NRA vs Chris Christie: Christie Defeated by Logic

TK, that's what I mean about you being Mr. Phantastic Phanatic: you are imitating instead of actually thinking. Take charge of your life and not let others tell you what to think. Be an actor, not a reactor.
TK, that's what I mean about you being Mr. Phantastic Phanatic: you are imitating instead of actually thinking. Take charge of your life and not let others tell you what to think. Be an actor, not a reactor.

Projection is no longer found in a theater
From an earlier post:

Most of this country does not live in "cities" where the police can be there in a few minutes (after the crime is committed).
In the cities, urban crime is being targeted in areas where the criminals know the victims do not have guns. If the criminals knew that more people were carrying weapons, they would be a lot less likely to commit crimes in the open.
"Most" of the country does not live in cities. There are "pests" (opossums, raccoons, etc) that bother most households at some point. Those that are on farms will use guns to "put down" an animal that is suffering (from injury or illness) in a "humane" gesture. In other areas of this country, there are some big predators, that make carrying a gun, a simple precaution in self preservation (even if it is just to shoot in front of the predator, cause a lot of people just don't want to pick that fight, even with a gun). Wild dogs, packs of dogs are also stopped by weapons. Rabid animals, also are stopped with guns, in many areas, if you waited for the police to show up, the animals could infect another dozen or so animals, before being stopped, and rabies would not be as controlled as it is.
Your views appear to be very narrow. Maybe you should get out, more.

Those of you that want guns "controlled", what say you? What will people do without guns in these areas? Are you for higher incidents of rabies and "pests"? Would you prefer to see animals suffer, instead of a quick "mercy killing"? Your "wants" will have unintended consequences. Are you okay with lions, bears and wolves (oh, my!) becoming more predatory towards people, because the people are "defenseless"? Are you going to required "bodyguards" to follow the same rules (if you are, it appears you DO want a tyranny)?

Still, no response?
I doubt you will
And NJ will pass the laws, and nothing that NRA or the gun phans will be able to do to stop it.

And, then, kiddos, there are next year's primaries, and we are going after the more extreme gun phan congressmen in the primaries with good 2d Amendment folks uncorrupted by the NRA.

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