Now US Says It Was in Process of "Securing" Soviet-Era Bio-Weapons in Ukraine

You know there is a difference between bioweapons and chemical, right? Plus you still need to prove your claim. I've heard Syria used chemical weapons, not Russia. I'll wait.
I don't have to prove anything to Putin's asseating retards. Move the fuck over there, ask him & see how long it takes before you're breaking rocks.

In the meantime go fuck yourself.
Shitstain obama paid almost 4 million dollars to the Wuhan lab for a bioweapon called Covid.
Only in your empty headed braindead mind, idiot.

You assholes are nothing but a bunch of Putin's usefull idiots. He loves jerkoffs like you. Loooooves you to death.
Only in your empty headed braindead mind, idiot.

You assholes are nothing but a bunch of Putin's usefull idiots. He loves jerkoffs like you. Loooooves you to death.
If it would get rid of democrats, I wish I could do more.
You know there is a difference between bioweapons and chemical, right? Plus you still need to prove your claim. I've heard Syria used chemical weapons, not Russia. I'll wait.
Actual Syria is interesting in that Syria (ruled by alawit muslims) was fighting sunni terrorists like al queda and ISIS.

The interesting thing is that it is known that the sunni terrorists used chemical weapons and it is also known that they used chemical weapons on the areas that they controlled hopes or previous arrangement with Obama to get the US involved to take out the alawit muslims for the terrorists controlled by the Sauds.

The media reports of the alawit muslims using chemical agents is probably all made up bullshit at Obama's direction to get the US to help out the terrorists MORE (OBAMA FUNDED AND GAVE WEAPONS TO THE terrorist side to take out the alawits.)

SMOKE AND MIRRORS----lie upon lie from our government and our fucked up media especially from the Obama/BIDEN regime.
Some very interesting things are coming out of Ukraine as a result of Putin's Special Operations.

Absolutely, yes very interesting things....Ukraine is beginning to look like a den of vipers!

.... and it all started with Obama helping them with the coup in 2014.
You're a lying sack of shit & a lowlife. It's a known fact what Putin did.

Fuck off & enjoy the trip.

Oh my! You really should pay attention. It appears your stance is bassackwards! If it comes out that way, shame on you!

Believing the Left or the Right, no matter who is in charge, will be your downfall. LOOK at things with a focused eye. You might find what it is you search for, but it what is more likely a Leftist, you are going to be extremely disappointed.

Don't think this has never happened before, as someone on the right, it has also happened to me. These people lie from both sides, and it is our job to sift through their lies, and fix what is broken.

All I can say is-------> good luck, and pay attention!
Absolutely, yes very interesting things....Ukraine is beginning to look like a den of vipers!

.... and it all started with Obama helping them with the coup in 2014.
Marking you down as a pro putiniphile
Absolutely, yes very interesting things....Ukraine is beginning to look like a den of vipers!

.... and it all started with Obama helping them with the coup in 2014.
Obama was clueless.

It was Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State at the time, remember?

And Victoria Nuland was HER employee.

Therefore everything Victoria did was blessed by Hillary.

Everything Hillary touches turns into a complete disaster.
Obama was clueless.

It was Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State at the time, remember?

And Victoria Nuland was HER em

Whoever it was under the Rats.

Scum of the Earth.
Obama was clueless.

It was Hillary Clinton who was Secretary of State at the time, remember?

And Victoria Nuland was HER em
President Obama was a solid president.

So, you can stop pissing your pants.

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