Now US Says It Was in Process of "Securing" Soviet-Era Bio-Weapons in Ukraine

I've already got your number, Putin asseater.

Didn't take you fucks long to toss that "America First" drivel out the window, did it, mouth breather?
Still can't back your claim, child? Pathetic. That Eurotrash squabble has nothing to do with America, not our problem. You're the dumbass shilling for the corrupt monkey in Kiev.
You really don't know anything about the 2-Term President do you?

How many days did the former 1-term president golf or watch phax all day?
I admit, I'm not an Obama expert.

Some people seem to think he's the devil incarnate, but I don't have that view.

I'm more focused on his foreign policy masters. Are you aware his first foreign policy mentor was Sen Richard Lugar? And their first foreign trip together was to Ukraine?
I admit, I'm not an Obama expert.

Some people seem to think he's the devil incarnate, but I don't have that view.

I'm more focused on his foreign policy masters. Are you aware his first foreign policy mentor was Sen Richard Lugar? And their first foreign trip together was to Ukraine?
What foreign policy masters?
What does "securing" mean? Lock them up? Why weren't the bio-weapons locked up already? Something ain't right and either the media or the Biden administration (or both) is covering it up. The plan seems to involve protecting the Biden administration at all costs while putting the health of the entire world in jeopardy. Didn't they learn their lesson with Covid? Will they be able to blame the Russians if the shit hits the fan? Will it matter? Let's hope we can survive until the November elections.
What does "securing" mean? Lock them up? Why weren't the bio-weapons locked up already? Something ain't right and either the media or the Biden administration (or both) is covering it up. The plan seems to involve protecting the Biden administration at all costs while putting the health of the entire world in jeopardy. Didn't they learn their lesson with Covid? Will they be able to blame the Russians if the shit hits the fan? Will it matter? Let's hope we can survive until the November elections.
They claim it's Soviet era, why did it take this long? How can anyone believe these people?
What foreign policy masters?
The same ones that run Hillary.

Do you remember Ted Kennedy's speech, when Hillary and Obama were running neck and neck in the primary, and he basically told the American people it was okay to vote for Obama?
Nothing, absolutely nothing the Biden administration says is true, they are fucking lying lips off 24/7! Its an enormous enormous problem, when you can no longer trust your own government, about anything, anything at all! You are all strapped into front row seats for the ending of the United States, the traitorous democrat party, coupled with decades of rino leaders in republican party, have attained a tipping point.

Do you folks understand, they nakedly war monger, they want the war with Moscow, yet the American people do not believe in their own government and refuse to buy into it, and it is now very likely that more people believe Putin as opposed to Biden, and make no mistake kiddies, this is not nearly restricted to just citizens of the United States, world leaders are now openly ducking the psychopaths phone calls, which is why that psychopath now courts Venezuela for oil!
:thankusmile: No longer trust them,when we’re they ever trustworthy,they sure never have been in the 20 th and 21st centurys
The same ones that run Hillary.

Do you remember Ted Kennedy's speech, when Hillary and Obama were running neck and neck in the primary, and he basically told the American people it was okay to vote for Obama?
What does that even mean?
Yeah. Notice how they said "we" are in the process and not "the Ukrainians" are in the process

WTF were these people thinking? Whatever they're doing over there, it's so dangerous it has to be secured before the Russians get to it

Any way you slice it, this can't be good
Yeah, we won't want the Russian's to get a better COVID vaccine.
Can't we just settle on one good lie fellas? This looks like Clown World.

There is documentation that is EXACTLY what they were trying to do!

You are just a conspiracy theorist, anti-American, pain in the ass!

Still haven't rid yourself of the photoshopped avatar yet?
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What does that even mean?
I guess that's a no.

Well, it was quite a speech.

He went into the reasons "why" it was okay to vote for Obama.

Foreign policy was one of them.

You may recall one of the first things O did when he got into office was he went on a foreign "apology tour". The symbolism was supposed to be, we'd turned a new leaf after Bush.

And then the next thing he did was start five foreign wars and continue three more. He apparently didn't understand how badly he was being played. Obama himself is not a Neo-Lib, he was groomed that way and he didn't even know it. Fortunately Hillary was there to do most of the dirty work for him.

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