Now there's no free speech on airplanes.

You spout that and that is the truth by Prog assertions. I tell you the death knells of your agendas and you get insulted by it.
What death knell? Your party hasn't won the popular vote since 2004. You are decidedly a minority. 😄
Why do people not understand that when you board an airplane you have given consent to lose significant rights.
An airplane is not a democracy. You do not have the right to say what you want, and an airline pilot has the exclusive right to kick anyone they want off of an airplane for any reason. It is written right on the agreement when you buy a ticket.
In certain cases, like the one in question, why should the person who speaks up be the person who gets booted from the flight when they may not even be the problem in the first place? What if they found a dead rat in the rest room for example? What should that person do, keep quiet about the discovery so that they are not accused of being the reason why the rodent is there or be considerate enough by making the people in charge of the flight aware of the infestation?

God bless you always!!!

This RWI is one of yours?????
Are you calling out .......

This dude,,, ^^^^ as a (D)? NOT,,,
He/She/Her/it might be,,, but progressive hunter,,, needs to state,,, the left/right leaning for you,,,,

This is a missy that loves,,,, to punctuate with,,, and ,,,,,,is very ,,right leaning,,
We ,,,,,,clear,,, yet?
I misspoke by failing to say I disapprove of people being kicked off an airplane in flight because it is an act of murder, and therefore apologize for referencing innocent Democrats. The Good Book lists murder in one of its 10 Commandments brought down from the mountain by Moses. My mistake is unconscionable. Thank you for the correction which had its effect of making me feel regret for the mistake. I reread my post. Aargh!
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So now they won't allow free speech on planes.

---Woman Gets Kicked Off Plane---


The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and/or private entities – such as private business, in this case airlines.

Yet the dishonest right continues to ignore this fact and propagate lies about free speech being ‘violated.’
If there’s nothing wrong with being fat being called fat shouldnt be an insult.

Is there anything wrong with being short or being born disfigured? An insult is an insult if it was MEANT as an insult.

For many obese people, it is not due to overeating but the result of some medical condition beyond their control not remedied simply by some mystical "diet."

Do you like to insult people for having diabetes and cancer, too?
The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and/or private entities – such as private business

A fact the Biden Administration knows all too well so has partnered up with private big tech companies to oppress free speech FOR them thus making an end around the 1st Amendment.

That's treason.
What death knell? Your party hasn't won the popular vote since 2004. You are decidedly a minority. 😄
You are pushing the wrong agenda. I realize you may be from the other side of the planet, but the Founders intentionally gave all states a place around the decision-making votes through the College of Electors so that all men created equally can truly be enjoyed by each state as an individual whether the state is populous or not. And you're welcome to read the Constitution and history of voting any time you like. The founders were dedicated to ensure that each state's voice was worth listening to. Hurrah for the College of Electors! Big fat toadies have to listen to itty bitty froggies. :yes_text12:
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Is there anything wrong with being short or being born disfigured? An insult is an insult if it was MEANT as an insult.

For many obese people, it is not due to overeating but the result of some medical condition beyond their control not remedied simply by some mystical "diet."

Do you like to insult people for having diabetes and cancer, too?
Things like diabetes and cancer in my opinion are not the same thing. If an overweight person is crowding other people, why should them other people be who get removed?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Then again, since you are the one who brought up cancer, perhaps that right there is a perfect example. When a person has a cancerous lump inside their body, what is the better move to make, have it removed, or let it stay there which of course would only give it the ability to spread throughout the person's body to where the person eventually dies?
You missing all the MAGAts here who admire Pinochet?
Never really thought much about Chile except to rue the earthquakes they get when I go to Latest Earthquakes page at the USGS. You'll have to soldier on to catch me up about the dictator Pinochet. My sources say two different things. (1) He improved the economy of Chile (2) He didn't improve life in Chile for the poor. I regret my utter failure at being perspicacious about a country I know so little of.
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You are pushing the wrong agenda. I realize you may be from the other side of the planet, but the Founders intentionally gave all states a place around the decision-making votes through the College of Electors so that all men created equally can truly be enjoyed by each state as an individual whether the state is populous or not.
Are you a moron? Are you mentally slow? Where you homeschooled? Who's responsible for you being this stupid? 😄

The Founders didn't believe in real equality. We know this because they engaged in slavery. That's like me and friends deciding we're going to share all your shit equally among us as we're casing your house and then patting ourselves on the back for how magnanimous we are.

The Electoral College was implemented to protect the political viability of slave states. They didnt have fewer people, they had fewer people who were considered equal enough by the law to deserve political representation. Their numbers had to padded because many of the people in their States they treated like property. Thats actual history. I dont know what that fairytale bullshit you were just describing is but it aint reality.
And you're welcome to read the Constitution and history of voting any time you like. The founders were dedicated to ensure that each state's voice was worth listening to. Hurrah for the College of Electors! Big fat toadies have to listen to itty bitty froggies. :yes_text12:
You feel free too you Simp. Maybe next time not the Disney Land version of the Founding. 😂
Bletch. your use of the f word puts you on my ignore list as you should have already been for suggesting someone get thrown off an airplane in midair. That is my definition of one of many ways to murder somebody else which is breaking a Commandment.
would it have been better if it was a communist being thrown off a helicopter???
Are you a moron? Are you mentally slow? Where you homeschooled? Who's responsible for you being this stupid? 😄

The Founders didn't believe in real equality. We know this because they engaged in slavery. That's like me and friends deciding we're going to share all your shit equally among us as we're casing your house and then patting ourselves on the back for how magnanimous we are.

The Electoral College was implemented to protect the political viability of slave states. They didnt have fewer people, they had fewer people who were considered equal enough by the law to deserve political representation. Their numbers had to padded because many of the people in their States they treated like property. Thats actual history. I dont know what thag fairytale bullshit you were just describing is but it aint reality.

You feel free too you Simp. Maybe next time not the Disney Land version of the Founding. 😂
Many of the founders had roots in free states. But in order to free the country from Great Britain in 1776 they needed the Southern States to help them accomplish creating a new country. Many of the northern founders intentionally put equality into the Constitution yet tolerating slave states to be left to choose, so that following it would gain importance at a later time. Unfortunately, slavery remained in effect in southern agricultural states that required people to pick cotton to sell to the Northern mills, but the fiscal pressure leveled against the South created a divide that took a long and deadly civil war that began with the assault on Fort Sumpter and ended at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. And with this surrender of the South to the North, other provisions included an informal emancipation of all slaves:

In his memoirs, Grant wrote “I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered​
so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse.”​
That cause, maintaining the “peculiar institution” of slavery, the Confederacy had proclaimed as its “cornerstone” in 1861. One group who witnessed​
the events around the surrender who have long been invisible in the historical record are the 4600 enslaved people and the hundred or so non-enslaved​
African Americans who lived in Appomattox County. Congress passed ratification of the 13th Amendment to free all slaves on December 6, 1865. May​
God bless America for bringing freedom for all to the attention of all of the people of the United States. Oh, wait. He already did! All people are precious​
in God's sight. :thup:
So now they won't allow free speech on planes.

---Woman Gets Kicked Off Plane---

I understand it.

You're 30,000 feet in the air with a bunch of irritated, cramped people that paid too much money for tickets that had to get up early and carry bags through security and wait in line and so on. You really need to force the peace because airline travel isn't what it used to because now you so many ill mannered, entitled and trashy people flying. Once you're in the air that's it, you're stuck. Fight breaks out and everything goes to hell.

People can't even behave in a McDonald's as it is, let alone in a metal tube flying through the air.
Many of the founders had roots in free states. But in order to free the country from Great Britain in 1776 they needed the Southern States to help them accomplish creating a new country. Many of the northern founders intentionally put equality into the Constitution yet tolerating slave states to be left to choose, so that following it would gain importance at a later time. Unfortunately, slavery remained in effect in southern agricultural states that required people to pick cotton to sell to the Northern mills, but the fiscal pressure leveled against the South created a divide that took a long and deadly civil war that began with the assault on Fort Sumpter and ended at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. And with this surrender of the South to the North, other provisions included an informal emancipation of all slaves:

In his memoirs, Grant wrote “I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered​
so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse.”​
That cause, maintaining the “peculiar institution” of slavery, the Confederacy had proclaimed as its “cornerstone” in 1861. One group who witnessed​
the events around the surrender who have long been invisible in the historical record are the 4600 enslaved people and the hundred or so non-enslaved​
African Americans who lived in Appomattox County. Congress passed ratification of the 13th Amendment to free all slaves on December 6, 1865. May​
God bless America for bringing freedom for all to the attention of all of the people of the United States. Oh, wait. He already did! All people are precious​
in God's sight. :thup:
The story of the benevolent slavers is like a security blanket many of you cuck whites still have to comfort yourselves with at night. It's wonderfully sad. 😄
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Things like diabetes and cancer in my opinion are not the same thing. If an overweight person is crowding other people, why should them other people be who get removed?

Because they are both medical conditions? What difference does it make if it affects others? Most everything other people do affects other people, ever see a person in a wheelchair not affect others? So now what--- you want to kick them out of your way? Honk your horn and race you engine at blind people crossing the street too slowly? Steal their cane? It isn't like these people WANT to be obese or INTEND to screw you out of your precious seat! Last I checked, most everyone gets old and usually sick. Where is your Christian compassion and understanding for others, huh?

Yeah, just as I thought--- God bless you too. :smoke:
The story of the benevolent slavers is like a security blanket many of you cuck whites still have to comfort yourselves with at night. It's wonderfully sad. 😄
I didn't understand what "cuck" means, so I looked it up. My source said: "Cuck has its roots in cuckold, an old-fashioned term for a man whose wife is having sex with another man." Since that is nothing I have ever done, I'm putting you in the same category as the liars who overuse the f-word on someone who doesn't deserve such a taboo, false witness in public, which is also against the 10 commandments if you didn't know it. I deserve better as a participant in USMB for 11 years. My earlier name suffered a forgotten password after my husband of 44 years died, and I took a long sabbatical, so when I got back in 2018, my name change was beautress. Fare thee well.
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