NOW THREATS!!! Joe Biden: Lindsey Graham Will 'Regret' Investigating Me 'His Whole Life'

The Walls Are Closing in on The Obama Administration and The Deep State.

And best part is, they asked
For IT!

You’ve been playing this tune for years . Why don’t Trumps AG lap dogs do anything about it??? Cause there’s nothing there!!
Think you just signed your jail papers Jojo, little Lindsey just became the PIT BULL you will remember while wearing that orange jumpsuit...If it was one thing old Lindsey learned from McLame it is VENGEANCE IS SWEET, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, DO IT FIRST!!!!


Former Vice President Joe Biden threatened Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for launching an investigation into his activities with Ukraine while in the Obama White House, stating the Republican will “regret” the move his “whole life.”


"Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden told CNN host Don Lemon in a Friday interview in South Carolina. “I say Lindsey, I just — I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing, for you. I mean, my Lord.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Where's the "threat"?
Where is the quid pro quo, you jackass!
Think you just signed your jail papers Jojo, little Lindsey just became the PIT BULL you will remember while wearing that orange jumpsuit...If it was one thing old Lindsey learned from McLame it is VENGEANCE IS SWEET, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, DO IT FIRST!!!!


Former Vice President Joe Biden threatened Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for launching an investigation into his activities with Ukraine while in the Obama White House, stating the Republican will “regret” the move his “whole life.”


"Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden told CNN host Don Lemon in a Friday interview in South Carolina. “I say Lindsey, I just — I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing, for you. I mean, my Lord.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Where's the "threat"?
Where is the quid pro quo, you jackass!

You think that's Latin for "threat"?

Still waiting. We sit, and we wait.
Nothing to do but wait.
Your wait and fortune.
Bob Goldth wait.
Wait 'til your father gets home.
Tom Waits. As do we all.
Waiter -- check please.

So where is it?
If Biden has nothing to hide why's he so upset? Breaking, Biden turns rat, rolls on Obama and Hillary. :auiqs.jpg:
Think you just signed your jail papers Jojo, little Lindsey just became the PIT BULL you will remember while wearing that orange jumpsuit...If it was one thing old Lindsey learned from McLame it is VENGEANCE IS SWEET, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, DO IT FIRST!!!!


Former Vice President Joe Biden threatened Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for launching an investigation into his activities with Ukraine while in the Obama White House, stating the Republican will “regret” the move his “whole life.”


"Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden told CNN host Don Lemon in a Friday interview in South Carolina. “I say Lindsey, I just — I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing, for you. I mean, my Lord.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Where's the "threat"?
Where is the quid pro quo, you jackass!

You think that's Latin for "threat"?

Still waiting. We sit, and we wait.
Nothing to do but wait.
Your wait and fortune.
Bob Goldth wait.
Wait 'til your father gets home.
Tom Waits. As do we all.
Waiter -- check please.

So where is it?
I guess this isnt athreat to a thug!

Joe Biden: Lindsey Graham Will 'Regret' Investigating Me 'His Whole Life'

If it dont say die it ain't no threat!....ROTFLMFAO!
Think you just signed your jail papers Jojo, little Lindsey just became the PIT BULL you will remember while wearing that orange jumpsuit...If it was one thing old Lindsey learned from McLame it is VENGEANCE IS SWEET, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, DO IT FIRST!!!!


Former Vice President Joe Biden threatened Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for launching an investigation into his activities with Ukraine while in the Obama White House, stating the Republican will “regret” the move his “whole life.”


"Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden told CNN host Don Lemon in a Friday interview in South Carolina. “I say Lindsey, I just — I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing, for you. I mean, my Lord.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Where's the "threat"?
Where is the quid pro quo, you jackass!

You think that's Latin for "threat"?

Still waiting. We sit, and we wait.
Nothing to do but wait.
Your wait and fortune.
Bob Goldth wait.
Wait 'til your father gets home.
Tom Waits. As do we all.
Waiter -- check please.

So where is it?
I guess this isnt athreat to a thug!

Joe Biden: Lindsey Graham Will 'Regret' Investigating Me 'His Whole Life'

If it dont say die it ain't no threat!....ROTFLMFAO!
If it don't have a threat in it --- it ain't no threat.

That what you're trying to say?

Are you also trying to say you swallowed a bogus headline without vetting it?

Are you trying to say you REGRET not checking that out, even though you knew you were linking DIMBART?

Was that a "threat"? :gay:
He's going to regret it because what he does right now during this mess will be the capstone of his career. He has made the calculation that being a total whore for Trump is good move. Everyone else is mostly keeping their mouths shut and playing it close to the vest. take Biden down we take you down............Swamp

Biden is good at one thing............he has a big mouth.........Never knows when to shut it.
Lindsey Graham needs to shut up if he knows what is good for him. He has now bet his future political career entirely on Donald Trump. If Trump goes down he is going to drag a lot of people down with him, just for spite because that is the kind of guy he is. It is not a good move at this time to double down on the Trump devotion.
It’s over turd.

DemTards shifted to COUP 2.0 to delay the obvious.

You have been predicting Trump in chains for three years all the while we’ve told you that you were wrong and that this was going to backfire.

It’s not my problem you are a frustrated angry DemTardling Without reason.

The Walls Are Closing in on The Obama Administration and The Deep State.

And best part is, they asked
For IT!

You’ve been playing this tune for years . Why don’t Trumps AG lap dogs do anything about it??? Cause there’s nothing there!!
It’s easy to be brave and stick up for The President when you have facts and truth on your side.

Support for Impeachment Plummets
Daily, and so does support for The Democrat Candidates and Party.

By the time This is over your party will be a Pariah.

He's going to regret it because what he does right now during this mess will be the capstone of his career. He has made the calculation that being a total whore for Trump is good move. Everyone else is mostly keeping their mouths shut and playing it close to the vest. take Biden down we take you down............Swamp

Biden is good at one thing............he has a big mouth.........Never knows when to shut it.
Lindsey Graham needs to shut up if he knows what is good for him. He has now bet his future political career entirely on Donald Trump. If Trump goes down he is going to drag a lot of people down with him, just for spite because that is the kind of guy he is. It is not a good move at this time to double down on the Trump devotion.
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He's going to regret it because what he does right now during this mess will be the capstone of his career. He has made the calculation that being a total whore for Trump is good move. Everyone else is mostly keeping their mouths shut and playing it close to the vest. take Biden down we take you down............Swamp

Biden is good at one thing............he has a big mouth.........Never knows when to shut it.
Lindsey Graham needs to shut up if he knows what is good for him. He has now bet his future political career entirely on Donald Trump. If Trump goes down he is going to drag a lot of people down with him, just for spite because that is the kind of guy he is. It is not a good move at this time to double down on the Trump devotion.
Graham will do the swamp's duty...................He will not take down Biden............will sound like he's tough for the show...................and end the Impeachment without taking down bigs from the Swamp...........

This is all about image for elections................and to keep the public at odds over it to the point of needing a barf bag..............

Think you just signed your jail papers Jojo, little Lindsey just became the PIT BULL you will remember while wearing that orange jumpsuit...If it was one thing old Lindsey learned from McLame it is VENGEANCE IS SWEET, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, DO IT FIRST!!!!


Former Vice President Joe Biden threatened Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for launching an investigation into his activities with Ukraine while in the Obama White House, stating the Republican will “regret” the move his “whole life.”


"Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden told CNN host Don Lemon in a Friday interview in South Carolina. “I say Lindsey, I just — I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing, for you. I mean, my Lord.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sounds like Biden has been around the Clintons too much.
It’s easy to be brave and stick up for The President when you have facts and truth on your side.

Support for Impeachment Plummets
Daily, and so does support for The Democrat Candidates and Party.

By the time This is over your party will be a Pariah.

Let me clue you in on something. The only person in high office that actually believes all the garbage you call news is apparently Donald Trump. He's got people investigating conspiracy theories as if they are real. None of these investigations will ever bear fruit because most of them started out as baseless political smears. When it comes time for people to start testifying under oath the bullshit ends. Why do you think everyone involved with the Ukraine affair decided that they could never appear to testify while insisting the president did nothing wrong. They can investigate away all they want but nothing you think is true will ever see the inside of a courtroom. No one wants to go to jail for perjury.
Biden managed to weasel 10 million out of the Ukraine in a couple weeks. Who knows how many other international shakedowns he committed. He's been robbing the US taxpayer so long he might have more money than Soros or Gates. And if he has that kind of money, coupled with his total lack of integrity, morals and a conscience, he might just take Graham out. They should lock Biden up for Graham's safety. Of course they'll let him out to testify in the Senate's impeachment trial. Now that will be good.
Think you just signed your jail papers Jojo, little Lindsey just became the PIT BULL you will remember while wearing that orange jumpsuit...If it was one thing old Lindsey learned from McLame it is VENGEANCE IS SWEET, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, DO IT FIRST!!!!


Former Vice President Joe Biden threatened Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for launching an investigation into his activities with Ukraine while in the Obama White House, stating the Republican will “regret” the move his “whole life.”


"Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he’s going to regret his whole life,” Biden told CNN host Don Lemon in a Friday interview in South Carolina. “I say Lindsey, I just — I’m just embarrassed by what you’re doing, for you. I mean, my Lord.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sounds like Biden has been around the Clintons too much.

and Obama too.
You have no clue. You lied to America for three straight years and damned yourselves to Hell over lust, greed and power and your hatred of all things good and Holy.

Don’t worry though, this is just God’s Mercy before The End of Days. Evil will be allowed to rule again, and all the things you thought you wanted, will come to pass.
Globalism, One World Economy, but it will
Come with a Price, Your Soul.

Then comes Judgment Day for us all. The Earth and Heavens are Incinerated & A New Heaven and Earth is born and Death, Nor Hatred will be found any more upon The Earth and Christ will rule upon The Throne Of David forever.

You can choose to be part of that or remain with Satan, his fallen Angels and “The Resistance and all those that rebel against God. Heaven will have no part of you and you will have no part of Heaven.

But you are unable to see past a simple Presidential Term &
Cannot Discern those things that are spiritual and prophetic.

How sad for you.

It’s easy to be brave and stick up for The President when you have facts and truth on your side.

Support for Impeachment Plummets
Daily, and so does support for The Democrat Candidates and Party.

By the time This is over your party will be a Pariah.

Let me clue you in on something. The only person in high office that actually believes all the garbage you call news is apparently Donald Trump. He's got people investigating conspiracy theories as if they are real. None of these investigations will ever bear fruit because most of them started out as baseless political smears. When it comes time for people to start testifying under oath the bullshit ends. Why do you think everyone involved with the Ukraine affair decided that they could never appear to testify while insisting the president did nothing wrong. They can investigate away all they want but nothing you think is true will ever see the inside of a courtroom. No one wants to go to jail for perjury.
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You have no clue. You lied to America for three straight years and damned yourselves to shell over list, greed and power and your hatred of all things good and holy.

Don’t worry though, this is just God’s Mercy before The End of Days. Evil world be allowed to rule again, and all the things you thought you wanted, will come to pass.
Globalism, One World Economy, but it will
Come with a Price, Your Soul.

Thencomes Judgment Day for us all. The Earth and Heavens are Incinerated A New Heaven and Earth is born and Death, Nor Hatred will be found any more upon The Earth and Christ will rule upon The Throne
Of David forever.

You can choose to be part of that or remain with Satan, his fallen Angels and “The Resistance”.

But you are unable to see past a simple Presidential Term not Discern those things that are spiritual and prophetic.

How sad for you.

Quit using the bible to bludgeon others and actually read it. It's people like you that made me quit religion. I looked in the bible and saw a commandment to be as much like Christ as we are capable. Then I looked around at the hypocrites with Jesus in their mouths and the devil in their heart.
Why is Biden even relevant ?

He's old and he's white. The very picture of what the left hates (like Bernie).
This is a struggle between Good and Evil. God’s Word states that Rebellion is as The Sin of Witchcraft.

What did you call it?

The Resistance?

How will you explain this To King Jesus on Judgment Day?

You have no clue. You lied to America for three straight years and damned yourselves to shell over list, greed and power and your hatred of all things good and holy.

Don’t worry though, this is just God’s Mercy before The End of Days. Evil world be allowed to rule again, and all the things you thought you wanted, will come to pass.
Globalism, One World Economy, but it will
Come with a Price, Your Soul.

Thencomes Judgment Day for us all. The Earth and Heavens are Incinerated A New Heaven and Earth is born and Death, Nor Hatred will be found any more upon The Earth and Christ will rule upon The Throne
Of David forever.

You can choose to be part of that or remain with Satan, his fallen Angels and “The Resistance”.

But you are unable to see past a simple Presidential Term not Discern those things that are spiritual and prophetic.

How sad for you.

Quit using the bible to bludgeon others and actually read it. It's people like you that made me quit religion. I looked in the bible and saw a commandment to be as much like Christ as we are capable. Then I looked around at the hypocrites with Jesus in their mouths and the devil in their heart.
So Christ taught you to Hate The President?

Got it

You have no clue. You lied to America for three straight years and damned yourselves to shell over list, greed and power and your hatred of all things good and holy.

Don’t worry though, this is just God’s Mercy before The End of Days. Evil world be allowed to rule again, and all the things you thought you wanted, will come to pass.
Globalism, One World Economy, but it will
Come with a Price, Your Soul.

Thencomes Judgment Day for us all. The Earth and Heavens are Incinerated A New Heaven and Earth is born and Death, Nor Hatred will be found any more upon The Earth and Christ will rule upon The Throne
Of David forever.

You can choose to be part of that or remain with Satan, his fallen Angels and “The Resistance”.

But you are unable to see past a simple Presidential Term not Discern those things that are spiritual and prophetic.

How sad for you.

Quit using the bible to bludgeon others and actually read it. It's people like you that made me quit religion. I looked in the bible and saw a commandment to be as much like Christ as we are capable. Then I looked around at the hypocrites with Jesus in their mouths and the devil in their heart.

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