Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

In terms of website development, the logo itself would be content. The act of designing that logo does not fall within the purview of web development.

In website development, design refers to the structure and organization of the website. That is, things layout, theme, and so on. Basically, anything that could be changed without changing the meaning constitutes design in web development. An easy way to think about it is to think of the design part of a website as its template. A template could be used to create an infinite number of websites simply by plugging in the content for each different site.

Content then becomes the actual text, images, and other forms of media.

Let's look at an example:

Here we have both text and an image. These are content. The design is that the text is standard size, a normal font face, undecorated, a default color, and the image is inline with the text. We can change the design without changing the content. For example:

The content remains the same, but the design has changed. Now, the image is block aligned. Meanwhile, the text is enlarged, it's colored differently, it's decorated (bolding), and a different font face is employed.

Finally, we can also retain the same design, while changing the content, like this:

The font face, color, size, and decoration are the same, the image alignment is the same. But the actual text is different and the image used is different. Instead of the bouncing bed animated image, I could use the apple logo instead, or the Rebel Alliance logo, or a picture of a sweet potato. Creating the design is an entirely separate act from creating the content.
You want to a lot a trouble to fail at proving the content is separate from the thing itself.
I am an ACTUAL Christian, and not a pretender who would do evil things like burning witches, crusades, inquisitions, etc.
Real Christians refrain from harming others unless absolutely necessary.
There was no reason at all to deny the gay wedding web site.
Christian are not supposed to judge others.

You're more of a left leaning libertarian than a socialist.

Socialism requires enforcement, which more often than not results in a mitigation of rights.
There is absolutely no religion that says, "thou shalt not be employed by gays".
The web designer has absolutely no valid religious clam in any way.
In fact, her condemning a gay marriage is incredibly sinful.

Is Jesus below telling His own disciples to judge those they are ministering too? Oh yes. Yes it does. But we are to judge RIGHTLY and not hypocritically.

Mark 6:10-11 “And He said to them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave town. Any place that does not receive you or listen to you, as you go out from there, shake the dust off the soles of your feet for a testimony against them.”
In terms of website development, the logo itself would be content. The act of designing that logo does not fall within the purview of web development.

In website development, design refers to the structure and organization of the website. That is, things layout, theme, and so on. Basically, anything that could be changed without changing the meaning constitutes design in web development. An easy way to think about it is to think of the design part of a website as its template. A template could be used to create an infinite number of websites simply by plugging in the content for each different site.

Content then becomes the actual text, images, and other forms of media.

Let's look at an example:

Here we have both text and an image. These are content. The design is that the text is standard size, a normal font face, undecorated, a default color, and the image is inline with the text. We can change the design without changing the content. For example:

The content remains the same, but the design has changed. Now, the image is block aligned. Meanwhile, the text is enlarged, it's colored differently, it's decorated (bolding), and a different font face is employed.

Finally, we can also retain the same design, while changing the content, like this:

The font face, color, size, and decoration are the same, the image alignment is the same. But the actual text is different and the image used is different. Instead of the bouncing bed animated image, I could use the apple logo instead, or the Rebel Alliance logo, or a picture of a sweet potato. Creating the design is an entirely separate act from creating the content.

Well, you lost. The SC disagreed.
Interesting--yet you just said religions are ignorant. So you're one of those folks that says the Bible is just suggestions, yeah, but hey me, me by myself, I have Christ all figured out and know how to follow Him the right way. Oh AND, the rest of you are ignorant and wrong.

Then the bit about "Christians are not supposed to judge others"--the money quote there at the end.
Yeah, not too confused, huh.
haha no. the court has to judge, that what it does. it has to determine if something is or is my a deeply held regliooiaj belief
The Constitution says nothing about "deeply held". The Court made that shit up out of whole cloth.
correct the state can no deny gay people from marrying…but a gay couple can’t have the state force a web designer to make them a website announcing their marriage. See how that works?

Doing a gay wedding web site harms no one.
Denial of web service does harm the people who want people to show up for the wedding.
I strongly believe a private business now should not be able to require an employee to work on Sundays. That is anti American.
So, the Govt can pick and choose which religions are "real" and which are not.

That is almost the same as establishing them

The reason "establishing" a single religion is wrong is that it would discriminate against all other.
But making all religions pass a public muster, is not at all illegal, so you don't have people performing human sacrifices, etc.
The reason "establishing" a single religion is wrong is that it would discriminate against all other.
But making all religions pass a public muster, is not at all illegal, so you don't have people performing human sacrifices, etc.
I'm pretty sure you're just plain wrong here. Both in regard to the original intent, and even settled case law - though the Court does contradict itself on the issue. The whole point of the First's religion clause was to prevent government from deciding which religions "pass muster" and which don't.

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