NRA issues threatening video to intimidate opponents

Correct. Children do not have a second amendment right to guns. Just like they don't have other rights of adults. You really have no limit to how stupid your arguments can get, do you?

Also, there is no second amendment right to carry guns into schools either. I've never made it a second amendment argument. Many proposals of the left on the subject are violations of the second amendment. But I never argued you have a right to take a gun into a public building.

I made it a saving the children argument. You've made it a protect government even if the children need to die to do it argument
So you're ok with infringing on a child's right to bear arms? And someone's right to bear arms at school as well? Oh, so you're another cherry-picking 2nd Amendment defender. Got it.

Children have no right to bear arms and you have no Constitutional right to take guns into government buildings.

You're dumb as a brick
Can you quote the passage in the Constitution that forbids children from owning guns? Because I've never found such a passage.

Neither you nor I think kids have a Constitutional right to buy guns and no one is arguing that. Get a room with yourself or take your finger out of your private parts.

So when parents put their kid down for a nap and they cry, that's kidnapping, right?

Then you agree that the government has the right to regulate gun sales, as well as ban certain classes of weapons from being sold.

It's more like the government has the right to restrict the rights of certain groups for their own safety and the safety of others, which no one has ever disputed. Children, the mentally ill, criminals, elderly citizens with severely-impaired mental function . . . It's always been accepted practice, and never been argued against. Nor are we somehow obligated to think otherwise, just because you erroneously assume that we do.
I'd have to look this up, but I believe it's not "a nuke" that you're legally prevented from owning. It's fissionable material, such as uranium or plutonium, that's restricted.
Then look it up, there are some Arab-Americans that would like their 2nd Amendment restored fully and would like to buy a nuke.

That doesn't contradict what she said.

There are Arab terrorists who want to buy a nuke. So?
Don't Arab-Americans have a 2nd Amendment right to own one?

Multiple people including me keep asking you how they get nuclear material without affecting the rights of other citizens and you keep running and hiding
Why should a suitcase nuke affect other people?

Because fissionable materials are dangerous simply by sitting and existing. They're radioactive. Therefore, their ownership is restricted.
Children have no right to bear arms and you have no Constitutional right to take guns into government buildings.

You're dumb as a brick
Can you quote the passage in the Constitution that forbids children from owning guns? Because I've never found such a passage.

Neither you nor I think kids have a Constitutional right to buy guns and no one is arguing that. Get a room with yourself or take your finger out of your private parts.

So when parents put their kid down for a nap and they cry, that's kidnapping, right?

Then you agree that the government has the right to regulate gun sales, as well as ban certain classes of weapons from being sold.


Nowhere did I say that. You and Taz are so stupid this is getting boring
If you don't agree with that, then you think ordinary citizens should be allowed to own cannons. There are no buts.

They ARE allowed to own cannons. Again, why did you not know this before opening your mouth? Why are we supposed to be responsible for your ignorant assumptions?
Can you quote the passage in the Constitution that forbids children from owning guns? Because I've never found such a passage.

Neither you nor I think kids have a Constitutional right to buy guns and no one is arguing that. Get a room with yourself or take your finger out of your private parts.

So when parents put their kid down for a nap and they cry, that's kidnapping, right?

Then you agree that the government has the right to regulate gun sales, as well as ban certain classes of weapons from being sold.


Nowhere did I say that. You and Taz are so stupid this is getting boring
If you don't agree with that, then you think ordinary citizens should be allowed to own cannons. There are no buts.

They ARE allowed to own cannons. Again, why did you not know this before opening your mouth? Why are we supposed to be responsible for your ignorant assumptions?
Deactivated cannons. Big deal. I bought a non-functioning blunderbuss replica, did not even get I.D.ed.
NRA issues threatening video warning journalists 'your time is running out'

The NRA is becoming a terrorist organization that uses threats and intimidation to achieve their goals. This looks more like an ISIS video than an NRA video. When will journalist begin dying?

The Putin playbook is playing out before our very eyes..
Is the threat that the NRA is going to show the truth to the lies of the Press? OMG How dare they want to INFORM people of accurate facts. Are you triggered by this Snowflake? Do you need a safe place where facts dont reach you and your genderfluid feelings?
Neither you nor I think kids have a Constitutional right to buy guns and no one is arguing that. Get a room with yourself or take your finger out of your private parts.

So when parents put their kid down for a nap and they cry, that's kidnapping, right?

Then you agree that the government has the right to regulate gun sales, as well as ban certain classes of weapons from being sold.


Nowhere did I say that. You and Taz are so stupid this is getting boring
If you don't agree with that, then you think ordinary citizens should be allowed to own cannons. There are no buts.

They ARE allowed to own cannons. Again, why did you not know this before opening your mouth? Why are we supposed to be responsible for your ignorant assumptions?
Deactivated cannons. Big deal. I bought a non-functioning blunderbuss replica, did not even get I.D.ed.

Wrong. It's perfectly legal to own a fully-functioning cannon. Second erroneous bullshit assumption on your part. Again, find out what you're babbling about before you open your piehole.
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?

How did the NRA do that? Be very specific
Opposing every gun law ever put forward, or thereabouts.

But looky, looky, if it ain't the Roman Catholic self-professed expert coming to defend school children murderers. Go bother someone else, you're way too ignorant of life in general. :biggrin:
So for standing up for Law abiding citizens and their rights they are abetting mass murder???? Thats is not only absurd but insulting. Since you follow leftist theory that means you are abetting in the mass starvation of billions in the world right? Is that how this works?
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?

How did the NRA do that? Be very specific
Opposing every gun law ever put forward, or thereabouts.

But looky, looky, if it ain't the Roman Catholic self-professed expert coming to defend school children murderers. Go bother someone else, you're way too ignorant of life in general. :biggrin:
So for standing up for Law abiding citizens and their rights they are abetting mass murder???? Thats is not only absurd but insulting. Since you follow leftist theory that means you are abetting in the mass starvation of billions in the world right? Is that how this works?
Killing babies
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?

How did the NRA do that? Be very specific
Opposing every gun law ever put forward, or thereabouts.

But looky, looky, if it ain't the Roman Catholic self-professed expert coming to defend school children murderers. Go bother someone else, you're way too ignorant of life in general. :biggrin:
So for standing up for Law abiding citizens and their rights they are abetting mass murder???? Thats is not only absurd but insulting. Since you follow leftist theory that means you are abetting in the mass starvation of billions in the world right? Is that how this works?
Killing babies
Yea I know. They care so much for children they want them dead in the womb.
BTW, I'll change my view when someone can show the NRA killing someone or threatening to kill someone.
How about abetting school shootings? Does that count?

How did the NRA do that? Be very specific
Opposing every gun law ever put forward, or thereabouts.

But looky, looky, if it ain't the Roman Catholic self-professed expert coming to defend school children murderers. Go bother someone else, you're way too ignorant of life in general. :biggrin:

Blame the NRA but ignore the real issue, your precious government dropped the ball bigly

I'm defending no child murderer...I'm pointing out the NRA had nothing to do with it
If they abetted the murders, then you're defending child murderers. Now go burn your NRA card, they don't let you into heaven with one of those. :biggrin:
You support The right for a woman to kill her unborn baby....
explain what you mean? that is too general.
Opposing pretty much every law having to do with guns by paying off politicians, and making it way too easy for anyone to get a gun, especially high-powered weapons that are often used in school shootings...

A .223 or .556 rifle is not "high powered" it happens to be one of the smaller caliber rifles available to civilians
Skull, go away, we're not talking about that. If you need help staying on topic, wake up your dog, he'll help you.

You mentioned high power weapons, it's a valid response
You help defend the gun industry and you expect to get into heaven? Geez, that's quite frankly delusional.
So you hate Freedom And Capitalism... Wow a leftist to the core.
NRA issues threatening video warning journalists 'your time is running out'

The NRA is becoming a terrorist organization that uses threats and intimidation to achieve their goals. This looks more like an ISIS video than an NRA video. When will journalist begin dying?

The Putin playbook is playing out before our very eyes..
Any other group put out a video like this...they are put on a terror watch list. Not these guys......
Not watched MTV in awhile have you?
I am so tired of every time some crazy fuck kills people The left jumps on the not yet cold corpses to push their anti-freedom agenda. They first attack the NRA even though NO MEMBER EVER committed mass murder and one STOPPED it in Texas. Then it will be the middle of america... Because we all know in their minds if you dont live on a coast you are a inbred hillbilly. Yet we are the ones they say are bigoted... Tired of the same crap over and over. Dont think it is the same crap? Here is Ben Shapiro showing how hypocritical the left is 5 years ago.

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I am so tired of every time some crazy fuck kills people The left jumps on the not yet cold corpses to push their anti-freedom agenda. They first attack the NRA even though NO MEMBER EVER committed mass murder and one STOPPED it in Texas. Then it will be the middle of america... Because we all know in their minds if you dont live on a coast you are a inbred hillbilly. Yet we are the ones they say are bigoted... Tired of the same crap over and over. Diont think it is the same crap? Here is Ben Shapiro showing how hypocritical the left is 5 years ago.

I am so tired of every time some crazy fuck kills people The left jumps on the not yet cold corpses to push their anti-freedom agenda. They first attack the NRA even though NO MEMBER EVER committed mass murder and one STOPPED it in Texas. Then it will be the middle of america... Because we all know in their minds if you dont live on a coast you are a inbred hillbilly. Yet we are the ones they say are bigoted... Tired of the same crap over and over. Diont think it is the same crap? Here is Ben Shapiro showing how hypocritical the left is 5 years ago.

View attachment 183316

sad isnt it?
I am so tired of every time some crazy fuck kills people The left jumps on the not yet cold corpses to push their anti-freedom agenda. They first attack the NRA even though NO MEMBER EVER committed mass murder and one STOPPED it in Texas. Then it will be the middle of america... Because we all know in their minds if you dont live on a coast you are a inbred hillbilly. Yet we are the ones they say are bigoted... Tired of the same crap over and over. Diont think it is the same crap? Here is Ben Shapiro showing how hypocritical the left is 5 years ago.

View attachment 183316

sad isnt it?

It certainly is. The Left is so disingenuous these days that it impossible to engage in civil debate on any public policy topic.
I am so tired of every time some crazy fuck kills people The left jumps on the not yet cold corpses to push their anti-freedom agenda. They first attack the NRA even though NO MEMBER EVER committed mass murder and one STOPPED it in Texas. Then it will be the middle of america... Because we all know in their minds if you dont live on a coast you are a inbred hillbilly. Yet we are the ones they say are bigoted... Tired of the same crap over and over. Diont think it is the same crap? Here is Ben Shapiro showing how hypocritical the left is 5 years ago.

View attachment 183316

sad isnt it?

It certainly is. The Left is so disingenuous these days that it impossible to engage in civil debate on any public policy topic.

And they call us the fascists ... They dont even like free speech yet we are the Nazi.

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