Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

Christians are not supposed to judge hypocritically, not to refrain from judging. That's not what Jesus taught. Life is judgment, if you lack it you will suffer. Not supporting homosexual marriage or homosexuals influencing children, is the Christian response. LGBTQA+ is demonic:

All of this was inevitable. Being tolerant of homosexuals was never enough. Let them out of the closet, in the open and you end up with children being injected with puberty blockers and all of the above. It was a can of worms. It's demonic.

Since homosexuality rises and falls with over population, then clearly it is natural and normal.

What does "puberty blockers" have to do with anything?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Any law that requires that the state decide which religions are legitimate and which are not is, very much so, a law "respecting an establishment of religion".

The intent of preventing government from "establishing" a religion is to prevent all other religions from being discriminated against. When you have government just certify the validity of all religions, it harms no one and prevent human sacrifice cults like Jonestown.
Since homosexuality rises and falls with over population, then clearly it is natural and normal.

What does "puberty blockers" have to do with anything?
Do you have a study to back that up?
Gay wedding sites are no harder to do, and they still get paid the same.
No possible harm done in any way.
To be forced to violate your beliefs is harm. Unless you're a totalitarian, then you wouldn't care who was harmed.
Gay wedding sites are no harder to do, and they still get paid the same.
No possible harm done in any way.
It doesn't matter how hard they are to do. Using force against innocent people is a violation of their rights, period. Hookers get paid. Do you believe it's OK to force women to have sex with strangers?

You're an idiot.
Have any studies that indicate puberty blockers have an effect on the incidence of homosexuality?
That isn't what he said. He said homosexuality increases with rises andfalls with population.
That is why "Citizens United" is so controversial.
It is the first time anyone ever claimed corporations had rights, and clearly is wrong.
Corporations could benefit or be in alignment with rights, but never be a source of any legal rights.

The reality is that while we claim to be trying to end dictatorships, slavery, infringement upon individual rights, etc., the reality is that corporations are the biggest threat individual rights face, and the threat is vastly growing all the time.

It is easy to prove corporations have no rights.
Corporations are created from scratch, while individual are born with inherent rights.
Whether you believe in God or DNA instincts, rights are inherent at birth.
Corporations are not created with anything by God or DNA.
Individuals are created from scratch. The personhood of corporations has been the law in this country from day one.
Individuals are created from scratch. The personhood of corporations has been the law in this country from day one.
It's kind of a fake argument really. In most cases, the rights in question are the rights of the individuals who own and operate the company.

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