Now that YouTube is going full libtard, Steemit may be the future


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
One of my favorite YouTubers, Styxhexenhammer666, turned me on to Steemit:

Not knowing anything about it, I clicked on this video, which explains it pretty well:

Basically, you can earn Steem dollars (a cryptocurrency) for uploading content on Steemit. During the first week after your video is uploaded, it can earn Steem dollars via upvotes. The amount you earn is based on the level of influence each upvoter has. For example, someone like PewDiePie (if he had just as much influence on Steemit) upvoting your video will net you more Steem dollars than someone like me who has no inifluence on the site lol.

But even my upvote will net the uploader some small percentage of a Steem dollar.

Also, you can convert Steem dollars into Bitcoin on exchanges, which is what convinced me to sign up for Steemit.

Lastly, it appears that Steemit accounts work on dtube, but I'm not sure how that works yet. I'm still waiting for my email to get accepted into Steemit. They're apparently backed up since they're still in beta with a good amount of people signing up.

Leftist censorship will never prevail.
Youtube censorship is a good way to open the door to competition!

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