Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

That is coming. Oh, and Saturday for those that exercise their holy day on Saturday. Great way for a nurse to never have to work a Saturday again
A nurse or anyone who needed time off for church wouldn't be hired in the first place. Work schedules are discussed before being hired.
Nope. But it's high time they recognize employees right to worship. What's the fault in this?

Short of chaining them up, an employer can't violate an employees right to worship. The right to worship doesn't mean one has the right to a job, with days off that suit their religious preferences.
Short of chaining them up, an employer can't violate an employees right to worship. The right to worship doesn't mean one has the right to a job, with days off that suit their religious preferences.
Well, in the future, it should yes. Otherwise it is infringing on an employees right to worship. Simple fact.
Well, in the future, it should yes. Otherwise it is infringing on an employees right to worship. Simple fact.
What is it that you think infringes on an employees right to worship?

Do you understand how rights work? Freedom of religion means government can't pass laws about religion. It doesn't mean other people have to accommodate your religion. It doesn't mean other people have to kiss your ass.
What is it that you think infringes on an employees right to worship?

Do you understand how rights work? Freedom of religion means government can't pass laws about religion. It doesn't mean other people have to accommodate your religion. It doesn't mean other people have to kiss your ass.
If I am your employee and you schedule me for Sunday Morning I should NOT have to report for work. I would like to be in church. So this should be coming down the pike in the near future. Seems fair.
Go ahead, tell the feds, showing them the pictures I posted here. That sounds like a good idea, maybe they'll do something about this problem and get rid of it. I'm all for it.
No man, you have a right to your opinion, and beyond that it's up to the mods and the owner. Honestly your rationale is reminiscent of the godhatesfags thing, you know, the Phelps-Roper crowd. Those people ended up dishonoring slain veterans because they felt they were God's messengers and people had a "need to know".

As a parent, I already know, and I think most parents would - some may or may not agree, but if they do t they won't be swayed by pics of stuff they've already seen.

Okay, so my input wasn't solicited so I'll shut up. People around here already know how I feel about this kind of thing. How can I say this - it's not something I want in my face, it's something I want "out of" my face.
If I am your employee and you schedule me for Sunday Morning I should NOT have to report for work. I would like to be in church. So this should be coming down the pike in the near future. Seems fair.
If you agree to take a job, the law says (unless you a Muslim 😂) you must abide by their rules.

You get it yet small bus?
Yep. But that is coming to an end. Get it?

Sure, and gay marriage will lead to men in woman bathrooms, then it will be “minor attracted people” getting protected.

We’re here we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children.

Nah, that’s the slippery slope lie, right
A nurse or anyone who needed time off for church wouldn't be hired in the first place. Work schedules are discussed before being hired.

Yep, but with the new ruling by SCOTUS they have an out. The SCOTUS said it is cool for the Govt to force companies/businesses to provide religious accommodations. That baker that cannot be forced to bake a cake can now be forced to give someone Sunday off or to allow the person at the counter to walk away from a customer to go pray 5 times a day.
Massive thread derailment, 70+ off topic posts removed, what the heck?

No injuries or fatalities reported.

Several posters have been thread banned. Warnings have been given. Kudos to the hearty posters that bravely attempted to stay on topic and avoid the potholes.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming on the SCOTUS decision and religious rights.
this is true, the demaklan has bastardized religion for their evil goals.

That they did. I do wonder though, now that the Democrats have changed those evil ways, why have the Republicans picked up where they left off?
Yep, but with the new ruling by SCOTUS they have an out. The SCOTUS said it is cool for the Govt to force companies/businesses to provide religious accommodations. That baker that cannot be forced to bake a cake can now be forced to give someone Sunday off or to allow the person at the counter to walk away from a customer to go pray 5 times a day.
No, that wasn't the ruling.
If I am your employee and you schedule me for Sunday Morning I should NOT have to report for work.
You don't have to. You don't have to report to work Monday either.
I would like to be in church.
Go for it. But you need to work that out with your employer when you're hired. And they might just give you a pass, if those are your demands.
That they did. I do wonder though, now that the Democrats have changed those evil ways, why have the Republicans picked up where they left off?
haha the dems havent…it’s pretty clear from the racist post by dems since the courts ruling they haven’t

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