NRA Grades For GOP Senators

Have you heard about the filibuster? Or Manchin?
Apparently the guys on the Right side of the aisle see dead kids and choose "do nothing"
As opposed to "thotz-n-prayerz" that the Right mouth between the bullets flying?
Good luck in voting for independent candidates in the US. Not much chance you will have any meaningful impact. It's admirable to imagine a country where we weren't stuck with just two choices.
It's good, though, that we have legislators that still value dead kids. That's the price of freedom here.
You do realize that this Congress isn't the first ever with a Democratic majority, so blaming Manchin is another in a long line of excuses that I said you would have. Thanks for confirming.

Democrats and Republicans see dead kids and do nothing.

As opposed to the Democrats that claim they care and do nothing as well?

I'll stay where I am politically and not vote for either of the lesser of two evils because they are still evil.
Ummm, no when you have an abortion the fetus in the womb is considered to be a DNA match (at least 50%) to the womb-holder. No real need to identify with DNA.

As for being ground up, well I know you pro-lifers love to show people gorey pictures of dead babies, but I never see you show gorey pictures of kids with their heads blown off in a classroom.

Huh. Wonder why that is? Would it be too uncomfortable?
So you have nothing on abortion, it is killing a baby. Didn't think so.
I don't show gory pictures, you seem to have me confused with someone else.
But I'm so tasty!
Processed pork is not that tasty, in fact it is pretty bad tasting. I'll smoke my own fall off the bone ribs and you can keep your sawdust pork crap. Do you use glue to get that rib to stay together?
So, the more dead kids, the freer we are? Wow.

That appears to be the argument from the gun side.

I got myself fixed and don't knock up women whose children I cannot afford.

Good for you. Then your interest in the "abortion" topic is now complete. You have no say whatsoever. Congrats!

They must have seen you coming as their future daddy and jumped out of the womb?

Do not make this about me.

19 kids. Sadly, the equal of one good school bus wreck. Happens five times an hour to aborted children yet you won't find one democrat bothered one bit.

You are, of course, wrong. But I get your point. You refuse to read what others say and you want to argue against their points.
So you have nothing on abortion, it is killing a baby.

That is not for me to say. I am NOT a woman and as such will NEVER have to make any decisions about growing another human inside my body. As such I don't really have a say.

I don't show gory pictures, you seem to have me confused with someone else.

Then you are unaware of what pro-life people do literally all the time as they are working to stop women getting an abortion?

You should pay closer attention to the folks on your side of the debate. The love them some gorey photos.
That is not for me to say. I am NOT a woman and as such will NEVER have to make any decisions about growing another human inside my body. As such I don't really have a say.

Then you are unaware of what pro-life people do literally all the time as they are working to stop women getting an abortion?

You should pay closer attention to the folks on your side of the debate. The love them some gorey photos.
Who said I was unaware of what some people do? I stated, I am not one of those. See the difference? I have my opinion, You are free to do what you want, I don't control others, I think abortion is wrong and have a right to voice my opinion. If you want to follow a group that displays dead fetus' then be my guest. I find those tactics in poor taste and don't agree with them. Not sure why you feel a need to lump all people in one group or another, just strange.
I have my opinion, You are free to do what you want, I don't control others, I think abortion is wrong and have a right to voice my opinion.

You certainly DO have a right to voice your opinion. But your opinion is of no value unless you are able to carry a pregnancy yourself. That's what makes the abortion debate so special. It involves another person's body and it doesn't impact YOU at all.

If you want to follow a group that displays dead fetus' then be my guest.

I am not a pro-lifer.

I find those tactics in poor taste and don't agree with them.

Good for you.

Not sure why you feel a need to lump all people in one group or another, just strange.

Maybe for the same reason you lump all folks in the Pro-Choice group together? I dunno.
You certainly DO have a right to voice your opinion. But your opinion is of no value unless you are able to carry a pregnancy yourself. That's what makes the abortion debate so special. It involves another person's body and it doesn't impact YOU at all.

I am not a pro-lifer.

Good for you.

Maybe for the same reason you lump all folks in the Pro-Choice group together? I dunno.
I know I have a right to an opinion. How you want to think of it is fine by me, but I am free to keep putting out my opinion of it, if I stay so inclined. The rest of your post is quite comical, thanks for the laughs.
I know I have a right to an opinion. How you want to think of it is fine by me, but I am free to keep putting out my opinion of it, if I stay so inclined. The rest of your post is quite comical, thanks for the laughs.

I am always impressed by people who feel there is sanctity of life but are generally as nasty as they can be even when it is not called for.

Your witness for your deeply held faith is appreciated.

I am always impressed by people who feel there is sanctity of life but are generally as nasty as they can be even when it is not called for.

Your witness for your deeply held faith is appreciated.

I wish I could feel the same about your faith but mine is in science and science says life begins at conception. That you feel I am treating you poorly isn't surprising to me, you seem to get emotional on many subjects and read into posts quite a bit. It's all good for me, thanks.
I wish I could feel the same about your faith but mine is in science and science says life begins at conception.

Sounds like religion.

That you feel I am treating you poorly isn't surprising to me, you seem to get emotional on many subjects and read into posts quite a bit. It's all good for me, thanks.

I can understand. You are just naturally snotty. That's fine. I can be that way too from time to time.
Sounds like religion.

I can understand. You are just naturally snotty. That's fine. I can be that way too from time to time.
Science has been called a religion before and will be again. Science gives us facts, that is what we need to deal with, not feelings. Fact, life begins at conception.

Your last sentence is more of you trying troll and I am not into that.
Science has been called a religion before and will be again. Science gives us facts, that is what we need to deal with, not feelings. Fact, life begins at conception.

What makes you think science says life starts at conception? I'm genuinely curious. Do you have a scientific definition of life and a citation to that effect?

Your last sentence is more of you trying troll and I am not into that.

Fair enough.

The rest of your post is quite comical, thanks for the laughs.
So when exactly does life begin?

Don't know and don't really care much. If I were a woman and able to carry a fetus to term I'd probably have a strong opinion on it. But I don't.

Would you consider a fertilized egg cell as a "life"? Would that make "Plan B" pills a form of murder since they stop the fertilized ova from implanting on the wall of the uterus? It's just at that point a fertilized egg cell and nothing more.

But by your position it is exactly the same as a fully formed person.

May I ask why it is important to you that life start at conception? If it is not a religious conviction, why would you care one way or the other?
That appears to be the argument from the gun side.
Really, Papooska? Care to show us WHERE that alleged argument has been made?

Good for you. Then your interest in the "abortion" topic is now complete. You have no say whatsoever.
Another bad mental miscalculation on your part. You seem to make a lot of them.

Do not make this about me.
You will make it all about yourself quite nicely.

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