NRA vs Chris Christie: Christie Defeated by Logic

Why doesn't JoeB131 talk about the failures of the FBI and other intelligence agencies, who already had these guys on their radar.

Do you you think you "gun laws" would stop bombings? Do you think international terrorists who SHOOT COPS will follow your "gun laws." What you think they are going to enter a licensed gun shop, just to be automatically denied the sale of a gun and have the gun shop owner call the authorities on them?

Also, did Hitler relax gun laws for Jews? In general did Hitler relax gun laws for anyone who opposed him? So it's ok to disarm those who you despise/hate?, so long as everyone else can have guns? lololololol

Does Joeb131 know how many non-active readers visit these forums for every active poster? All of them get to witness his stupidity, amazing!
The new laws proposed by Christie will pass and be upheld by the courts.

The gun nuts will be reigned in state by state until SCOTUS will be able to use Heller to the fullest extent.

Inevitable tightening of the laws, and in the end the gunners will admit defeat.
Why doesn't JoeB131 talk about the failures of the FBI and other intelligence agencies, who already had these guys on their radar.

Do you you think you "gun laws" would stop bombings? Do you think international terrorists who SHOOT COPS will follow your "gun laws." What you think they are going to enter a licensed gun shop, just to be automatically denied the sale of a gun and have the gun shop owner call the authorities on them?

Also, did Hitler relax gun laws for Jews? In general did Hitler relax gun laws for anyone who opposed him? So it's ok to disarm those who you despise/hate?, so long as everyone else can have guns? lololololol

Does Joeb131 know how many non-active readers visit these forums for every active poster? All of them get to witness his stupidity, amazing!

Did the FBI have these guys on some kind of "Radar"? Or are you just making shit up again?

Gun laws will stop shootings. Also, if you ban the sale of black powder to civilians, (something else they don't really need) they couldn't have made these bombs.

Again, Hitler took ALL the rights away from the Jews. If they had guns, wouldn't have made much of a difference. The Nazis had tanks and planes and stuff. The notion you can oppose the government is absurd on its face.

Does 2nd Amendment realize that lots of people know he was crazy?
Why doesn't JoeB131 talk about the failures of the FBI and other intelligence agencies, who already had these guys on their radar.

Do you you think you "gun laws" would stop bombings? Do you think international terrorists who SHOOT COPS will follow your "gun laws." What you think they are going to enter a licensed gun shop, just to be automatically denied the sale of a gun and have the gun shop owner call the authorities on them?

Also, did Hitler relax gun laws for Jews? In general did Hitler relax gun laws for anyone who opposed him? So it's ok to disarm those who you despise/hate?, so long as everyone else can have guns? lololololol

Does Joeb131 know how many non-active readers visit these forums for every active poster? All of them get to witness his stupidity, amazing!

1. Did the FBI have these guys on some kind of "Radar"? Or are you just making shit up again?

2. Gun laws will stop shootings. Also, if you ban the sale of black powder to civilians, (something else they don't really need) they couldn't have made these bombs.

3. Again, Hitler took ALL the rights away from the Jews. If they had guns, wouldn't have made much of a difference. The Nazis had tanks and planes and stuff. The notion you can oppose the government is absurd on its face.

4. Does 2nd Amendment realize that lots of people know he was crazy?

1. The FBI had the older (dead) one on their radar after being contacted about him by a foreign government.

2. Sure, the citizens of Chicago would like to have a word with you. But then again, it's all excess regulation to you isn't it?

3. Tell that to those poor souls in Warsaw who died. Ahh, but then again, how was our country created, if not by resistance to a monarchical government? The fact that we can't rebel against government is fallacious on it's face Joe.

4. I'm sure the people who wrote it had similar people to deal with in their day and age.
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1. The FBI had the older (dead) one on their radar after being contacted about him by a foreign government.

2. Sure, the citizens of Chicago would like to have a word with you. But then again, it's all excess regulation to you isn't it?

3. Tell that to those poor souls in Warsaw who died. Ahh, but then again, how was our country created, if not by resistance to a monarchical government? The fact that we can't rebel against government is fallacious on it's face Joe.

4. I'm sure the people who wrote it had similar people to deal with in their day and age.

1) "The FBI admitted Friday they interviewed the now-deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years ago and failed to find any incriminating information about him."- I guess they should have strapped him down and tortured it out of him?

Here's the problem. The "Foreign GOvernment" is Russia, and our position is actually kind of pro-Chechen. Has been for quite a while, and this is the problem. They're only terrorists when they kill you. When they kill other people you don't like, they are "Freedom Fighters".

2) Again with the Chicago BS. For the record, 3530 people have been killed with Guns since Newtown. Of those, 88 were killed in Chicago. So, yeah, I guess Chicago is responsible for a whopping 2% of the gun deaths that have occurred since Newtown.. must prove that gun control is a failure. Yuppers.

Gun-death tally: Every American gun death since Newtown Sandy Hook shooting (INTERACTIVE). - Slate Magazine

3) Our country was created because a few rich assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes and keep fucking their slave girls. Thankfully, we evolved above that. The reality is, most of our guns came from the French, who were happy to stir up trouble. If we had to rely on the guns we had, the Brits would have crushed us and we'd all be Canadians today. Oh, the horror!


4) I was referring to the poster who calls himself "2nd Amendment". Not the sensible law about Militias that has been perverted into an unregulated arms market.

1. The FBI had the older (dead) one on their radar after being contacted about him by a foreign government.

2. Sure, the citizens of Chicago would like to have a word with you. But then again, it's all excess regulation to you isn't it?

3. Tell that to those poor souls in Warsaw who died. Ahh, but then again, how was our country created, if not by resistance to a monarchical government? The fact that we can't rebel against government is fallacious on it's face Joe.

4. I'm sure the people who wrote it had similar people to deal with in their day and age.

1) "The FBI admitted Friday they interviewed the now-deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years ago and failed to find any incriminating information about him."- I guess they should have strapped him down and tortured it out of him?

Here's the problem. The "Foreign GOvernment" is Russia, and our position is actually kind of pro-Chechen. Has been for quite a while, and this is the problem. They're only terrorists when they kill you. When they kill other people you don't like, they are "Freedom Fighters".

2) Again with the Chicago BS. For the record, 3530 people have been killed with Guns since Newtown. Of those, 88 were killed in Chicago. So, yeah, I guess Chicago is responsible for a whopping 2% of the gun deaths that have occurred since Newtown.. must prove that gun control is a failure. Yuppers.

Gun-death tally: Every American gun death since Newtown Sandy Hook shooting (INTERACTIVE). - Slate Magazine

3) Our country was created because a few rich assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes and keep fucking their slave girls. Thankfully, we evolved above that. The reality is, most of our guns came from the French, who were happy to stir up trouble. If we had to rely on the guns we had, the Brits would have crushed us and we'd all be Canadians today. Oh, the horror!


4) I was referring to the poster who calls himself "2nd Amendment". Not the sensible law about Militias that has been perverted into an unregulated arms market.


There were 435 gun related deaths in Chicago alone last year. 435. There were 88 of them after Newtown. My oh my do you love spinning the facts.

Bold Italics:

Don't give me that class warfare crap. How else were they to gain independence, with rocks and pitchforks? You're even more clueless than I imagined. You show how truly ungrateful you are of your own freedom and independence.
The NRA is all about unlimited access to weapons of any type, and defeated the use of taggants that would immediatly made it known where the powder was purchased. Also, why did not the purchase of that much powder by a private citizen set off some alarms? I have a four black powder guns. The most powder I have ever bought is 2 lbs at one time. That is a lot of shots, even in a .50 rifle.

The brothers that commited the Boston atrocity were armed to the teeth. Fortunetly, were lousy at handling guns, or they would have killed more policemen. Easy access to guns, whether from the careless storage of them by gun owners, or the sale of them by gun shops or private citizens is the bane of our society. So much so, that the death rate from guns will exceed that of the death rate by automobiles by 2015.

You fruitloops, with the aid of the heartless and soulless corperations making profit on the death of citizens, won the first round. Eventually, there will some stringent controls on who can buy weapons, and what kind of weapons the public can buy. It will be a better nation at that point.


There were 435 gun related deaths in Chicago alone last year. 435. There were 88 of them after Newtown. My oh my do you love spinning the facts.

There were 30,000 gun related deaths in the entire country last year. (11,000 murders, 17,000 suicides and 2000 accidents.) of that, Chicago still rates a very small percentage. But, yeah a gun ban doesn't work on a city level when you can go outside that city and get a gun and bring it in.


Don't give me that class warfare crap. How else were they to gain independence, with rocks and pitchforks? You're even more clueless than I imagined. You show how truly ungrateful you are of your own freedom and independence.

If we were Canadians today, we'd be just as free as being Americans.

We'd have also ended slavery without a civil war, and we'd have universal health coverage.

I've also become suspicious about any Conservatard who screams about "freedom" or "liberty", because they usually mean the ability of those with wealth to abuse those of us with less wealth.


There were 435 gun related deaths in Chicago alone last year. 435. There were 88 of them after Newtown. My oh my do you love spinning the facts.

There were 30,000 gun related deaths in the entire country last year. (11,000 murders, 17,000 suicides and 2000 accidents.) of that, Chicago still rates a very small percentage. But, yeah a gun ban doesn't work on a city level when you can go outside that city and get a gun and bring it in.


Don't give me that class warfare crap. How else were they to gain independence, with rocks and pitchforks? You're even more clueless than I imagined. You show how truly ungrateful you are of your own freedom and independence.

If we were Canadians today, we'd be just as free as being Americans.

We'd have also ended slavery without a civil war, and we'd have universal health coverage.

I've also become suspicious about any Conservatard who screams about "freedom" or "liberty", because they usually mean the ability of those with wealth to abuse those of us with less wealth.

Let's stay in Chicago shall we? I'm talking about intentional deaths caused by criminals with guns. Do you not understand that a lot of those guns there are sold via the black market? Within the city for example? You want to fudge the facts, all the meanwhile ignoring that gun control is a failure. We can have all the background checks we want to, but those criminals will still be out there with illegal guns lying in wait to commit murder or the like.

Actually, the whole Independence movement was based on freedom and prosperity apart from the British Monarchical regime. And why the hell are we talking about Canadians? We are Americans, lets stick to that shall we? Or will you continue trying to move the goalposts?

Let's stay in Chicago shall we? I'm talking about intentional deaths caused by criminals with guns. Do you not understand that a lot of those guns there are sold via the black market? Within the city for example? You want to fudge the facts, all the meanwhile ignoring that gun control is a failure. We can have all the background checks we want to, but those criminals will still be out there with illegal guns lying in wait to commit murder or the like.

The "black market" in Chicago is that the gun industry set up gun stores in suburbs like Cicero with the intent to sell guns to Chicagoans, no questions asked. The intent was to sabotage the gun laws in Chicago from their inactment.

But still, Chicago only owned 435 "gun related" deaths (you didn't specify murders) of the 30,000 that occurred in the country last year. So we have about 1-2% of the countries population and about 1-2% of the country's gun deaths. More or less.

Actually, the whole Independence movement was based on freedom and prosperity apart from the British Monarchical regime. And why the hell are we talking about Canadians? We are Americans, lets stick to that shall we? Or will you continue trying to move the goalposts?

The whole independence movement, which most people AT THE TIME were against, was because the rich assholes didn't want to pay their fair share of the taxes that were required by the French and Indian War. (Also known as the Seven Years War in Europe). Despite the fact they helped instigate it in North America by seizing Indian Lands and attacking French territory.

And that's kind of the problem. the wealthy live large on the labor of others, and when it comes to paying to support a system that benefits them, they scream about it.

I guess we've been kind of retarded as a country in this regard from the beginning.

Incidently, the argument was that the ELECTED Parliment in London was the problem, not the "Monarch", who held no real power at that point.
Yep. And you nuts and the NRA armed the fellow that blew up the Boston Marathon. Aren't you proud of your accomplishments? And when there is another Sandy Hook, you can brag about that, also.

You are just as insane as any suicide bomber.

Nice avoiding the point.

I'd like to know why you want the Tsaranaev Brothers or Adam Lanza to have access to weapons?

Kind of seems like a bad idea to me.

Why aren't the politicians standing up and demanding that all BOMBS be registered?

Let's stay in Chicago shall we? I'm talking about intentional deaths caused by criminals with guns. Do you not understand that a lot of those guns there are sold via the black market? Within the city for example? You want to fudge the facts, all the meanwhile ignoring that gun control is a failure. We can have all the background checks we want to, but those criminals will still be out there with illegal guns lying in wait to commit murder or the like.

The "black market" in Chicago is that the gun industry set up gun stores in suburbs like Cicero with the intent to sell guns to Chicagoans, no questions asked. The intent was to sabotage the gun laws in Chicago from their inactment.

But still, Chicago only owned 435 "gun related" deaths (you didn't specify murders) of the 30,000 that occurred in the country last year. So we have about 1-2% of the countries population and about 1-2% of the country's gun deaths. More or less.

Actually, the whole Independence movement was based on freedom and prosperity apart from the British Monarchical regime. And why the hell are we talking about Canadians? We are Americans, lets stick to that shall we? Or will you continue trying to move the goalposts?

The whole independence movement, which most people AT THE TIME were against, was because the rich assholes didn't want to pay their fair share of the taxes that were required by the French and Indian War. (Also known as the Seven Years War in Europe). Despite the fact they helped instigate it in North America by seizing Indian Lands and attacking French territory.

And that's kind of the problem. the wealthy live large on the labor of others, and when it comes to paying to support a system that benefits them, they scream about it.

I guess we've been kind of retarded as a country in this regard from the beginning.

Incidently, the argument was that the ELECTED Parliment in London was the problem, not the "Monarch", who held no real power at that point.

Do you have any links or facts to back this up? Or are we just saying what we want to say?
you are fucking insane.

Not at all.

These guys were able to get guns.

Guns are too easy to get.

Guns should be harder to get.

A lot harder.

Guns are tools.
Should all "tools" be harder to get?

Interesting take on guns. Tools eh? Funny, I spend a lot of time with tools in my hands. And most of the time it is doing something positive and constructive.

What constructive activity can I do with a gun as my tool? Do you think shooting someone is "constructive"?
Works for me.

Most private citizens don't have any NEED for a gun.

they just don't.

But if you all refuse to self-police, then it's "Everyone out of the pool!"


Most of this country does not live in "cities" where the police can be there in a few minutes (after the crime is committed).
In the cities, urban crime is being targeted in areas where the criminals know the victims do not have guns. If the criminals knew that more people were carrying weapons, they would be a lot less likely to commit crimes in the open.
"Most" of the country does not live in cities. There are "pests" (opossums, raccoons, etc) that bother most households at some point. Those that are on farms will use guns to "put down" an animal that is suffering (from injury or illness) in a "humane" gesture. In other areas of this country, there are some big predators, that make carrying a gun, a simple precaution in self preservation (even if it is just to shoot in front of the predator, cause a lot of people just don't want to pick that fight, even with a gun). Wild dogs, packs of dogs are also stopped by weapons. Rabid animals, also are stopped with guns, in many areas, if you waited for the police to show up, the animals could infect another dozen or so animals, before being stopped, and rabies would not be as controlled as it is.
Your views appear to be very narrow. Maybe you should get out, more.
Why doesn't JoeB131 talk about the failures of the FBI and other intelligence agencies, who already had these guys on their radar.

Do you you think you "gun laws" would stop bombings? Do you think international terrorists who SHOOT COPS will follow your "gun laws." What you think they are going to enter a licensed gun shop, just to be automatically denied the sale of a gun and have the gun shop owner call the authorities on them?

Also, did Hitler relax gun laws for Jews? In general did Hitler relax gun laws for anyone who opposed him? So it's ok to disarm those who you despise/hate?, so long as everyone else can have guns? lololololol

Does Joeb131 know how many non-active readers visit these forums for every active poster? All of them get to witness his stupidity, amazing!

Yeah, still waiting for the politicians to call for ALL BOMBS to be "registered"!
Joe, the King had plenty of power back during the revolutionary era. Why was the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence specifically addressed to the King? Why didn't they make any mention of the Parliament? He was the last great King of Britain and Ireland until the rise of the 2nd British Empire in 1783.
Why doesn't JoeB131 talk about the failures of the FBI and other intelligence agencies, who already had these guys on their radar.

Do you you think you "gun laws" would stop bombings? Do you think international terrorists who SHOOT COPS will follow your "gun laws." What you think they are going to enter a licensed gun shop, just to be automatically denied the sale of a gun and have the gun shop owner call the authorities on them?

Also, did Hitler relax gun laws for Jews? In general did Hitler relax gun laws for anyone who opposed him? So it's ok to disarm those who you despise/hate?, so long as everyone else can have guns? lololololol

Does Joeb131 know how many non-active readers visit these forums for every active poster? All of them get to witness his stupidity, amazing!

Yeah, still waiting for the politicians to call for ALL BOMBS to be "registered"!

If the NRA didn't lobby to prevent any restrictions on the sales of black powder or the placement of taggants in them, they'd have prevented these bombings.

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