now they are beheading hostages...

thanks for your research

It's not that I am unsympathetic toward the Israelis who are paying the price for Israel's Right Wing's refusal to even consider a just and durable peace.

This attack is the act of desperate people who have no hope.

Thanks for your kind words ,
I am just watching a news conference here in the UK, it's being given by British -Israelis, so we have British -Israelis, American- Israelis, and yesterday a Irish -Israeli, how many Countries do these people want?
Oh wow, so if you’re Italian American, Canadian American, Australian American and hold passports from two or more countries then that means you’re a colonialist? You just proved you’re an ignorant moron, which is typical for the usual Pali supporter. Keep up the good work.
It isn't it's a Apartheid Colonial State, tell me what is acceptable about that arsehole in the vid i posted from New York stealing an Arabs house on the West bank?
Again, what country is Israel a colony of? It’s also not recognized as an apartheid or colonial state by the world. Try again Dipstick. Just because you parrot IslamoNazi propaganda doesn’t make it so.
Again, what country is Israel a colony of? It’s also not recognized as an apartheid or colonial state by the world. Try again Dipstick. Just because you parrot IslamoNazi propaganda doesn’t make it so.
It is an apartheid state, i will take Bishop Tutus word for it he lived in one you moron.

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