Now the Jewish people are upset about the anti semitic parts of the buffalo gunners statements.

Wow this kid bieved every conspiracy theory out there and some how thought he was the last line of defense from the Jews and blacks taking over.

Wow this kid was ate up.
Your headline was weird: “Now the Jews are upset about the antisemitic parts…..”

Why not just say the killer was not only a racist, but a raving antidemite as well? You make it sound as if the Jews weren’t upset by the killings until they learned he was driven, in part, by Jew-hate.”

I‘m Jewish and was upset when I heard about this massacre yesterday before I even knew if the killer was white or black, Jew or gentile. (although the odds of a Jew doing something like this are practically nil)
Learning that Germany was a Socialist Country from 1934-1945 is verboten though
Hitler split with the socialists in 1926. He began arresting and killing them in 1933. Under the Enabling Act of 1933 he purged the German government of socialists, communists , Jews and Democrats. You should make an effort to study history instead of spouting sound bites.
When Negroids go on shooting sprees the establishment politicians and msm suggest it was okay because of the psychological oppression by Whitey and Whitey's efforts to "take over." If a White does the same thing, assuming this was not an FBI/DOJ agent, and points out the exact opposite was true, the fact that Jews, Blacks and Browns, etc., are inflicting psychological, financial, and other assorted forms of oppression on Whites, it becomes a "hate crime" and needs to be addressed with laws to outlaw basics of the Constitution.
Yep. Crickets, until it's that rare white guy. Them they all want THIS murderer to be tortured then executed. Always a higher standard for the white criminal. The soft bigotry ofow expectations will always be there for blacks
Your headline was weird: “Now the Jews are upset about the antisemitic parts…..”

Why not just say the killer was not only a racist, but a raving antidemite as well? You make it sound as if the Jews weren’t upset by the killings until they learned he was driven, in part, by Jew-hate.”

I‘m Jewish and was upset when I heard about this massacre yesterday before I even knew if the killer was white or black, Jew or gentile. (although the odds of a Jew doing something like this are practically nil)
He blames the Jews for immigration and the browning of America. His classmates said he had a Hitler -esque ideation.
Yep. Crickets, until it's that rare white guy. Them they all want THIS murderer to be tortured then executed. Always a higher standard for the white criminal. The soft bigotry ofow expectations will always be there for blacks
Yes, I pointed that out yesterday before I knew the race of the killer: if white, the Left will be calling for his head, it will be front and center on the news for weeks, his racist and antisemitic rankings will be disseminated nationwide on multiples venues, and his trial might even be televised.

If black, but this time with raging anti-white rantings, the Left will call him mentally ill and he will fade from the limelight. Speaking of which, what ever happened to that black racist who mowed down 50 whites and killed six of them, including a child? I can’t even remember his name at this point.
He blames the Jews for immigration and the browning of America. His classmates said he had a Hitler -esque ideation.
Yeah, I get that he’s an antisemite. But that’s not what I said. I said the headline was wrong in that it implied that the Jews were upset only when they learned he was a Jew-hater.

Look at the headline: NOW the Jews are upset…..
Yes, I pointed that out yesterday before I knew the race of the killer: if white, the Left will be calling for his head, it will be front and center on the news for weeks, his racist and antisemitic rankings will be disseminated nationwide on multiples venues, and his trial might even be televised.

If black, but this time with raging anti-white rantings, the Left will call him mentally ill and he will fade from the limelight. Speaking of which, what ever happened to that black racist who mowed down 50 whites and killed six of them, including a child? I can’t even remember his name at this point.
He's white and mentally ill. He was treated last year for threatening to shoot his graduation class. He should get the death penalty, but I don't think they have that in NY.

He's white and mentally ill. He was treated last year for threatening to shoot his graduation class. He should get the death penalty, but I don't think they have that in NY.

So...another shooter who was known to authorities....and they let him go.........this isn't a failure of normal gun owners, it is another failure of government....
As far as I can tell he was never adjudicated as mentally deficient. I don't know if NY's red flag laws would have came into play or not after the graduation threat/police contact.

He did use a democrat party approved rifle though........ only 10 rounds and a fixed magazine.....the democrat party stamp of approval...for now.
So little attention to THIS case I don't even know about it. Got any details?
I’m talking about the black guy who was a rabid racist, and who was arrested for trying to run over his wife (excuse me, Baby Mama). He was released on the soft-on-crime bail laws, because Dems are more interested in protecting criminals than their would-be victims, and two days later he went to a parade, mowed down 50 whites, and killed six of them, including an 8-year-old.

I haven’t heard anything about it since. I assume he’s in jail, and will get a trial, and maybe he already had his trial, but, shhhhh…..
He did use a democrat party approved rifle though........ only 10 rounds and a fixed magazine.....the democrat party stamp of approval...for now.
You are grasping at straws with the whole 10-round thing.

What should be looked into is his mental state in 2021 well prior to the shooting to see if NY's laws were applied to him or did he slip through the cracks. Clearly he's been a nut-job for a while.....Was he adjudicated or not?
You are grasping at straws with the whole 10-round thing.

What should be looked into is his mental state in 2021 well prior to the shooting to see if NY's laws were applied to him or did he slip through the cracks. Clearly he's been a nut-job for a while.....Was he adjudicated or not?

I am just making fun of the democrats.

He is more than likely known to the police......quite likely known to the FBI.....
I’m talking about the black guy who was a rabid racist, and who was arrested for trying to run over his wife (excuse me, Baby Mama). He was released on the soft-on-crime bail laws, because Dems are more interested in protecting criminals than their would-be victims, and two days later he went to a parade, mowed down 50 whites, and killed six of them, including an 8-year-old.

I haven’t heard anything about it since. I assume he’s in jail, and will get a trial, and maybe he already had his trial, but, shhhhh…..
I don't remember anything about it. Not calling you a liar, I'm pointing out what a great job the Democrat Media did on that

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