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Now We Know The Truth About Accusing the Right of Being Racists

My liberal friends who still support obama at this point in time please stop posting in this thread.
It really makes the left look horrible when they ADMIT to being dishonest and using race in a dishonest way to stifle/win debates on topics.

Guys just let it die it is making the libs look REAL REAL bad.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Below is what i'm talking about rinata

The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.

Yeah, one comment that the OP tried to apply to the left as a whole and was thanked many many times by rightwingers. GJ, did you catch the hypocrisy yet??
He did lie, his dishonest actions as he only presented half of the story, when he had the second half, in order to retaliate against the naacp over their resolution is what caused the whole incident.

Essentially breitbart yelled fire in a crouded theater and you are trying to blame the owner of the theater because he fired the usher as you give the guy yelling fire, when there was none, a pass.

So the only one that looks like a partisan hack is YOU.
ah, more pathetic projections

ah, more pathetic avoidance from you. lol
no, but i dont expect you to understand
And look at all of the rigth wingers who thanked the hack who wrote the hypocrtical op.


All I here is "Whaaaa! Whaaaa! Whaaaaa!"
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Below is what I'm talking about Rinata

The Daily Caller's "JournoList" expose has finally resolved the matter:

Based on Spencer Ackerman's tactic:

“If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us,” Ackerman wrote on the Journolist listserv in April 2008. “Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

More evidence is Sherrod's hateful comment regarding the GOP to Media Matters.

So here's the thing you lefties should understand: we're not falling for it.

Yeah, one comment that the OP tried to apply to the left as a whole and was thanked many many times by rightwingers. GJ, did you catch the hypocrisy yet??

Its definitely not the entire left that does it. However many in the media repeat these mis-characterizations that this group has put out and many on the forum here who claim to be of the left persuasion use the very same tactic.

Its definitely not every "left leaner" I can immediately think of over 5 people who are liberal minded that I post with who do not do that.
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Now you're chimping out and neg repping me because your feeling got hurt and you're frustrated that you have no proof that I'm racist.

:lol::lol::lol: He's got your number, little diver!!! I told you before that when you neg rep it just lets the person know that they got under your skin!!! And from what I've been reading, why don't you just give it up??? Bass is making you look like a chump!!! :lol:

you are such a moron
the rep system is a PEER REVIEW system
get over it bitch
you are backing one of the biggest fucking racists on the board

Oh, shut up!!! Do you ever make any sense with that water logged brain of yours??? Go diving some more and see if you can get any stupider.
YOU are the one that posted to ME saying how you were attacked. I merely asked you to prove it. And still am waiting.

I'm sick of you whining about this. This thread is quickly approaching a thousand hits, so expecting anyone to 'remember' what they said three or four days ago requires extensive research. You could at least give a hint as to what you're pissing and moaning over. Other inquiring minds want to know so you'll shut up about it.

Kiss off Maggie. Rinata should have not have falsely accused me then. AND should have answered me right away. THEN she would not have to remember.
I DID say what it was. I quoted her more than once..she accused me of attacking her.
That is false.

I have as much right to post what I want, when I want, as you do. You don't like what I post, put me on ignore. Sheesh.

I am not particularly interested in answering your questions. I don't like you. Next time give me the post number you are talking about. I'm certainly not going looking for it. Do you think you can do that or have I stumped you???
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:lol::lol::lol: He's got your number, little diver!!! I told you before that when you neg rep it just lets the person know that they got under your skin!!! And from what I've been reading, why don't you just give it up??? Bass is making you look like a chump!!! :lol:

you are such a moron
the rep system is a PEER REVIEW system
get over it bitch
you are backing one of the biggest fucking racists on the board

Oh, shut up!!! Do you ever make any sense with that water logged brain of yours??? Go diving some more and see if you can get any stupider.
oooh such a retort, did it take you all this time to come up with that

you are PATHETIC
I'm sick of you whining about this. This thread is quickly approaching a thousand hits, so expecting anyone to 'remember' what they said three or four days ago requires extensive research. You could at least give a hint as to what you're pissing and moaning over. Other inquiring minds want to know so you'll shut up about it.

Kiss off Maggie. Rinata should have not have falsely accused me then. AND should have answered me right away. THEN she would not have to remember.
I DID say what it was. I quoted her more than once..she accused me of attacking her.
That is false.

I have as much right to post what I want, when I want, as you do. You don't like what I post, put me on ignore. Sheesh.

I am not particularly interested in answering your questions. I don't like you. Next time give me the post number you are talking about. I'm certainly not going looking for it. Do you think you can do that or have I that stumped you???

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo Rinata doesn't like me.

Of course you aren't going to look for it. You already know you are wrong. You are excused now..
Now you're chimping out and neg repping me because your feeling got hurt and you're frustrated that you have no proof that I'm racist.

:lol::lol::lol: He's got your number, little diver!!! I told you before that when you neg rep it just lets the person know that they got under your skin!!! And from what I've been reading, why don't you just give it up??? Bass is making you look like a chump!!! :lol:

you are such a moron
the rep system is a PEER REVIEW system
get over it bitch
you are backing one of the biggest fucking racists on the board

So says the pile of human shit that refuses to condemn Briefart's lying, misleading video, you're one piece of fucking work.
:lol::lol::lol: He's got your number, little diver!!! I told you before that when you neg rep it just lets the person know that they got under your skin!!! And from what I've been reading, why don't you just give it up??? Bass is making you look like a chump!!! :lol:

you are such a moron
the rep system is a PEER REVIEW system
get over it bitch
you are backing one of the biggest fucking racists on the board

So says the pile of human shit that refuses to condemn Briefart's lying, misleading video, you're one piece of fucking work.

Breitbart lied? Prove it.
ah, more pathetic projections

ah, more pathetic avoidance from you. lol
no, but i dont expect you to understand

You're the one that doesn't understand shithead, Briefart didn't even apologize for his gaffe, its not the first time that piece of lying shit has used heavily edited videos to smear and drag people in the dirt, the NAACP and the WH did apologize, thats shows just how much balls Briefart doesn't have and you're a mangy, miserable dumbfuck for still supporting that lying piece of shit, you're even lower than him.

you are such a moron
the rep system is a PEER REVIEW system
get over it bitch
you are backing one of the biggest fucking racists on the board

So says the pile of human shit that refuses to condemn Briefart's lying, misleading video, you're one piece of fucking work.

Breitbart lied? Prove it.

He didn't post the entire video and edited it with the comments that the NAACP was applauding black on white racism to smear the NAACP, the full video doesn't show this and to edit someone out of context is blatant dishonesty and fucking lying by omission, which part of that do you not understand you Texas piss stain?
ah, more pathetic avoidance from you. lol
no, but i dont expect you to understand

You're the one that doesn't understand shithead, Briefart didn't even apologize for his gaffe, its not the first time that piece of lying shit has used heavily edited videos to smear and drag people in the dirt, the NAACP and the WH did apologize, thats shows just how much balls Briefart doesn't have and you're a mangy, miserable dumbfuck for still supporting that lying piece of shit, you're even lower than him.

Why should Breitbart apologize?
So says the pile of human shit that refuses to condemn Briefart's lying, misleading video, you're one piece of fucking work.

Breitbart lied? Prove it.

He didn't post the entire video and edited it with the comments that the NAACP was applauding black on white racism to smear the NAACP, the full video doesn't show this and to edit someone out of context is blatant dishonesty and fucking lying by omission, which part of that do you not understand you Texas piss stain?

Not posting the entire video isn't a lie. Shall I give you the definition of a lie? Your racism is starting to show.
So you are trying to apply the actions and statements of a few to the whole even though in the past you said for the left to do so against the tea party was wrong?? Thanks for proving that you are nothing but a hypocrite.

BTW it's kind of sad that you, who previously chimed into a thread, dishonestly accused me of saying things that i never said and then vanished when asked for proof of your accusations, are actually trying to be critical of anyone over being dishonest.

Its not the statements of a few citizens it is the statements of several leaders of large and influential news reporting/"journalism" outlets. Totally different than the population of a protest....but why be honest in comparisons if it doesn't make you look good right Dr;)?

TPIWWOL (This post is worthless without links). Why? Because I walk away from the forum for days at a time and then scroll through my rep comments and active topics to find threads to post on.

BTW awesome example of Deflection Dr. Smith.....did you learn that at the Carville school of dishonest debate?

So are you claiming that all of those comments are representative of the whole and can you prove that? Furthermore, aren't many of those reporters in question citizens??

In reality there is no difference between labeling the entire tea party based on the actions and statements of a few and labeling the entire left based on the actions and statements of a few and you are nothing but a hypocritical hack.

BTW what is deflection, I don't deny that the comments were made and don't make excuses for those who made them but I think it's quite telling that some of the same people would attack the left as a whole over a few comments after all of their conflicting arguments saying that it is wrong to do similar to the tea party.

It's out in the open now. The Left uses the racist accusation against the Right, the Tea Party, Conservatives, the GOP... Anyone who critiques prominent lefties or their programs will be falsely attacked as a racist as a diversionary tactic.

And look at all of the rigth wingers who thanked the hack who wrote the hypocrtical op.

AllieBaba (07-23-2010), Annie (07-22-2010), AquaAthena (07-22-2010), ba1614 (07-22-2010), Big Fitz (07-27-2010), Foxfyre (07-24-2010), fyrenza (07-22-2010), GWV5903 (07-27-2010), Kat (07-22-2010), keee keee (07-24-2010), KissMy (07-23-2010), masquerade (07-22-2010), Misty (07-22-2010), mudwhistle (07-22-2010), Nonelitist (07-23-2010), Pale Rider (07-22-2010), pete (07-23-2010), PLYMCO_PILGRIM (07-22-2010), Ragnar (Yesterday), Rat in the Hat (07-28-2010), Sherry (07-25-2010), sitarro (07-23-2010), The Rabbi (07-22-2010), The T (07-22-2010), Wicked Jester (07-23-2010), WillowTree (07-22-2010), Zander (07-23-2010), Zoom-boing (07-23-2010)

I wonder, how many of them defended the tea party from blanket statements like the one made in the OP??

The "New Right" has never been able to recognize their own hypocrisy. Very strange. You see it everywhere.
Why is it by evening, a thread is often hijacked by people who want a one-on-one fight? Take it to your PM folder, guys. Geeze.

He said/she said. You're a troll/no you're a troll. Blah blah fuckingblah. Go to bed at a decent hour, children and come back when you're refreshed and unstupid.
:lol::lol::lol: He's got your number, little diver!!! I told you before that when you neg rep it just lets the person know that they got under your skin!!! And from what I've been reading, why don't you just give it up??? Bass is making you look like a chump!!! :lol:

you are such a moron
the rep system is a PEER REVIEW system
get over it bitch
you are backing one of the biggest fucking racists on the board

So says the pile of human shit that refuses to condemn Briefart's lying, misleading video, you're one piece of fucking work.
wow, another liberal MORON doing the classic projection
Kiss off Maggie. Rinata should have not have falsely accused me then. AND should have answered me right away. THEN she would not have to remember.
I DID say what it was. I quoted her more than once..she accused me of attacking her.
That is false.

I have as much right to post what I want, when I want, as you do. You don't like what I post, put me on ignore. Sheesh.

I am not particularly interested in answering your questions. I don't like you. Next time give me the post number you are talking about. I'm certainly not going looking for it. Do you think you can do that or have I stumped you???

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooo Rinata doesn't like me.

Of course you aren't going to look for it. You already know you are wrong. You are excused now..

How would I know I am wrong if I don't even know what you're talking about?? Either give me a post number or quit whining about it.

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