Now the cons are upset?

In Feb. of 2020 Trump made contact with the Taliban by phone to discuss a 'deal'..not a peep out of the right wing. As a result of that phone call a meeting was set up to meet the Taliban leaders in Qatar..not a peep out of the right wing. In August of 2020 Trump agreed to release 5,000 Taliban fighters back into the field as part of that 'deal'...not a peep out of the right wing. In November of 2020 Trump slashed troop levels down to a mere 2,500..not a peep out of the right wing. In April of 2021 Biden agreed to honor the 'deal' and withdraw the last 2,500...the right wing went ballistic.

Nice try, slapnuts.

Trump didnā€™t plan on leaving thousands of Americans behind. There are going to be many Americans killed and taken hostage.

There were terms to the deal of leaving Afghanistan. It didnā€™t involve just packing up and leaving billions of $ of military equipment and thousands of citizens behind.

You people have serious mental problems.
It didn't involve just packing up and leaving billions of $ of military equipment behind??...'ā€œI made early withdraw possible by already pulling much of our billions of dollars of equipment out and, more importantly, reducing our military presence to less than 2,000 troops from the 16,000 level that was there (likewise in Iraq, and zero troops in Syria except for the area where we KEPT THE OIL),ā€ - D. Trump April 2021
The deal is that mostly democrats are suffering from buyers remorse. The left is upset because nobody gives a shit about the junk they dig up to defend the doddering old fool in the white house.
Just what was wrong with trying to barter a peaceful settlement where we can get out of Afghanistan? Do you love wars and death?

So we went from 70,000 Taliban to 75,000?

And kept the Taliban in check.

Stop lying. Biddum fucked it all up. First, he changed that dates and conditions delegitimizing and demoralizing the Afghan army, then he closed the Bagram air base while there were still thousands and thousands of civilians in the country needing to get out!

Face it, your fly boy Biddum FUCKED THINGS UP. He's in charge, he has total control, worse, he was a senator overseeing all of this or the actual Vice President in change of the war over there during the entire twenty years since the war began after 9/11!
Afghanistan was lost when Trump made deals with the Taliban back in Feb. of 2020 ..get over it
More selected (classified) leaks from left wing former "intelligence" types desperate to blame the former president for what's happening now? Trump might have made a hundred phone calls to Taliban maniacs looking for a deal but the deal never happened and now we are stuck with a confused president who gives an address to Americans about covid booster shots while Afghanistan is falling apart.
The DEAL DID HAPPEN Trumptard.

Trump didnā€™t plan on leaving thousands of Americans behind. There are going to be many Americans killed and taken hostage.

There were terms to the deal of leaving Afghanistan. It didnā€™t involve just packing up and leaving billions of $ of military equipment and thousands of citizens behind.

You people have serious mental problems.
Biden just packed up and left billions of $ in military equipment??..Funny then how Trump bragged about pulling all that equipment out last year..
That's all you coherent counter point?..figures..typical slapnut reply..all snark no substance.
Where is anyone screaming about Biden upholding the deal?

Itā€™s about his botched evacuation. Even your leftwing media canā€™t hide it, they are being forced to criticize him on it.
Afghanistan was lost when Trump made deals with the Taliban back in Feb. of 2020 ..get over it

I have nothing to get over, asshole. Afghanistan wasn't lost a year ago, did you ever hear anyone even talking about it these past 17 months? Afghanistan wasn't lost until NOW, moron, when JOE BIDEN, president and commander of the military LOST control of it. Now the knucklehead is backpedaling trying to change his stories and do damage control, just like idiots like YOU.

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