Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

Individuals are created from scratch. The personhood of corporations has been the law in this country from day one.
No, it hasn't. It started as notes by a law clerk in the margins of a Supreme Court decision. It's ALWAYS been nothing more than a legal device to grant corporations standing in a court of law, so they can sue and be sued.
It's kind of a fake argument really. In most cases, the rights in question are the rights of the individuals who own and operate the company.
Corporate law, including the rights and responsibilities of corporations is an entire body of law with hundreds of studies and treaties.
No, it hasn't. It started as notes by a law clerk in the margins of a Supreme Court decision. It's ALWAYS been nothing more than a legal device to grant corporations standing in a court of law, so they can sue and be sued.
Corporations have had legal personage in England before this country was founded.
Yeah sure. There is no need to "surf" for it to find it. A simple search on Google, and it's there. It's also posted on conservative channels on Telegram, exposing this crap. You can try to gaslight me but that's just a pathetic, silly way to deal with the reality, that those pictures are exposing. You can go to any gay pride paradise, and you'll see what is being shown in these pictures. Those pictures were taken in public. It's what you are doing to these children, in public.

Remember their war chant:

We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children.

They aren’t really keeping it a secret.
It doesn't matter how hard they are to do. Using force against innocent people is a violation of their rights, period. Hookers get paid. Do you believe it's OK to force women to have sex with strangers?

You're an idiot.

Do you agree with the SCOTUS ruling that the Govt can force a company to give religious accommodations to its employees?
Most gay people I know don't see this being helpful at all.

Their lives are challenging enough as it is without this kind of stupid publicity....the kind that invites the sort of responses you are seeing on this board.
They need to speak up loudly than and confront those making these repulsive displays.

I’m not seeing much at all.
So you're for employers telling people who want to worship they have to work? Why? It's time to take a stand for the employees. Hammer away at employers.
Yeah sure. There is no need to "surf" for it to find it. A simple search on Google, and it's there. It's also posted on conservative channels on Telegram, exposing this crap. You can try to gaslight me but that's just a pathetic, silly way to deal with the reality, that those pictures are exposing. You can go to any gay pride parade, and you'll see what is being shown in these pictures. Those pictures were taken in public. It's what you are doing to these children. You should be ashamed for not condemning what these homosexuals are doing to these children, in their "gay pride" parades.
A simple search on google is aka surfing. Way back when security cams were just becoming a thing but were still rare, I guess it was the early 90's maybe late 80's, suddenly dozens of porn mags started showing up in bundles around our town, by the library, or in front of the gas station, or the steps of the church or the ice cream shop etc. I live in a very conservative area of the Midwest. Our downtown is pretty small with about 15-20 business right down town and a few scattered around the mile around the down town and several churches and a library. Well our PD had a security cam pointed toward their parking area and the main park in the town. One morning one of the kids found another bundle of Hustlers, penthouses and Playboys and whatever etc in the kids playground. the police cam could see every car that had driven through there the night before. They could clearly tell the make of the car and traced it to several same makes and models of that color and make of car. Small town, maybe 2 or 3 suspects. They found that the guy that dumped the mags was a local preacher, and I pretty much everyone in town knew him, we all did, and this preacher favorite topic was preaching against porn. He told the cops he was just doing research. For some reason when I hear you guys talk, you sound just like him. Research and spreading the word my ass, you guys are the pervs.
Somehow employers today cry about how they can't find workers. But the fault is ALL on the employer.
A simple search on google is aka surfing. Way back when security cams were just becoming a thing but were still rare, I guess it was the early 90's maybe late 80's, suddenly dozens of porn mags started showing up in bundles around our town, by the library, or in front of the gas station, or the steps of the church or the ice cream shop etc. I live in a very conservative area of the Midwest. Our downtown is pretty small with about 15-20 business right down town and a few scattered around the mile around the down town and several churches and a library. Well our PD had a security cam pointed toward their parking area and the main park in the town. One morning one of the kids found another bundle of Hustlers, penthouses and Playboys and whatever etc in the kids playground. the police cam could see every car that had driven through there the night before. They could clearly tell the make of the car and traced it to several same makes and models of that color and make of car. Small town, maybe 2 or 3 suspects. They found that the guy that dumped the mags was a local preacher, and I pretty much everyone in town knew him, we all did, and this preacher favorite topic was preaching against porn. He told the cops he was just doing research. For some reason when I hear you guys talk, you sound just like him. Research and spreading the word my ass, you guys are the pervs.

Cool story bro. Link?

Didn’t think so.
Now employers should have to grant paid time off for employees on Sundays.

That is coming. Oh, and Saturday for those that exercise their holy day on Saturday. Great way for a nurse to never have to work a Saturday again

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