Now We're Talking- ICE Arrests Farmworkers, Sparking Fears

Up here, just about every man, woman and child over 5 used to rake wild blueberries in August. Further north, whole families were so involved in the potato harvest that they closed school. It's backbreaking but everyone -- white everyones -- did it.

The problem is, it's about a month's worth of work. One month out of twelve. I've worked with some of the migrant population and they are constantly moving from state to state. When they finish up in New York they are headed to Florida or Washington, then Maine again It's very hard work and not a lot of money, you're constantly living in a cramped trailer or farmers' huts somewhere. So saying "get welfare folks to do it" is just a lot of silliness. They haven't got cars to move around in and most of them have kids who need to be in school. Let's try to be realistic. If guest workers from Mexico and Central America are willing to come here to work the harvests, let them come legally. Let's see ICE clamping down on the farmer where those four guys were headed to work. He was paying them under the table, wasn't he? Without employers willing to break the law, there wouldn't be any illegals here.
They come here for the free welfare. They don't have to work as long as they have a hand to mark on a ballot for the Democrats.

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