now they are beheading hostages...

Oh wow, so if you’re Italian American, Canadian American, Australian American and hold passports from two or more countries then that means you’re a colonialist? You just proved you’re an ignorant moron, which is typical for the usual Pali supporter. Keep up the good work.
Big difference is they are immigrants, the foreign Israelis want two Countries, just been on the news here some of those insane violent Israeli settlers murdered four Palestinians in the West bank, then today they murdered two more when they attacked the funeral, that's the trash you support, they also kidnapped a 52 year old Palestinian, they are probably from New York.
It is an apartheid state, i will take Bishop Tutus word for it he lived in one you moron.
Oh I see, but no for example Western nation or international body. pffft you’re excused now Abdul Dipstick.

You realize the only remaining apartheid state that actually practice it, are certain Muslim countries that follow Shariah law, which says non Muslims don’t have the same rights as Muslims?
Big difference is they are immigrants, the foreign Israelis want two Countries, just been on the news here some of those insane violent Israeli settlers murdered four Palestinians in the West bank, then today they murdered two more when they attacked the funeral, that's the trash you support, they also kidnapped a 52 year old Palestinian, they are probably from New York.
Ha ha ha. So it’s just the ones that are Israeli and something else are colonialists. That you for exhibiting the warped Islamonazi enemy-within mentality that hides among the population in so many Western nations including USA.

Inshallah you get thrown out soon.
From whom should the reports come?

The dead babies?

And the report also came from your president, who said he confirmed images of it.
For a start Britain doesn't have a President, and looks like it was this trash who started the ball rolling on the beheaded babies story, he must have a very depraved mind, he is a fanatical settler who once called for a Palestinian village to be wiped out.
For a start Britain doesn't have a President, and looks like it was this trash who started the ball rolling on the beheaded babies story, he must have a very depraved mind, he is a fanatical settler who once called for a Palestinian village to be wiped out.

Your problem is even the POTUS has said he's seen the photos of the atrocities the subhuman animals Hamas committed.

Give it up
For a start Britain doesn't have a President, and looks like it was this trash who started the ball rolling on the beheaded babies story, he must have a very depraved mind, he is a fanatical settler who once called for a Palestinian village to be wiped out.
That's a pathetic attempt at ad hominem.

Biden confirmed he saw images.
It didn't happen it's fabricated by some Zionist nutcase and settler who called for a palestinian village to be wiped out, someone needs to put the sick animal out of his misery.

Again... you're just blabbering and a Hamas sympathizer. You don't think we've noticed by now?
It didn't happen it's fabricated by some Zionist nutcase and settler who called for a palestinian village to be wiped out, someone needs to put the sick animal out of his misery.
It very well maybe a "fog of war" thing, but frankly it changes little. Hamas are Isis; ERADICATE THEM!!!

It very well maybe a "fog of war" thing, but frankly it changes little. Hamas are Isis; ERADICATE THEM!!!

Not fog of war lies, it shows what they are capable of to get joe public on board for war, remember the Iraqi army incubator bullshit when they said Iraqi soldiers had ripped babies out of incubators? lies and more lies.

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