘two to three weeks’ — last week’s paper said 18+ months of quarantine would be necessary,” the former reporter highlighted.

Ferguson’s change of tune comes days after Oxford epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta criticized the professor’s model.

“I am surprised that there has been such unqualified acceptance of the Imperial model,” Gupta said, according to the Financial Times.

Professor Gupta led a team of researchers at Oxford in a modeling study which suggests that the virus has been invisibly spreading for at least a month earlier than suspected, concluding that as many as half of the people in the United Kingdom have already been infected by COVID-19.

If her model is accurate, fewer than one in a thousand who’ve been infected with COVID-19 become sick enough to need hospitalization, leaving the vast majority with mild cases or free of symptoms.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
Are you afraid to say it?

you have no discernible position on anything
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
Are you afraid to say it?

you have no discernible position on anything
I have lots of positions. I’m for being fiscally responsible. Trump is the opposite of that position. I’m against corruption and lobbying, he’s made both worse.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
Are you afraid to say it?

you have no discernible position on anything
I have lots of positions. I’m for being fiscally responsible. Trump is the opposite of that position. I’m against corruption and lobbying, he’s made both worse.

How can you be for "being fiscally responsible" and be for paying for Mexico's healthcare?
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
Are you afraid to say it?

you have no discernible position on anything
I have lots of positions. I’m for being fiscally responsible. Trump is the opposite of that position. I’m against corruption and lobbying, he’s made both worse.
Will biden be fiscally respondible?
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
Are you afraid to say it?

you have no discernible position on anything
I have lots of positions. I’m for being fiscally responsible. Trump is the opposite of that position. I’m against corruption and lobbying, he’s made both worse.
Will biden be fiscally respondible?
Well based on the Obama administration yes. Good time deficits decreased under Obama . Trump actually increased deficits during good economic times. Well more responsible than trump, but that doesn’t take much.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
Are you afraid to say it?

you have no discernible position on anything
I have lots of positions. I’m for being fiscally responsible. Trump is the opposite of that position. I’m against corruption and lobbying, he’s made both worse.
Will biden be fiscally respondible?
Well based on the Obama administration yes. Good time deficits decreased under Obama . Trump actually increased deficits during good economic times. Well more responsible than trump, but that doesn’t take much.
Biden is not obama

the vp is basically a spare part in any adminstration

Biden is senile and very unpredictable
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?
Some anti trumpers bash trump for not taking the chinese virus seriously enough

but you think he’s taking it too serious?
No, not now, after his earlier comments playing it down.

So are you going to answer my question? What happened to Trump? And how angry are you at him for this betrayal?
Look at ole "centrist" Mac playing politics with a devastating virus. Using it as a political weapon to bludgeon Trump supporters.
You know, that thing he regularly blasts "partisans" for doing.

The world is full of flaming liberals who pretend to be moderates

but many of them are just afraid to say what they are for.

because if they do they have to defend their position

as a jaded fence sitter they get to attack all the time
Trumpers are flaming liberals. Have you seen trump deficits? Guy uses socialism to fix everything.
You are mistaken

relative to the democrats trump is very conservative

if you dont like trump who and what are you for?
Deficits Donald is not at all conservative. Farmer bailout? Government control of trade? Huge support for foxconnn corporate socialism? I support campaign finance reform so we can start to end the corruption.
I asked who you support
Well since trump has been a huge failure whoever goes against him. But I really don’t like our corrupt politicians. Why people support failure is beyond me.
That tells me you are a malcontent who just likes to bitch and attack others for THEIR ideas without having any of your own
I can recognize failure. You support failure. Trump is about to make Obama look fiscally responsible. Remember when you guys were against deficits?
And no matter who is in charge its never any of your fault cause you’re a nihilist who just likes to complsin
I don’t support politicians who don’t do what they run on. Why do you feel you need to support failure? Bad politicians don’t deserve support, it should be earned.
So which politicians do you support?

for president for instance?
Whoever is running against trump at this point. Trump has been a failure. Kasich would have been a much better choice, far more responsible....
This year biden is running against trump

are you voting for him?
I think that counts as anyone running against him.
So you are voting for biden?
Are you really this slow?
Are you afraid to say it?

you have no discernible position on anything
I have lots of positions. I’m for being fiscally responsible. Trump is the opposite of that position. I’m against corruption and lobbying, he’s made both worse.
Will biden be fiscally respondible?
Well based on the Obama administration yes. Good time deficits decreased under Obama . Trump actually increased deficits during good economic times. Well more responsible than trump, but that doesn’t take much.
Biden is not obama

the vp is basically a spare part in any adminstration

Biden is senile and very unpredictable
And trump spending is predictable. He’s a disaster.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!

Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko , that guy has his head screwed on right.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!



Both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have got this thing gummed up.
I wonder who got to Trump! And Pence!

They're up there every day, holding press conferences, asking for trillions, calling it an emergency, throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this thing.

No doubt Trump supporters are furious at the man for whom they voted for throwing in with the media on this.

What happened? And surely Trump supporters aren't going to support him now that he's playing along with the lamestream media!
What are you babbling about now?
I made this as simple as I could.

Why has Trump thrown in with the lamestream media? Why is he calling this an emergency? Don't you have an answer?

This is pretty lame, even for you. You are running on a MSNBC lie, and going for broke. You're turning in to a bitter little communist. After this bullcrap, please don't try to tell people you care about facts or the truth. You've become just another shill for the left.

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