Now there's no free speech on airplanes.

"Free Speech" just means the govt USED to not prosecute you for speech they didn't like (before Biden's America--now they do that, of course). It never meant you could say whatever you want on an airplane or anywhere else. If the airline doesn't like what you say, they have every right to kick you off their flight, or every flight everafter. Every business has that right, actually.

Funny, nobody has locked you up yet, Islamophobic Twat.
Progressive Hunter is one of yours... another fine example of the "Christian" Right.

Now, a couple of things to put some sanity into this conversation.

1) Free speech does not give you the right to act out on an aircraft.
2) Part of the problem here is that the airlines keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of people by making the seats smaller and smaller while the average American, hate to say it, is getting larger and larger.
3) Overall, air travel is massively unpleasant in general, and people like this woman make it worse.
For once I completely agree
So now they won't allow free speech on planes.

---Woman Gets Kicked Off Plane---

Dear lennypartiv,

Just to let you know, airplanes are private property, of course there are no free speech rights. Airlines are free to enforce consequences for speech.

The first amendment applies to government, not to the private sector.

Glad to help.

"So now they won't allow free speech on planes."
"So Democrats like you are thrilled about murdering people by pushing them off a flying plane for exercising free speech?"

You know, I DO make fun of our local MAGA's and QAnon fanboys (& girls).
It's sorta entertaining for me.
But then, I am a good-humored bloke who oftentimes find humor in the most unexpected of places.

But, I do have a sense of sympathy and caring for our local MAGA-Q' we read above.

Their lives are seemingly one long anger-burdened slog from one grievance to another.
No sooner has CRT, Migrant Caravans, MS-13, and Pizza Parlor Pedophilia and Poisonous Vaccines faded in the rearview mirror....when yet another development comes down the pike. And they go all hissyfitty once again.

Now they caterwaul over rudeness on airplanes being discouraged.

Unhappy souls. Like Gildna Radner ....."It's Always Something".
Progressive Hunter is one of yours... another fine example of the "Christian" Right.

Now, a couple of things to put some sanity into this conversation.

1) Free speech does not give you the right to act out on an aircraft.
2) Part of the problem here is that the airlines keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of people by making the seats smaller and smaller while the average American, hate to say it, is getting larger and larger.
3) Overall, air travel is massively unpleasant in general, and people like this woman make it worse.
The problem is also that approved groups can get loud and abuse the system and do. I have taken flights where when the start on charging for baggage that people took the smallest of the luggage on board the main cabin and delayed flights. I will not tell you what group did that in a massively higher percentage. But entering a plane with luggage all over leaving a slim way to walk to your seat was brutal. The good news is that we were not called racists for saying anything as we steamed.
The problem is also that approved groups can get loud and abuse the system and do. I have taken flights where when the start on charging for baggage that people took the smallest of the luggage on board the main cabin and delayed flights. I will not tell you what group did that in a massively higher percentage. But entering a plane with luggage all over leaving a slim way to walk to your seat was brutal. The good news is that we were not called racists for saying anything as we steamed.

Not only did you conceal that poorly, you managed to come of ass a racist and a coward. Good job. 😄
1) Free speech does not give you the right to act out on an aircraft.
2) Part of the problem here is that the airlines keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of people by making the seats smaller and smaller while the average American, hate to say it, is getting larger and larger.
3) Overall, air travel is massively unpleasant in general, and people like this woman make it worse.

I can't believe it, but I actually agree with what you said here Joe....

You know, I DO make fun of our local MAGA's and QAnon fanboys (& girls).
It's sorta entertaining for me.
But then, I am a good-humored bloke who oftentimes find humor in the most unexpected of places.

But, I do have a sense of sympathy and caring for our local MAGA-Q' we read above.

Their lives are seemingly one long anger-burdened slog from one grievance to another.
No sooner has CRT, Migrant Caravans, MS-13, and Pizza Parlor Pedophilia and Poisonous Vaccines faded in the rearview mirror....when yet another development comes down the pike. And they go all hissyfitty once again.

Now they caterwaul over rudeness on airplanes being discouraged.

Unhappy souls. Like Gildna Radner ....."It's Always Something".
"But, I do have a sense of sympathy and caring for our local MAGA-Q' we read above."

You are sympathetic and caring? Laws of mercy, listening to your posts on this thread seemed more smug and condescending than sympathetic and caring. But I will take your best thought at your word and let it be. In the meantime, I reserve the right to be horrified by horrible deeds that demean the faithful and proliferate the faithlessness that comes from taking the national purse and spending it unwisely to Congress Democrat's personal affluence to the exclusion of everyone else to their collective diminishment, and in particular, commoners and retired persons. Does that sound fair to you?
Not only did you conceal that poorly, you managed to come of ass a racist and a coward. Good job. 😄
I owe you nothing. Flights were delayed when the airlines made their luggage demands. Experiencing this was the truth. But you know this. Telling the truth and not wanting to get into a fight makes people cowards in this modern age. You cost so much and other spay for it.
I owe you nothing. Flights were delayed when the airlines made their luggage demands. Experiencing this was the truth. But you know this. Telling the truth and not wanting to get into a fight makes people cowards in this modern age. You cost so much and other spay for it.
I didn't say you owe me anything I was pointing and laughing at your racism and cowardice. 😄
I didn't say you owe me anything I was pointing and laughing at your racism and cowardice. 😄
You act like you have a blister where other people have brains. Hating persons of the political opposition does not make that someone either a racist nor a coward. The present object of your badmouthing is an honest, loyal adherent of the Constitution that says all people are equal, regardless of race, creed, color of skin, intelligence level, nor whether his assets are great or small. I suggest you speak of issues, and not in terms of character assassination.
I didn't say you owe me anything I was pointing and laughing at your racism and cowardice. 😄
You spout that and that is the truth by Prog assertions. I tell you the death knells of your agendas and you get insulted by it.
You act like you have a blister where other people have brains. Hating persons of the political opposition does not make that someone either a racist nor a coward. The present object of your badmouthing is an honest, loyal adherent of the Constitution that says all people are equal, regardless of race, creed, color of skin, intelligence level, nor whether his assets are great or small. I suggest you speak of issues, and not in terms of character assassination.
That's your opinion, I get to have mine. Feel free to cry about it. 😄
Why do people not understand that when you board an airplane you have given consent to lose significant rights.
An airplane is not a democracy. You do not have the right to say what you want, and an airline pilot has the exclusive right to kick anyone they want off of an airplane for any reason. It is written right on the agreement when you buy a ticket.

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