Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

So, the Govt can pick and choose which religions are "real" and which are not.

That is almost the same as establishing them
the first amendment forbid the govt from establishing A religion…not from establishing if something is a religion
the first amendment forbid the govt from establishing A religion…not from establishing if something is a religion
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Any law that requires that the state decide which religions are legitimate and which are not is, very much so, a law "respecting an establishment of religion".
Do you believe homosexuality is a sin in the New Testament?

No, I do not believe so, but that is because I think the New Testament says to not judge other except when necessary.
Others being gay has no effect on me at all.
But whether or not something is a sin is really about one's belief in an after life.
No human is supposed to dictate or punish what may or may not be sinful.
which means you can not deny people with a religious belief protection of the law…ie a gay couple can’t force a baker to make them a wedding cake

There is absolutely no religion that says, "thou shalt not be employed by gays".
The web designer has absolutely no valid religious clam in any way.
In fact, her condemning a gay marriage is incredibly sinful.
No, I do not believe so, but that is because I think the New Testament says to not judge other except when necessary.
Others being gay has no effect on me at all.
But whether or not something is a sin is really about one's belief in an after life.
No human is supposed to dictate or punish what may or may not be sinful.
You're incorrect. Society is supposed to do that. In a democracy, we elect our legislators and they pass laws that reflect the values of the electorate and allow society to function. They create laws that protect and serve the interests of the public. The "public good". By what you're saying you're clearly not a Christian and you know it. I don't have to tell you that. You're playing games for the sake of argument, here on the forum.
Why is this necessary?

Does something have to be large-scale broadly-recognized for it to be a deeply held religious belief
Large-scale broadly-recognized... useful in minimizing the chances that any such objection is frivolous or spurious or merely an objection-of-convenience in disguise...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Any law that requires that the state decide which religions are legitimate and which are not is, very much so, a law "respecting an establishment of religion".
haha no. the court has to judge, that what it does. it has to determine if something is or is my a deeply held regliooiaj belief
There is absolutely no religion that says, "thou shalt not be employed by gays".
The web designer has absolutely no valid religious clam in any way.
In fact, her condemning a gay marriage is incredibly sinful.
i didn’t say there was and she at no time said she wouldn’t be. She just said her faith doesn’t recognize gay marriage. thus she can not support it, and therefore won’t make a website for it…she was happy to do anything else for them

why do you think you can force someone to work for you anyway? let alone violate their religious beliefs to do it?

this seems to go back to the demklans master slave mindset
Is the design of the Apple logo separate from the content?

In terms of website development, the logo itself would be content. The act of designing that logo does not fall within the purview of web development.

In website development, design refers to the structure and organization of the website. That is, things layout, theme, and so on. Basically, anything that could be changed without changing the meaning constitutes design in web development. An easy way to think about it is to think of the design part of a website as its template. A template could be used to create an infinite number of websites simply by plugging in the content for each different site.

Content then becomes the actual text, images, and other forms of media.

Let's look at an example:

OMG, Obama sucks ass and is awful and we're better off without him. :yes_text12:

Here we have both text and an image. These are content. The design is that the text is standard size, a normal font face, undecorated, a default color, and the image is inline with the text. We can change the design without changing the content. For example:

OMG, Obama sucks ass and is awful and we're better off without him.


The content remains the same, but the design has changed. Now, the image is block aligned. Meanwhile, the text is enlarged, it's colored differently, it's decorated (bolding), and a different font face is employed.

Finally, we can also retain the same design, while changing the content, like this:

Gay sex is great and even stodgy Republicans have to admit they love themselves some girl-on-girl action so gays should get married.


The font face, color, size, and decoration are the same, the image alignment is the same. But the actual text is different and the image used is different. Instead of the bouncing bed animated image, I could use the apple logo instead, or the Rebel Alliance logo, or a picture of a sweet potato. Creating the design is an entirely separate act from creating the content.
There is no large-scale broadly-recognized religion on earth whose texts nor traditional teachings stipulate that it is a Sin to be Black.

There are, however, three (3) Abrahamic religions ( Judaism, Christianity and Islam) that hold that homosexuality is a Sin - an abomination before God, Man and Nature.

There is a deep history of Christianity in America being used to justify racial segregation, and even slavery.
Thank you for sharing your personal opinion on the subject.
The Abrahamic religions teach that it is up to God to punish sins, and that the laws of man are only supposed to be in defense of individual rights.
You are obviously not well-read in either the history of the Abrahamic religions nor the traditional interpretation of their individual and collective teachings.
The Abrahamic religions teach that it is a sin to try to punish homosexuality.
Tell that to the mullahs in Iran. Or Saudi Arabia for that matter.
It is the mob mentality that get it wrong.
So you say.
For example, many people in Islamic countries believe adulterers are supposed to be stoned, and that is totally false. Mohammad forbid stoning.
And yet learned Islamic scholars preside over such executions.
Am I saying that most people do not even know the religion they claim to belong to? Absolutely. Almost no one knows anything at all about any religion.
Relativism, in defense of homosexuality. No Sale. Sorry.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry, but nothing about cakes, nothing about web pages and nothing about flowers.

Sorry, you lost.
That makes no sense.
If a news commentator has to announce that there has been a murder, that does not mean the commentator agrees with murder.
What you do as a business does not at all "express an opinion" at all, in any way.

But denying service does "express an opinion", and that is illegal.
That is deliberately trying to harm someone over their beliefs that you do not agree with.
Totally illegal coercion.

No, in this case, it was about compelling someone to force speech they don't condone. Stating there is a murder is not the same as using your creative gifts to, say, "celebrate" a murder.
No, I do not believe so, but that is because I think the New Testament says to not judge other except when necessary.
Others being gay has no effect on me at all.
But whether or not something is a sin is really about one's belief in an after life.
No human is supposed to dictate or punish what may or may not be sinful.
The Old AND New Testament declare homosexuality is sin. Therefore, you can easily understand how a Christian can justify their religious beliefs regarding same-sex. Many people who claim to be Christian don't believe their Bible, but that doesn't mean that the Christians who do believe their Bible shouldn't be protected in their beliefs.
Sorry, you lost.

I did not lose. I fully support the right of the baker to say "no, I will not bake that cake". But that baker lost because while they are allowed to say "no, I will not bake the cake, they are no longer allowed to say "no, you cannot have Sunday off to go to church" or "no, you cannot just walk away from a customer to go pray".
All of the Bible can be ignored because none of it is an absolute dictate, but just recommendations for what is the best life choices to make, in order to get into heaven.
And none of the Bible says you are supposed to do anything to anyone else for what they choose to do.
In fact, the Bible says to be passive.
Which means you do not try to punish gay marriage by refusing their request for a web site.

Too bad the Founding Fathers put religious freedom right in the First Amendment, which means you don't get to tell anyone what their conscience tells them to do.

I feel really good about that, actually
"O.P.P." is a song by American hip hop group Naughty by Nature, released in August 1991 by Tommy Boy as the lead single from the group's self-titled second album, Naughty by Nature (1991). It was one of the first rap songs to become a pop hit when it reached No. 6 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and No. 35 on the UK Singles Chart. Its declaration, "Down wit' O.P.P", was a popular catchphrase in the US in the early 1990s. David Bellochio aka "Dave Drop a Load on Em" appears in the video and played and programmed all the keyboard and drum parts at his studio Marion Recording Studios in Fairview, NJ. Van Romaine overdubbed live drums there as well.

First of all, it is not against their religion, but nice employers simply have someone else do it.

Christians consider adultery to be immoral.

Or... many do.
That is because medicine and health is really quite complicated, and religions are incredibly ignorant.

Usually reasonable and solid clear-thinkers get so muddied up by religion. See: your sentence above. heh.
I am an ACTUAL Christian, and not a pretender who would do evil things like burning witches, crusades, inquisitions, etc.
Real Christians refrain from harming others unless absolutely necessary.
There was no reason at all to deny the gay wedding web site.
Christian are not supposed to judge others.

Interesting--yet you just said religions are ignorant. So you're one of those folks that says the Bible is just suggestions, yeah, but hey me, me by myself, I have Christ all figured out and know how to follow Him the right way. Oh AND, the rest of you are ignorant and wrong.

Then the bit about "Christians are not supposed to judge others"--the money quote there at the end.

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