Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

There is no large-scale broadly-recognized religion on earth whose texts

Why is this necessary?

Does something have to be large-scale broadly-recognized for it to be a deeply held religious belief
Where did you get your law degree?

Law does not come from lawyers or law schools, but from the defense of the inherent rights of all individual, so we all can tell what is legal or not usually.
(That is why ignorance of the law is not a valid defense.)
The only time it gets complicated at all is when the inherent rights of individuals collide, and some sort of compromise has to be legislated or adjudicated.
So only then to I or anyone need to confer with a lawyer.
Law does not come from lawyers or law schools, but from the defense of the inherent rights of all individual, so we all can tell what is legal or not usually.
(That is why ignorance of the law is not a valid defense.)
The only time it gets complicated at all is when the inherent rights of individuals collide, and some sort of compromise has to be legislated or adjudicated.
So only then to I or anyone need to confer with a lawyer.
Yet people with a much deeper understanding of the law disagree with you.
Some Christians believe it is a sin. Some Christians are pacifist and refuse military service. Some Christians don't drink alcohol and some do. Christianity has many sects with different beliefs.

But the point is that it is actual actions that are sins or not, and something like designing a web site that only announces what some others are going to do, are then not actually covered under what is defined as a sin.
For example, can the landlord deny renting to a gay couple?
The law says no.
There is no religion that says you can't be a landlord to gays.
Sins are only what you actually do, not simply interact with the people involved.

But it should not even get to that point, because clearly religions saying being gay is wrong, is very ignorant, superstitious, and evil.
That is because medicine and health is really quite complicated, and religions are incredibly ignorant.
For example, instead of a person having XX or XY chromosomes, they can have XXY, XYY, etc.
So religions does not even acknowledge these finer details, so is totally inadequate, to the point of being useless.
But the point is that it is actual actions that are sins or not, and something like designing a web site that only announces what some others are going to do, are then not actually covered under what is defined as a sin.
For example, can the landlord deny renting to a gay couple?
The law says no.
There is no religion that says you can't be a landlord to gays.
Sins are only what you actually do, not simply interact with the people involved.

But it should not even get to that point, because clearly religions saying being gay is wrong, is very ignorant, superstitious, and evil.
That is because medicine and health is really quite complicated, and religions are incredibly ignorant.
For example, instead of a person having XX or XY chromosomes, they can have XXY, XYY, etc.
So religions does not even acknowledge these finer details, so is totally inadequate, to the point of being useless.
So you're a Christophobic bigot.
Show me in the 14th amendment what you're referring to.


Fourteenth Amendment​

Section 1​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Which means the religious desires of one may not preclude the inherent rights of another, like marriage.
And then the feds are allowed to over ride state laws in order to defend that individual right.
Being married to your choice is a right.
A religious belief is not a right that you can extend to anyone else.
You can deny yourself from being forced into gay sex, but you can't say anything about what others do.

And again, anyone who claims to know what a man or woman is, is lying.
While we normally call XX a woman and XY a man, there are millions of XXY, XYY, etc.
Why is this necessary?

Does something have to be large-scale broadly-recognized for it to be a deeply held religious belief

That is because there have been infinite whackos with such harmful ideas, that we need to ensure some reliability before we waste time on them.

Fourteenth Amendment​

Section 1​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Which means the religious desires of one may not preclude the inherent rights of another, like marriage.
And then the feds are allowed to over ride state laws in order to defend that individual right.
Being married to your choice is a right.
A religious belief is not a right that you can extend to anyone else.
You can deny yourself from being forced into gay sex, but you can't say anything about what others do.

And again, anyone who claims to know what a man or woman is, is lying.
While we normally call XX a woman and XY a man, there are millions of XXY, XYY, etc.
Can I marry my sister? She's my choice.
Yet people with a much deeper understanding of the law disagree with you.

I have done my reading, and everyone pretty much agrees with me except those with a greedy political bias.
There is no question at all in this case.
The web designer is not harmed at all in any way by doing the gay wedding website.
The clients, (if there actually would have been any), would have been harmed by the denial of service which was totally arbitrary and illegal.
So you're a Christophobic bigot.

I am an ACTUAL Christian, and not a pretender who would do evil things like burning witches, crusades, inquisitions, etc.
Real Christians refrain from harming others unless absolutely necessary.
There was no reason at all to deny the gay wedding web site.
Christian are not supposed to judge others.
Can I marry my sister? She's my choice.

I would not care in the least.
But since any progeny would be harmed, there could be some laws involved.
For example, if no children were possible for some reason, I don't see then how there could be any harm?
I am an ACTUAL Christian, and not a pretender who would do evil things like burning witches, crusades, inquisitions, etc.
Real Christians refrain from harming others unless absolutely necessary.
There was no reason at all to deny the gay wedding web site.
Christian are not supposed to judge others.
Do you believe homosexuality is a sin in the New Testament?

Fourteenth Amendment​

Section 1​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Which means the religious desires of one may not preclude the inherent rights of another, like marriage.
And then the feds are allowed to over ride state laws in order to defend that individual right.
Being married to your choice is a right.
A religious belief is not a right that you can extend to anyone else.
You can deny yourself from being forced into gay sex, but you can't say anything about what others do.

And again, anyone who claims to know what a man or woman is, is lying.
While we normally call XX a woman and XY a man, there are millions of XXY, XYY, etc.
which means you can not deny people with a religious belief protection of the law…ie a gay couple can’t force a baker to make them a wedding cake

Fourteenth Amendment​

Section 1​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Which means the religious desires of one may not preclude the inherent rights of another, like marriage.
And then the feds are allowed to over ride state laws in order to defend that individual right.
Being married to your choice is a right.
A religious belief is not a right that you can extend to anyone else.
You can deny yourself from being forced into gay sex, but you can't say anything about what others do.

And again, anyone who claims to know what a man or woman is, is lying.
While we normally call XX a woman and XY a man, there are millions of XXY, XYY, etc.
correct the state can no deny gay people from marrying…but a gay couple can’t have the state force a web designer to make them a website announcing their marriage. See how that works?
That is because there have been infinite whackos with such harmful ideas, that we need to ensure some reliability before we waste time on them.

So, the Govt can pick and choose which religions are "real" and which are not.

That is almost the same as establishing them
So, the Govt can pick and choose which religions are "real" and which are not.

That is almost the same as establishing them
Ayup. So many of our basic rights get inverted in this way. Freedom of Religion is now seen as a special perk for religious folks (well, if their religion is recognized by the state), so they don't have to follow laws they don't like.

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