Now the Jewish people are upset about the anti semitic parts of the buffalo gunners statements.

Watch the comedy and talk shows on TV. They love mass graves. Notice it got worse from their views? They have the KGB playbook, the SS the East German Stasi and others. Their job is of globalist designs. We do not have to ask we are living it now. And much of it is to yourselves and the unborn.
No the Christians don't have funeral for fetus's that die. Start doing that and I might take you seriously.
Communist like mass graves. So do right wingers. Ask Hitler. Ask Jimmy Jones.

Moron....hitler was a leftist....

Jim jones was a hard core idiot.....

In 1951, the 20-year-old Jones began attending gatherings of the Communist Party USA in Indianapolis.[43]

Apostolic Socialism[edit]

Jones developed a theology influenced by the teachings of William Branham and the Latter Rain movement, Father Divine's "divine economic socialism" teachings, and infused with Jones's personal communist worldview.[109][65] Jones referred to his views as "Apostolic Socialism".[110] Jones concealed the communist aspects of his teachings until the late 1960s, following the relocation of Peoples Temple to California, where he began to gradually introduce his full beliefs to his followers.[111][110][112]

Jones taught that "those who remained drugged with the opiate of religion had to be brought to enlightenment", which he defined as socialism.[113] Jones asserted that traditional Christianity had an incorrect view of God. By the early 1970s, Jones began deriding traditional Christianity as "fly away religion", rejecting the Bible as being a tool to oppress women and non-whites.[114]Jones referred to traditional Christianity's view of God as a "Sky God" who was "no God at all".[114] Instead, Jones claimed to be following the true God who created all things.[115]

Jones increasingly promoted the idea of his own divinity, going so far as to tell his congregation that "I am come as God Socialist."[111][110] Jones carefully avoided claiming divinity outside of Peoples Temple, but he expected to be acknowledged as god-like among his followers. Former Temple member Hue Fortson Jr. quoted him as saying:

What you need to believe in is what you can see.... If you see me as your friend, I'll be your friend. As you see me as your father, I'll be your father, for those of you that don't have a father.... If you see me as your savior, I'll be your savior. If you see me as your God, I'll be your God.[19]
Further attacking traditional Christianity, Jones authored and circulated a tract entitled "The Letter Killeth", criticizing the King James Bible, and dismissing King James as a slave owner and a capitalist who was responsible for the corrupt translation of scripture. Jones claimed he was sent to share the true meaning of the gospel which had been hidden by corrupt leaders.[116][117]
Explaining the nature of sin, Jones stated, "If you're born in capitalist America, racist America, fascist America, then you're born in sin. But if you're born in socialism, you're not born in sin."[118] Drawing on a prophecy in the Book of Revelation, he taught that American capitalist culture was irredeemable "Babylon".[67][119]
In a newspaper interview, Jones indicated that he would rather settle his commune in a communist country like China or the Soviet Union, and was saddened about his inability to do so.[156] Jones described Lenin and Stalin as his heroes, and saw the Soviet Union as an ideal society.[157][158]


Wow this kid bieved every conspiracy theory out there and some how thought he was the last line of defense from the Jews and blacks taking over.

Wow this kid was ate up.
And yet the leftwing media didn't even publish the race of the NYC racist killing of whites by a black. But, boy, they're all over this with the 'racist' angle.

So many of these godless media people are destined for hell for the division and hate they encourage.
Freedom, for it to function well, has to be controlled well.

It's like anarchy (from the opposite argument). You can't have anarchy that isn't controlled well, because it'll just end up with people taking control and stopping the anarchy. So the only good anarchy is controlled anarchy (which isn't anarchy).

And the same for freedom. 100% freedom is not going to be freedom, it's going to be anarchy, which can't work, because people will just take it over and turn it into something else.
So you have to decide how much freedom is still "freedom" and where the line goes when you lose that freedom.

Leftists have a firm line on leads up to the edge of the mass grave for people who disagree with them...
And yet the leftwing media didn't even publish the race of the NYC racist killing of whites by a black. But, boy, they're all over this with the 'racist' angle.

So many of these godless media people are destined for hell for the division and hate they encourage.
And the left wing media did t run with the white guy that was killing black kids in St.louis.

Why wod the left wing media let that slip by if they are agenda run organizations.

You probably never heard of it did you?
Leftists have a firm line on leads up to the edge of the mass grave for people who disagree with them...
Sure there is good evidence of that. And I don't think hitler was a leftist. I think her was only using the socialist tag to consolidate power.

He put alot of liberals and social democrats to death.
And the left wing media did t run with the white guy that was killing black kids in St.louis.

Why wod the left wing media let that slip by if they are agenda run organizations.

You probably never heard of it did you?

More on jim jones...from the Atlantic...

Before we get to the Kool-Aid part, let's recap some horrible American history. Jim Jones was a complex man. Long story short, he was a communist and occasional Methodist minister

Sure there is good evidence of that. And I don't think hitler was a leftist. I think her was only using the socialist tag to consolidate power.

He put alot of liberals and social democrats to death.

Hitler was a can try to lie about it all day long, but that is the truth.

Wow this kid bieved every conspiracy theory out there and some how thought he was the last line of defense from the Jews and blacks taking over.

Wow this kid was ate up.
Now, multiply this kid by a few million.

How many viewers do Tucker and Hannity have?
Now, multiply this kid by a few million.

How many viewers do Tucker and Hannity have?
Sucker would ask the question.

Do are whites under attack.

We will speak to a white nationalist neo Nazi what he has to think about the attack on the white race.

😂 😂
Now, multiply this kid by a few million.

How many viewers do Tucker and Hannity have?

Left wingers like this guy hate Tucker and doofus....

You guys......his manifesto is out....he states he is a left wing authoritarian, and eco-fascist...not a lot of Tucker and hannity fans in that group...but they fill the ranks of the democrat party brown shirts, antifa and blm....who burned, looted and killed in primarily black neighborhoods for 7 months while the democrat party mayors told the police to stand down....
Left wingers like this guy hate Tucker and doofus....

You guys......his manifesto is out....he states he is a left wing authoritarian, and eco-fascist...not a lot of Tucker and hannity fans in that group...but they fill the ranks of the democrat party brown shirts, antifa and blm....who burned, looted and killed in primarily black neighborhoods for 7 months while the democrat party mayors told the police to stand down....
He was a right wing conspiracy theorists.

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