Now with the Colorado ruling saying that religion can override public accommodation laws

So, one is not allowed to disagree with a ruling unless they have law school, get appointed judge, get on the Supreme Court?

You have never, ever, ever disagreed with any ruling by the SCOTUS?

I call them the Supreme Morons. :p

Once in a while they get one right.

I do notice them trying though, which is more than I noticed the past 20 or 30 years.

Now if they could just learn the difference between speech and money...

I call them the Supreme Morons. :p

Once in a while they get one right.

I do notice them trying though, which is more than I noticed the past 20 or 30 years.

Now if they could just learn the difference between speech and money...
The morons are Sotomayor, Kagan and Kiddie Porn Katanji.
You mean like the way rightists are trying to force social media companies to do what they want? media companies have recieved special protections from their creation in order to help them to grow.....they have abused that protection by censoring conservatives and political opponents.....

The federal law, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, has helped Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and countless other internet companies flourish.
It permits internet companies to moderate their sites without being on the hook legally for everything they host.

So...they abused this we want them to be just like the phone company.....
A business wants your money you ass pirate bigot.

And yet, some businesses refuse paying customers for all kinds of reasons, to the point that court cases take place and it goes all the way up to the supreme court.
And yet, some businesses refuse paying customers for all kinds of reasons, to the point that court cases take place and it goes all the way up to the supreme court.
Yes that happens. If you were a website builder would you accommodate my request to design God hates
You are just flat wrong. You are conflating web design providers where customers provide their own content, to web site creation where the customer expects the designer to create the content from the customer's concept. What you are contemplating as web design is Go Daddy.

No, you're the one who is "flat wrong." The distinction between design and content is a fundamental distinction in the industry of web development. In fact, separate programming languages are used for these purposes. And large scale companies always have entirely separate departments that are responsible for these separate spheres.
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
I dont believe the SC said that, but I imagine the crackers er Trump supporters, will try.
No, you're the one who is "flat wrong." The distinction between design and content is a fundamental distinction in the industry of web development. In fact, separate programming languages are used for these purposes. And large scale companies always have entirely separate departments that are responsible for these separate spheres.
The web creator was not contracted to develop a web site to which the customer would then add content. It was to create a fully formed website with both design and content. This artistic expression was the basis for the ruling that expressive goods may not be compelled.
The web creator was not contracted to develop a web site to which the customer would then add content. It was to create a fully formed website with both design and content. This artistic expression was the basis for the ruling that expressive goods may not be compelled.

Actually, the designer wasn't contracted for anything. She hasn't even gone into business designing wedding websites. This whole thing is a preemptive case. She claims that she wants to expand her graphic design business into the realm of wedding websites, but that the Colorado law won't let her.

Which really makes this whole thing even worse. There's nothing stopping her from going into business and expanding her graphic design labors into the wedding website field, in a way that is consistent with the Colorado law. She's simply saying "But I don't wanna!"
And she shouldn't have to.

Some years ago I was sued by a lesbian couple because I refused to paint a wedding portrait for them. They lost because they were unable to prove that I was in business within the meaning of the public accommodation statutes. I would hate to think that there might be some expansion of that statute's understanding leading to more litigation. I am more than happy to see a sensible ruling for once.
Remember, twit.....the people who refused to serve black people in the past were democrats.....who used the power of the government to enact jim crow if democrat party business owners start refusing to serve blacks again or refuse to hire blacks...your issue is with them, not the court.....
Sure, bring facts up with them. Good luck with that. The left are fact deniers.
So, if the Deli owner has a sincere religious objection to serving infidels, aka white people, they should not be forced to do so....correct?

Ask any chef and they will tell you that to them cooking is no different than a artist making a painting or a web designer making a web page.
Stop playing stupid.

You are just flat wrong. You are conflating web design providers where customers provide their own content, to web site creation where the customer expects the designer to create the content from the customer's concept. What you are contemplating as web design is Go Daddy.
Not wrong. Dishonest. media companies have recieved special protections from their creation in order to help them to grow.....they have abused that protection by censoring conservatives and political opponents.....

The federal law, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, has helped Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and countless other internet companies flourish.

It permits internet companies to moderate their sites without being on the hook legally for everything they host.

So...they abused this we want them to be just like the phone company.....
I knew you’d have an excuse.
Right now, the TRUMPCourt is restricting its accepting religious intolerance only towards homosexuals.

But you are correct.
Their decisions have been open ended and there is nothing preventing someone claiming to be religious to refuse service to mixed race couples, adulterers, those of different faiths, atheists
I guarantee you locally you could become a piranha as the empowered will spread nastiness to you for questioning if your unalienable rights have been abused. They will work with the private side to show their power. All they have to do is not endlessly profile and no take everything as a threat. They should know what a real threat is, and they are not smart enough to realize it. We have men who were heroes in overseas wars who are dead from stupid authoritarian law enforcement who make themselves kings of the domain. We have men who were heroes domestically in other dangerous employment treated like scum from stupid authoritarian law enforcement who make themselves kings of the domain. Heroes are supposed to e machines. They are not. They suffer physical and psychological issues and are demeaned with a lack of empathy, sympathy and compassion even from their own if it does not fit the narrative.
How long will it be before some business refuses service to black people because they say it's against the owner's religion?

How long before an employer gets to refuse to hire a woman because the business owner's religious belief is that a woman should be at home serving her husband and raising children?

And how many other laws will get to be ignored on the basis of a religious claim?
i expect not long. Dembots have come out of the woodwork the past few days attempting the only reason they ever hired african americans was because of the govt mandate of affirmative action…so i expect without it, they’ll go back to discriminating as it’s their cults nature

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