Now the Jewish people are upset about the anti semitic parts of the buffalo gunners statements.

I am just making fun of the democrats.

He is more than likely known to the police......quite likely known to the FBI.....
He had police contact in 2021 and evidently someone looked at him because he was recommended mental counseling.

I know shit-all about NY's red flag laws so did they apply in his case or not? Looks like it should have.

Red Flag Gun Protection Law
He had police contact in 2021 and evidently someone looked at him because he was recommended mental counseling.

I know shit-all about NY's red flag laws so did they apply in his case or not? Looks like it should have.

Red Flag Gun Protection Law

No....Red Flag laws are stupid.....they have laws on the books that would have allowed committment and medical examination, which would have kept him from being able to buy a gun...this simply shows another failure by the government...the government that tells us to give up our guns because they will protect us.
I’m talking about the black guy who was a rabid racist, and who was arrested for trying to run over his wife (excuse me, Baby Mama). He was released on the soft-on-crime bail laws, because Dems are more interested in protecting criminals than their would-be victims, and two days later he went to a parade, mowed down 50 whites, and killed six of them, including an 8-year-old.

I haven’t heard anything about it since. I assume he’s in jail, and will get a trial, and maybe he already had his trial, but, shhhhh…..
I found it! Waukesha! Google buried it under any keywords anyone else would use to search for it. Believe it or not, it ONLY came up for me searching "black man drives through parade"

Leftists really don't want serious black hate crimes brought up so they bury these stories. Is anyone calling for his death? Is anyone wishing homosexual rape on this guy?

This double standard is what fuels the resentment and the OCCASIONAL white violence
I don't remember anything about it. Not calling you a liar, I'm pointing out what a great job the Democrat Media did on that
Wow! The fact that you don’t remember this does tell me how effective the Democrat media is when a black racist is the murderer.

It was horrendous. The guy was a lowlife thug with a criminal record, and his last arrest was just a couple of days before he went on his killing spree. He was released on a joke of a bail - $1000 - after attempting to kill his Baby Mama.

His web page was full of anti-white rankings, with threats about killing whites. Unfortunately, the Dems either ignored it or didn’t bother to check when they released him from his attempted murder. Within two days, he went to a big parade known, I suppose, to traditionally be mostly of whites, and DROVE HIS CAR right through the crowd, mowing down 50 people and leaving six dead in his wake. One was an 8-year old.

As to where the black killer is now, or if he had his trial yet, or, well, anything, mum seems to be the word. The libs made more of a catastrophe of a white teen defending himself against his would-ne murderers than a black man intentionally setting out to murder as many whites as he could.
I found it! Waukesha! Google buried it under any keywords anyone else would use to search for it. Believe it or not, it ONLY came up for me searching "black man drives through parade"

Leftists really don't want serious black hate crimes brought up so they bury these stories. Is anyone calling for his death? Is anyone wishing homosexual rape on this guy?

This double standard is what fuels the resentment and the OCCASIONAL white violence
Oops….just saw this post after I wrote out my answer above.

Yeah, isn’t that something: “Black man drive through parade.” How about “Black Supremacist Goes on Massive Killing Spree, Killing Six Whites”?

Should the headline for the current case be “White man goes into grocery store”?

The double standards where black criminals are concerned is horrible.
Wow! The fact that you don’t remember this does tell me how effective the Democrat media is when a black racist is the murderer.

It was horrendous. The guy was a lowlife thug with a criminal record, and his last arrest was just a couple of days before he went on his killing spree. He was released on a joke of a bail - $1000 - after attempting to kill his Baby Mama.

His web page was full of anti-white rankings, with threats about killing whites. Unfortunately, the Dems either ignored it or didn’t bother to check when they released him from his attempted murder. Within two days, he went to a big parade known, I suppose, to traditionally be mostly of whites, and DROVE HIS CAR right through the crowd, mowing down 50 people and leaving six dead in his wake. One was an 8-year old.

As to where the black killer is now, or if he had his trial yet, or, well, anything, mum seems to be the word. The libs made more of a catastrophe of a white teen defending himself against his would-ne murderers than a black man intentionally setting out to murder as many whites as he could.
You're right. I now remember the incident. Definately a hate crime, but the Democrat Media just won't fan the flames if the crime is committed by a black man. They just don't want to talk about these crimes
Learning that Americans had racists laws in our history is not a bad thing. I know you think that learning history is a bad thing. I think history is a good thing to learn. Most people don't know the real history of this country that has been white washed.
That isn't CRT and Cultural Marxism. Relative to history we need to study the Frankfurt School Marcuse and all of those Commie scumbags. This is history. 99.99% of people had no idea that Marcuse said white people deserve no constitution.

I see that you totally ignored my videos why?
That isn't CRT and Cultural Marxism. Relative to history we need to study the Frankfurt School Marcuse and all of those Commie scumbags. This is history. 99.99% of people had no idea that Marcuse said white people deserve no constitution.

I see that you totally ignored my videos why?
CRT is exactly teaching the laws that were racially motivated. I took the class.
CRT is exactly teaching the laws that were racially motivated. I took the class.
Wrong the vast majority of laws federal, state, local were not racially motivated. There is like a billion laws on the books all over the usa. There isn't 1 class of CRT you lying sack of shit. You are nothing more that a marxist useful idiot. You guys think everything is racist, you think every encounter between blacks and whites is racist, hey we got great service at that store...yeah that is because whitey wants to keep an eye on you, we got terrible service at that store, yeah thats racist they don't want you in that store. You have to keep up the charade it is all you have.
Wrong the vast majority of laws federal, state, local were not racially motivated. There is like a billion laws on the books all over the usa. There isn't 1 class of CRT you lying sack of shit. You are nothing more that a marxist useful idiot. You guys think everything is racist, you think every encounter between blacks and whites is racist, hey we got great service at that store...yeah that is because whitey wants to keep an eye on you, we got terrible service at that store, yeah thats racist they don't want you in that store. You have to keep up the charade it is all you have.
Who said the majority were.

Surely you never took the classes. If you did you would know of which you speak.
You have been indoctrinated.
No I actually took the course. You are going off of indoctrination. I'm talking from experience.

It didn't make me hate being white.

It just pointed out laws that were racially motivated and you can actually look up the debates and see what the debate was around the laws from all state and federal laws.

It's all recorded so you can cross reference the laws of you wish.
Hitler split with the socialists in 1926. He began arresting and killing them in 1933. Under the Enabling Act of 1933 he purged the German government of socialists, communists , Jews and Democrats. You should make an effort to study history instead of spouting sound bites.
He nationalized industry and was a Socialist get over it ( He killed anyone & everyone , starting with the folks who put him in power )
@Death Angel
Hitler didn't nationalize any industry.
I told you three huge German Companies ( Mercedes - Benz ) ( Auto -Union ) ( Zundapp ) I could give you more if you wish ( especially after 1938)
Yep. Here's what his classmates said about his Hitleresque ideation.

wow…so cuomo’s state police knew about the guy and didnt do anything

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