Now we're talking- Wyoming to bring back the Firing Squad

It closed period. You are just wrong. Either admit it or stop prattling on with this nonsense. The prosecution can't "fuck up" on a decision that wasn't theirs to make. LOL at saying Garcetti is blaming the judge when it is the supervising judge of the superior court and the superior's court presiding judge at the time both say it was the Superior Court's decision to make. You are making yourself look like more of an idiot by the minute. First you say the Prosecution called for the case to be moved, than you shift and say they "fucked up" by not stopping the court form moving the case, now you just continue to make up shit as you go along. You are a bullshiter, and not even a good one. I don't even see the point of continuing to make objectively false statements on this issue. Are you a compulsive liar or something?

Again, Garcetti didn't fight for a White Jury because he knew how bad that would look.

Funny how you cite the Rolando Cruz case as an example of a sentence that "can't be reversed". Because a simple 30 second google search and click on wiki confirms his death sentence was overturned on DNA evidence and he was fully exonerated. It looks like it was reversed after all.

But it was ONLY reversed because a lot of people fought very hard to get it reversed.

Let's review, shall we. He was convicted the first time because the Keystone Cops out here in DuPage thought he "looked good for it" after he tried to scam them out of some reward money. Except another guy, Brian Dugan actually admitted to doing it by the time it got to trial, they had their guy and they were going to convict him.

Then they got the the verdict overturned, and they put him on trial again and got another conviction, because DuPage County just couldn't admit it made a mistake. That was thrown out due to prosecutorial misconduct.

By the time they got around to a THIRD Trial, some 12 years after the murder, one of the cops FINALLY admitted he lied about Cruz confessing to the crime. And, oh, yeah, they got around to testing the DNA evidence and it really was Dugan all along. Fucking Scooby Doo could have figured it out at that point.

So let's review- RIch- you can get away with murder.
Poor - You get convicted of murders someone else gleefully confessed to. Twice.

Yes, we totally need a penalty that can't be undone with a situation like that.
You can keep repeating yourself, but it doesn't change the fact it wasn't the prosecution's decision to make or appeal, As both Superior Court Judges said, it wasn't up to Garcetti. You aren't any less wrong than the five other times you said this.

So in conclusion, death penalty should be banned because of one case where a black guy got off because of a non-white jury in a state where there was no death penalty and because another guy on death row ended up being cleared by DNA evidence. Wow, you have a compelling case there.
You can keep repeating yourself, but it doesn't change the fact it wasn't the prosecution's decision to make or appeal, As both Superior Court Judges said, it wasn't up to Garcetti. You aren't any less wrong than the five other times you said this.

Okay, because it wasn't like Garcetti was out there fighting for his white jury in a tiny courthouse that wouldn't hold the hoards of press.

So in conclusion, death penalty should be banned because of one case where a black guy got off because of a non-white jury in a state where there was no death penalty and because another guy on death row ended up being cleared by DNA evidence. Wow, you have a compelling case there.

In conclusion, our justice system is too fucked up to have a penalty that can't be undone.
You can keep repeating yourself, but it doesn't change the fact it wasn't the prosecution's decision to make or appeal, As both Superior Court Judges said, it wasn't up to Garcetti. You aren't any less wrong than the five other times you said this.

Okay, because it wasn't like Garcetti was out there fighting for his white jury in a tiny courthouse that wouldn't hold the hoards of press.

So in conclusion, death penalty should be banned because of one case where a black guy got off because of a non-white jury in a state where there was no death penalty and because another guy on death row ended up being cleared by DNA evidence. Wow, you have a compelling case there.

In conclusion, our justice system is too fucked up to have a penalty that can't be undone.
So now Garcetti fought to keep it in Santa Monica, now you are saying the exact opposite of your original claim, that the prosecution called for it to be moved in LA because they didn't want a white jury after Rodney King. Honestly, you are a joke. You have totally embarrassed yourself with this shameful posting. You are the stupidest piece of shit I have ever come across on the internet, and that is no small feat, and it is magnified by your bitchy snarky attitude. You should just quit internet posting.

LOL at saying the system is too fucked up after it rectified an error and did its job with DNA evidence in the 90s and forensics has only improved since then.
So now Garcetti fought to keep it in Santa Monica, now you are saying the exact opposite of your original claim, that the prosecution called for it to be moved in LA because they didn't want a white jury after Rodney King. Honestly, you are a joke. You have totally embarrassed yourself with this shameful posting. You are the stupidest piece of shit I have ever come across on the internet, and that is no small feat, and it is magnified by your bitchy snarky attitude. You should just quit internet posting.

Guy, i've it simple for you. Any complaints by Garcetti about the Jury was to cover his own ineptitude in the decisions HE made about this case.

He's the one who went along with LA.
He's the one who didn't hire jury consultants while OJ Did.
He's the one who put Mutt and Jeff... I mean Clark and Darden as the prosecution team instead of experienced white male litigators. You know, ones who wouldn't have tried to put gloves on OJ that didn't fit.
He's the one who put Fuhrman on the stand knowing he was a racist.

You know why he did that. Because that kind of ineptitude he usually got away with when trying poor black kids. Because black juries will convict them.

I find it hilarious that you think OJ was about race when it was about wealth. Once his wealth ran out, he went to jail.

LOL at saying the system is too fucked up after it rectified an error and did its job with DNA evidence in the 90s and forensics has only improved since then.

It didn't 'rectify' an error. It doubled down on it's error. It was OBVIOUS by 1985 that Dugan, not Cruz, had killed that little girl. But they were STILL trying to put him on Death Row as late as 1995. Even after Dugan confessed.
So now Garcetti fought to keep it in Santa Monica, now you are saying the exact opposite of your original claim, that the prosecution called for it to be moved in LA because they didn't want a white jury after Rodney King. Honestly, you are a joke. You have totally embarrassed yourself with this shameful posting. You are the stupidest piece of shit I have ever come across on the internet, and that is no small feat, and it is magnified by your bitchy snarky attitude. You should just quit internet posting.

Guy, i've it simple for you. Any complaints by Garcetti about the Jury was to cover his own ineptitude in the decisions HE made about this case.

He's the one who went along with LA.
He's the one who didn't hire jury consultants while OJ Did.
He's the one who put Mutt and Jeff... I mean Clark and Darden as the prosecution team instead of experienced white male litigators. You know, ones who wouldn't have tried to put gloves on OJ that didn't fit.
He's the one who put Fuhrman on the stand knowing he was a racist.

You know why he did that. Because that kind of ineptitude he usually got away with when trying poor black kids. Because black juries will convict them.

I find it hilarious that you think OJ was about race when it was about wealth. Once his wealth ran out, he went to jail.

LOL at saying the system is too fucked up after it rectified an error and did its job with DNA evidence in the 90s and forensics has only improved since then.

It didn't 'rectify' an error. It doubled down on it's error. It was OBVIOUS by 1985 that Dugan, not Cruz, had killed that little girl. But they were STILL trying to put him on Death Row as late as 1995. Even after Dugan confessed.

Garcetti never complained about the jury in anything of the links I posted. And that distracts from the issue at hand. The issue here is that you were just plain incorrect, and did a literal 180 going from saying Garcetti moved the case to Downtown LA because of Rodney King to saying he fought for an all white jury in Santa Monica but couldn't get, it but you continue posting this shit without batting without batting an eye.

It's only hilarious to you because you are deluded, polling data and all the legal experts agree that the change of venue and jury racial composition resulted in a not guilty verdict. This is just common sense. Your argument is like saying the sky isn't blue. You can say it as much as you want. But it doesn't change the reality of the situation. And you aren't positing a valid argument.

Now you are saying correcting a death sentence with dna evidence isn't correcting a death sentence. That isn't an argument, that is just denying reality.

So just to put home the point again, you cited a case where there was no death penalty on the table, and the guy got off because of the race of the jurors, and cited a case where they reversed a death sentence with DNA evidence and an innocent man was set free and new forensics technology worked, as examples of how the death penalty should be banned. The funny thing is the second one particularly drives home my point about new technology is minimizing error to almost null, but I made that point a lifetime ago it seems in the ocean of your stupid posts.

But please, go on, tell us more.
Garcetti never complained about the jury in anything of the links I posted. And that distracts from the issue at hand. The issue here is that you were just plain incorrect, and did a literal 180 going from saying Garcetti moved the case to Downtown LA because of Rodney King to saying he fought for an all white jury in Santa Monica but couldn't get, it but you continue posting this shit without batting without batting an eye.

Yawn, guy. Take some time to read Darden's book and the awful decisions made in that trial.

It's only hilarious to you because you are deluded, polling data and all the legal experts agree that the change of venue and jury racial composition resulted in a not guilty verdict. This is just common sense. Your argument is like saying the sky isn't blue. You can say it as much as you want. But it doesn't change the reality of the situation. And you aren't positing a valid argument.

The trial wasn't conducted by "polling". Not that there EVER was going to be a chance OJ would be tried by an all-white Jury. That's grounds for appeal right there. Now here is the thing. People who WATCHED all of the trial were more inclined to think OJ Might be innocent, compared to people who just watched the five minute summary on the nightly news.

Now you are saying correcting a death sentence with dna evidence isn't correcting a death sentence. That isn't an argument, that is just denying reality.

No, guy, and I am not sure if you are stupid or just a troll, but here's the thing. You didn't NEED DNA to solve this case. Dugan confessed in 1985. They still put Cruz on trial in 1987. and again in 1989. And again in 1995 when they FINALLY bothered to test the DNA they had. In short, they knew they had the wrong guy, but they insisted on prosecuting him ANYWAY.

And only because they made mistakes in the first trial and Dugan's confession that they didn't execute this guy before the truth was known.

So just to put home the point again, you cited a case where there was no death penalty on the table,

No, there was no death penalty on the table because they took it off the table. We don't execute rich people.

California has 749 guys on death row.
Garcetti never complained about the jury in anything of the links I posted. And that distracts from the issue at hand. The issue here is that you were just plain incorrect, and did a literal 180 going from saying Garcetti moved the case to Downtown LA because of Rodney King to saying he fought for an all white jury in Santa Monica but couldn't get, it but you continue posting this shit without batting without batting an eye.

Yawn, guy. Take some time to read Darden's book and the awful decisions made in that trial.

It's only hilarious to you because you are deluded, polling data and all the legal experts agree that the change of venue and jury racial composition resulted in a not guilty verdict. This is just common sense. Your argument is like saying the sky isn't blue. You can say it as much as you want. But it doesn't change the reality of the situation. And you aren't positing a valid argument.

The trial wasn't conducted by "polling". Not that there EVER was going to be a chance OJ would be tried by an all-white Jury. That's grounds for appeal right there. Now here is the thing. People who WATCHED all of the trial were more inclined to think OJ Might be innocent, compared to people who just watched the five minute summary on the nightly news.

Now you are saying correcting a death sentence with dna evidence isn't correcting a death sentence. That isn't an argument, that is just denying reality.

No, guy, and I am not sure if you are stupid or just a troll, but here's the thing. You didn't NEED DNA to solve this case. Dugan confessed in 1985. They still put Cruz on trial in 1987. and again in 1989. And again in 1995 when they FINALLY bothered to test the DNA they had. In short, they knew they had the wrong guy, but they insisted on prosecuting him ANYWAY.

And only because they made mistakes in the first trial and Dugan's confession that they didn't execute this guy before the truth was known.

So just to put home the point again, you cited a case where there was no death penalty on the table,

No, there was no death penalty on the table because they took it off the table. We don't execute rich people.

California has 749 guys on death row.
Stop calling me "guy", it just makes you look dumber than you already are.

Is he as much of a bullshiter as you? I don't think that is possible. How about instead of flinging shit around and seeing what sticks, you actually listen to the Superior Court judges who made the call in the first place?

Polling reflects opinions, and the prevailing opinion among white, higher income, and more educated individuals was that OJ Simpson was guilty, and this at the very least would have translated into a hung jury and a retrial in a whiter, higher income, and more educated area like Santa Monica. As for your claim that people who watched the whole trial thought he was innocent, that has about as much validity as your dual claims that on one hand Garcetti moved the case to downtown LA due to the rodney king incident, but at the same time tried to keep it in Santa Monica to get a White Jury. You are just making up shit as you go along.

And all of that distracts from the main point, the jury composition and trial location were the major factors in the verdict, which you just ignored and didn't address going on another unsubstantiated tangent.

On one hand you say those that watched the trial were likely to find him innocent, implying that the jury reached a correct conclusion based on the evidence, than you say he "escaped the death penalty" because of his money, even though death penalty was never on the table. The level of cognitive dissonance is amazing.

There is a moratorium on the death penalty in California, the fact there is people on death row in California is a non-point from the fact the death penalty is not allowed.

None of what you say changes the fact that the system worked and the sentence was overturned with DNA evidence. You claim the system doesn't work when you cite an example of the appeals system actually working as it should and overturning an incorrect verdict for Cruz. You are just digging yourself into a deeper hole here.
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Polling reflects opinions, and the prevailing opinion among white, higher income, and more educated individuals was that OJ Simpson was guilty, and this at the very least would have translated into a hung jury and a retrial in a whiter, higher income, and more educated area like Santa Monica.

Or not. Frankly, the thing was, Darden and Clark did such an awful job that I doubt a white jury would have convicted OJ. Especially after the bit with the gloves or the bit where Fuhrman was caught lying.

None of what you say changes the fact that the system worked and the sentence was overturned with DNA evidence. You claim the system doesn't work when you cite an example of the appeals system actually working as it should and overturning an incorrect verdict. You are just digging yourself into a deeper hole here.

The system DIDN'T work. The prosecuted the wrong man and sentenced him to death TWICE.

That's like saying that your car worked properly because your airbag kept your brains from being splattered AFTER the faulty brakes gave out. The system FAILED in that it convicted Cruz in the first place. Not that it failed to execute him because of a few procedural mistakes and that the science caught up a few years later.

On one hand you say those that watched the trial were likely to find him innocent, implying that the jury reached a correct conclusion based on the evidence, than you say he "escaped the death penalty" because of his money, even though death penalty was never on the table. The level of cognitive dissonance is amazing.

Uh, no. He escaped the Death Penalty because he had lawyers that were good enough to confuse the issue. They cracked Fuhrman's claims that he wasn't a racist. they cracked the forensic claims that those were OJ's gloves.

Meanwhile, Poor Rolando couldn't afford investigators who would have, oh, I do


There is a moratorium on the death penalty in California, the fact there is people on death row in California is a non-point from the fact the death penalty is not allowed.

Hey, dumbass, if there is a "moratorium" on the death penalty in California, how is it since OJ Committed his crime, 11 Criminals in California have been executed?

That's a pretty ineffective moratorium.

Inmates Executed 1978 to Present
Polling reflects opinions, and the prevailing opinion among white, higher income, and more educated individuals was that OJ Simpson was guilty, and this at the very least would have translated into a hung jury and a retrial in a whiter, higher income, and more educated area like Santa Monica.

Or not. Frankly, the thing was, Darden and Clark did such an awful job that I doubt a white jury would have convicted OJ. Especially after the bit with the gloves or the bit where Fuhrman was caught lying.

None of what you say changes the fact that the system worked and the sentence was overturned with DNA evidence. You claim the system doesn't work when you cite an example of the appeals system actually working as it should and overturning an incorrect verdict. You are just digging yourself into a deeper hole here.

The system DIDN'T work. The prosecuted the wrong man and sentenced him to death TWICE.

That's like saying that your car worked properly because your airbag kept your brains from being splattered AFTER the faulty brakes gave out. The system FAILED in that it convicted Cruz in the first place. Not that it failed to execute him because of a few procedural mistakes and that the science caught up a few years later.

On one hand you say those that watched the trial were likely to find him innocent, implying that the jury reached a correct conclusion based on the evidence, than you say he "escaped the death penalty" because of his money, even though death penalty was never on the table. The level of cognitive dissonance is amazing.

Uh, no. He escaped the Death Penalty because he had lawyers that were good enough to confuse the issue. They cracked Fuhrman's claims that he wasn't a racist. they cracked the forensic claims that those were OJ's gloves.

Meanwhile, Poor Rolando couldn't afford investigators who would have, oh, I do


There is a moratorium on the death penalty in California, the fact there is people on death row in California is a non-point from the fact the death penalty is not allowed.

Hey, dumbass, if there is a "moratorium" on the death penalty in California, how is it since OJ Committed his crime, 11 Criminals in California have been executed?

That's a pretty ineffective moratorium.

Inmates Executed 1978 to Present
Your doubt doesn't matter. You don't have a credible opinion on the matter, as you have been exposed to make up things as you go along about the case.

This system did work, he appealed and got off. You provided an example of the appeals system working as it should to clear an innocent man. Thanks for a case in the column in favor of the position for those of us who are pro-capital punishment

He wasn't being brought up for charges of the death penalty, thus he wasn't "escaping" such a thing at the trial. Stop repeating this false point. Honestly, what is the matter with you, are you just autistic and in an infinite loop repeating the same thing.

You are getting delusional, you are saying he "escaped" the death penalty, implying he was guilty, than you imply in the very next sentence he wasn't guilty beyond a reasonable doubt according to the case as laid out by both sides. Remind us again how if you watched the case more you thought he was innocent, and whites polled who thought he was guilty in majority didn't know the facts. Oh yea, and racial composition of the jury didn't matter, lol.

In February 2006, U.S. District Court Judge Jeremy D. Fogel blocked the execution of convicted murderer Michael Morales because of complaints about the administration of lethal injection in the gas chamber.[12] It was argued that if the three-drug lethal injection procedure were administered incorrectly, it could lead to suffering for the condemned, potentially constituting cruel and unusual punishment. The issue arose from an injunction made by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which held that an execution could only be carried out by a medical technician legally authorized to administer intravenous medications. The case led to a de facto moratorium of capital punishment in California as the state was unable to obtain the services of a licensed medical professional to carry out the execution.[13]
Capital punishment in California - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Tell us again how there is a death penalty in California

Also, I guess I missed the part on the link where it says Prosecution called for the death penalty in the OJ trial ans thus OJ "escaped it" with his "dream team" that he got with all his money. And also then you can explain the part where it shows no one in California has even been sentenced to death since 1982, 13 years before the oj simpson trial . But yea, all those innocent poor people getting an unjust murder conviction are getting fried, I guess they are missing from the list.
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Your doubt doesn't matter. You don't have a credible opinion on the matter, as you have been exposed to make up things as you go along about the case.

This system did work, he appealed and got off. You provided an example of the appeals system working as it should to clear an innocent man. Thanks for a case in the column in favor of the position for those of us who are pro-capital punishment

No, the system working would have been him never being charged to start with. The system would not have him being railroaded onto Death Row the first time, and then having the county double down and trying to railroad him a second and third time because they just couldn't admit they made a mistake. Rolando Cruz is EXACTLY why we shouldn't have a death penalty.

Tell us again how there is a death penalty in California

That was in 2006. OJ was tried in 1995.

Also, I guess I missed the part on the link where it says Prosecution called for the death penalty in the OJ trial ans thus OJ "escaped it" with his "dream team" that he got with all his money. And also then you can explain the part where it shows no one in California has even been sentenced to death since 1982, 13 years before the oj simpson trial . But yea, all those innocent poor people getting an unjust murder conviction are getting fried, I guess they are missing from the list.

People are still getting the death penalty, and were still being executed, at the time OJ was tried. But OJ was rich. Which meant for him the DP was taken off the table from the very start. Same thing for the Menendez Brothers. We don't execute rich people because Rich people can fight back.

And if you can't execute rich people, you shouldn't execute poor people.
OH THE HORROR! the asshole twitches and has trouble breathing on the "goodbye gurney" (cap tip to my bro Roadrunner) and that's considered cruel or unusual? Hey, you want capital punishment to be a deterrent? How about murdering the son of a bitch in his cell, in the middle of the night....take him out the same way he took out his victim.....stabbed, beaten to death, shot, strangled....whatever.....quietly open his cell door, sneak in, hold him down, and end his time here on the planet, same way he killed....word gets around quick on perfect vengeance. :terror:
OH THE HORROR! the asshole twitches and has trouble breathing on the "goodbye gurney" (cap tip to my bro Roadrunner) and that's considered cruel or unusual? Hey, you want capital punishment to be a deterrent? How about murdering the son of a bitch in his cell, in the middle of the night....take him out the same way he took out his victim.....stabbed, beaten to death, shot, strangled....whatever.....quietly open his cell door, sneak in, hold him down, and end his time here on the planet, same way he killed....word gets around quick on perfect vengeance.

the problem is, the Death Penalty is never a deterrent.

Most murders are either acts of insanity (which can't be deterred) acts of passion (which can't be deterred) or acts of premeditation (where the person thinks he's really clever and won't get caught.)

Therefore, the DP has NO deterrent value.

Making it meaner or stupider, which seems to be the Right Wing fetish here, won't change that.
the problem is, the Death Penalty is never a deterrent.

Most murders are either acts of insanity (which can't be deterred) acts of passion (which can't be deterred) or acts of premeditation (where the person thinks he's really clever and won't get caught.)

Therefore, the DP has NO deterrent value.

Making it meaner or stupider, which seems to be the Right Wing fetish here, won't change that.

It's a pretty good deterrent to the one who gets strapped down...he'll never have the chance to kill anybody leftist bleeding hearts take pity on a rabid dog yet hate on the Troopers who defend your sorry asses....liberalism is truly a mental illness.
It's a pretty good deterrent to the one who gets strapped down...he'll never have the chance to kill anybody leftist bleeding hearts take pity on a rabid dog yet hate on the Troopers who defend your sorry asses....liberalism is truly a mental illness.

Actually, no, it really isn't. No more than locking him up for the rest of his life, anyway.

and no one hates the "Troopers" who defend our country. We just don't think they should be sent to fight in countries we don't have an interest in fighting in.
Actually, no, it really isn't. No more than locking him up for the rest of his life, anyway.

and no one hates the "Troopers" who defend our country. We just don't think they should be sent to fight in countries we don't have an interest in fighting in.

So he can murder another inmate or a guard? And please, listen to your dirtbag pals call Chris Kyle a "murderer" and tell me who they don't hate....I lived with being called a "baby killer" for years after Vietnam....gave more than one of them some new bridgework for it too.
OH THE HORROR! the asshole twitches and has trouble breathing on the "goodbye gurney" (cap tip to my bro Roadrunner) and that's considered cruel or unusual? Hey, you want capital punishment to be a deterrent? How about murdering the son of a bitch in his cell, in the middle of the night....take him out the same way he took out his victim.....stabbed, beaten to death, shot, strangled....whatever.....quietly open his cell door, sneak in, hold him down, and end his time here on the planet, same way he killed....word gets around quick on perfect vengeance. :terror:
I am all for injecting(no pun intended) some societal anger into the process, but, in the interest of being human, would settle for a large does of Versed and a ball peen hammer.
They would be just as capable of killing guards on death row. Maybe even more motivated to. What else are they goign to do to you at that point?
Cite some cases where death row guards were killed.

Few and far between.

Now, count lifers killing while in prison.

Not much you can do to them, put them in solitary for a while, cut back on yard time.

Once convicted and IN the pen, a whole different set of justice should take over.

Inmate violence that causes bodily injury or death to another inmate should be taken care of by the warden and a firing squad ASAP after identifying the perp.
I am all for injecting(no pun intended) some societal anger into the process, but, in the interest of being human, would settle for a large does of Versed and a ball peen hammer.

No TERROR in the quick and painless......prick should feel the same kind of true horror his victim minute thinking about the future, next minute being murdered....that debt can only be paid by recreating what he gave his victim.

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