Now They've Got Marriage, Gays Come Out of the Closet...Again...Chemsex

Did you know chemsex was part of the gay male subculture while gay marriage was being deliberated?

  • Yes, but I don't care: gay marriage anyway.

  • No, but I don't care: gay marraige anyway.

  • No, Oh my GOD what have we done??

  • Yes, but I didn't think and still don't think it matters.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
This is about the gay male subculture, which differs from the lesbian subculture.


After years spent hiding away
in endless sex parties and chillouts, chemsex is now out in the public consciousness for everyone to observe in all its graphic detail
. And it makes a lot of people—gay and straight—very uncomfortable.

Featuring graphic scenes of real sex parties in which guys inject mephedrone, smoke crystal meth, and engage in bareback sex, CHEMSEX makes for challenging viewing. Just when you were ready to tell your mum you met a lovely new guy (on Grindr, though maybe you'll tell her you met in a bar) along comes the chemsex crisis to ruin your picture-perfect wedding.

It has been leading gay magazine Attitude's cover story. Articles have appeared in the Independent and the Guardian. Even the Daily Mail and the Sun ran editorials. Where once it existed in the subculture of gay excess, chemsex is now experiencing the glare of mainstream media attention. But the problems around sex and drug addiction have been the concern of sexual health clinics up and down the country for nearly a decade. It's something the NHS has been dealing with, being the first point of contact when people slip into comas after overdosing on GHB, or worse, when they die. The only organization that doesn't want to address it is the government.

There's even unease from within the gay community. At the Stonewall Awards last month, I was talking with one concerned gay man who told me how he felt it was inappropriate that the media was drawing so much attention to the subject. "It's not exactly the image we want to convey to the world, is it," he said. "The girls in my office would be shocked to hear about that kind of stuff.".... Read more: Why We Need Gay Sex Education in Schools | VICE | United States


What we need to quantify here is "gay excess". Is it excessive in behavior to just use the anus as an artificial vagina? Do most gay men draw the line there? Anything more would be "too kinky" for them? (look at the photos in the OP to help you deliberate).

Or, is it as the article suggests, a "given" that gay men are by their natures "excessive sexual beings" and that they're bummed one of their closeted excesses is being exposed so shortly after they illegally captured "gay marriage rights"?

That's what this thread is trying to provoke in readers.. "What is "gay excess" and should we presume it is in a minority in the gay male population? What evidence do we have to deduce that one way or the other?"

Note, gay men are not saying it isn't an implicit part of their culture. They're just bumming out that the general public is finding out about it. But I'm sure it spent years hiding away in their collective closet because let's face it, they were litigating gay marriage at the time. Now that they've got that in the bag, they're letting their hair down.

Next stop: forced disgorging of adoptable mean "boys and girls" to this subculture of people.. Subculture, not "race".. Hey, "married is married"... Adoption agencies can no longer discriminate. Ah, when behaviors are legally mistaken for "race"... The misinterpretation of the 14th grows horns, hooves and a spiked tail...

Coming out of the closet....



Still in the closet??..

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So now you claim that all gays not only want to turn all our kids gay, but they also want to turn them into druggies. If I had a view of the world that was as twisted as yours, I would be wearing a tinfoil hat too.
Nope, what I'm saying is that gay men are only shocked that people are finding out about their closeted behaviors: not that they deny they exist as routine. And, since they are behaviors, what are the closeted-costs of assigning these behaviors "marriage rights"? Like adoption...
Nope, what I'm saying is that gay men are only shocked that people are finding out about their closeted behaviors: not that they deny they exist as routine. And, since they are behaviors, what are the closeted-costs of assigning these behaviors "marriage rights"? Like adoption...

All gays or just the ones in your imagination? I'm looking for a percentage for your claim. Just how many gays would you say are drug addicts who only live to corrupt our kids?
Nope, what I'm saying is that gay men are only shocked that people are finding out about their closeted behaviors: not that they deny they exist as routine. And, since they are behaviors, what are the closeted-costs of assigning these behaviors "marriage rights"? Like adoption...

Wouldn't the eligibility of a given gay couple to adopt be based on their behavior....and not the behavior of some one else? 'Guilt by sexuality' isn't actually a thing. Surely you realize that.
Nope, what I'm saying is that gay men are only shocked that people are finding out about their closeted behaviors: not that they deny they exist as routine. And, since they are behaviors, what are the closeted-costs of assigning these behaviors "marriage rights"? Like adoption...

All gays or just the ones in your imagination? I'm looking for a percentage for your claim. Just how many gays would you say are drug addicts who only live to corrupt our kids?
From the article:

Where once it existed in the subculture of gay excess, chemsex is now experiencing the glare of mainstream media attention...

What we need to quantify here is "gay excess". Is it excessive in behavior to just use the anus as an artificial vagina? Do most gay men draw the line there? Anything more would be "too kinky" for them? (look at the photos in the OP to help you deliberate).

Or, is it as the article suggests, a "given" that gay men are by their natures "excessive sexual beings" and that they're bummed one of their closeted excesses is being exposed so shortly after they illegally captured "gay marriage rights"?

That's what this thread is trying to provoke in readers.. "What is "gay excess" and should we presume it is in a minority in the gay male population? What evidence do we have to deduce that one way or the other?"
Good thing straight people don't go in for crazy sex parties.
Nope, what I'm saying is that gay men are only shocked that people are finding out about their closeted behaviors: not that they deny they exist as routine. And, since they are behaviors, what are the closeted-costs of assigning these behaviors "marriage rights"? Like adoption...

All gays or just the ones in your imagination? I'm looking for a percentage for your claim. Just how many gays would you say are drug addicts who only live to corrupt our kids?
From the article:

Where once it existed in the subculture of gay excess, chemsex is now experiencing the glare of mainstream media attention...

What we need to quantify here is "gay excess".

If we're going to deny a *specific* gay couple the right to adopt, absolutely. As you'll need to demonstrate that the couple trying to adopt is 'chemsexing'.

Instead, you're suggesting that we ignore the behavior of the couple trying to adopt and deny them that right because some OTHER gay person, somewhere, is 'chemsexing'.

Which isn't a standard we apply to any group.

But you've never let your own pseudo-legal gibberish interfere with your rants before.
The people mentioned in the documentary are not fit to parents. Naturally Sil now wants to find all gay people accountable for the actions of these people. Something tells me that standard doesn't apply both ways though.
Good thing straight people don't go in for crazy sex parties.

Now, now. We can't hold all straight people responsible for the actions of any straight people. That is a standard we apply only to gays.

For.....some reason. Sil has never been clear on that.
Good thing straight people don't go in for crazy sex parties.

Now, now. We can't hold all straight people responsible for the actions of any straight people. That is a standard we apply only to gays.

For.....some reason. Sil has never been clear on that.
Prince's Trust, baby! Prince's Trust!

Betcha most of these nuts in Sil's story were raised by a mom and a dad.

Good thing straight people don't go in for crazy sex parties.
As a typical feature of hetero married behavior? Or an exception? Do gay men "settle down" statistically when married or not, compared to hetero counterparts?

“Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex and family, and in the process, transforming the very fabric of society.”

--National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy director,
Paul Ettelbrick (Kurtz, 2003) Gay Male Relationships are Inherently Unfaithful

Same link:

Today, with same-sex marriage being hotly debated, the promiscuous nature of gay relationships, especially those of gay men, is becoming more widely recognized.

In 1948, Kinsey observed that long-term homosexual relationships were notably few. Now, more than fifty years later, long-term gay male relationships may be more common, but the fact remains that they are typically not monogamous.

In one recent study of gay male couples, 41.3% had open sexual agreements with some conditions or restrictions, and 10% had open sexual agreements with no restrictions on sex with outside partners. One-fifth of participants (21.9%) reported breaking their agreement in the preceding 12 months, and 13.2% of the sample reported having unprotected anal intercourse in the preceding three months with an outside partner of unknown or discordant HIV-status (1)....

The Male Couple (1984), which found that not a single male pair was able to maintain fidelity in their relationship for more than five years. Outside affairs, the researchers found, were not damaging to the relationship’s endurance, but were in fact essential to it. “The single most important factor that keeps couples together past the ten-year mark is the lack of possessiveness they feel,” says the authors (p. 256).

The gay community has long walked a thin public-relations line, presenting their relationships as equivalent to those of heterosexual married couples. But many gay activists portray a very different cultural ethic. Michelangelo Signorile describes the campaign “to fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution completely--to demand the right to marry not as a way of adhering to society’s moral codes, but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution.” (1974, p 3)....

...“Sexual promiscuity is one of the most striking, distinguishing features of gay life in America” (p. 45). A much-cited study by Bell and Weinberg (1978), published by the Kinsey Institute, and often called the most ambitious study of homosexuality ever attempted, gathered its data before the AIDS crisis had begun. This study showed that 28 percent of homosexual males had had sexual encounters with one thousand or more partners. Furthermore, 79 percent said more than half of their sex partners were strangers. Only 1 percent of the sexually active men had had fewer than five lifetime partners. The authors concede: “Little credence can be given to the supposition that homosexual men’s ‘promiscuity’ has been overestimated”


So for contrast, I wonder how many heterosexual couples have had each over five hundred or more sexual encounters with complete strangers?
Sil, quoting people that hate gays doesn't do anything for your credibility.
) along comes the chemsex crisis to ruin your picture-perfect wedding.

What exactly is the 'chemsex crisis'?

For instance- how many people are having 'chemsex'? Unknown.

How many people are harmed by having 'chemsex'? Also unknown.

How many threads will Silhouette start trying to get people to attack homosexuals? Virtually unlimited.
What is "known" Syriusly is that 0% of gay male couples have stayed together for more than five years. And 28% of gay men have had THOUSANDS of sexual encounters with other men, HALF OF WHICH were complete strangers to them.

I am shocked. I've never heard of drugs in orgies before. Dam those gays
How many straights have you known to have over 500 sexual encounters with complete strangers? To me, that suggests a propensity towards "anything goes" sex. Which would include the fad of gay men called "chemsex"..

Hey, if rampant promiscuity and depraved sex acts are so common in the LGBT community as to have catchy nicknames like "Chemsex" or "barebacking", then gays should embrace who they are, right? Why worry if the public knows about their sexuality? What, suddenly they're all acting prude now? :lmao: Seriously?
If you can't trust the Founder and President of NARTH, than who can you trust? Too funny.
Heck, gay people sure have a lot of fun! Thanks for the heads up, Sil! We should all turn gay! We are really missing out!

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