NRA vs Chris Christie: Christie Defeated by Logic

Adam had to kill his mother to get his weapons. He broke the law. You know. Not allowed to murder anyone.

but why did his mother have that many guns to start with?

Because she was a paranoid loon "Prepper" who was stocking up for the Zombie Apocolypse or some such shit. So she had a crazy kid. Big surprise to NO ONE.

IF she didn't have guns she didn't need, there would have been no Sandy Hook Massacre.

Why do you have more than two changes of clothes and one pair of shoes?

Are you a paranoid prepper that is worried about a shortage of laundry detergent, or is it actually no one's business how long you can go without using a washing machine?

The only surprise is that you are still breathing, I guess it is proof you don't need to be smart to breathe.

There's a bunch of scenarios where I'd need more than two changes of clothes. (I rarely own more than two pairs of shoes, but those are mostly for astehtics.)

Geeezus, man, I just don't know if it's the lack of medications or what your problem is.

There was no reason why Nancy Lanza living in a lily-white rich CT suburb needed 20 guns, some of them military grade.
In this thread we watch as insane conservatives feel persecuted and attacked by invisible enemies while the rest of us watch in mocking silence. Why do crazy people generally go right? Is it because of the paranoia and persecution complexes these people seem to have?

You are a woman or a young boy. I hunt. I profile if you will.

I'm profiling you. You have never been a Republican. You have never ever been a conservative. Much like But you aren't north east. you don't know it at all.
I just haven't got your language down yet. West coast for true. But what state? Ah I will nail it.

Not even close.

I'm 51 years old. German-American. Veteran. Born and raised in Chicago. Brought up Catholic, but became Atheist when my parents died when I was 19.

used to be Republican, until the religious loons took over the party during the Bush years. But mostly, what turned me on the GOP was that my ex-boss fired me when I got sick and required medical attention. Then I realized, a system that only considers you valuable as a person if someone can make a profit off you is not one I really respected.

But keep guessing other things that make you comfortable.
I'd love to get into these threads and debate these topics or at the very least troll the fuck out of some stupid people. However the problem with these conservative troll threads is it's impossible to have an intelligent conversation with a con. For instance in this thread and most of their threads once any sort of reality or truth comes into the thread, they go into this insane defensive mechanism where they start citing false facts and attacking invisible enemies. Glancing through the last few pages of this boring have been interesting because despite the volume of content, there's very little to even discuss or comment on. It's a weird avalanche of psychotic emotions and political delusions.
I was not addressing nor do I care about what you have to say.

Read em and weep, sonny. The information is correct and pertains to your comments.

I wasn't addressing you I already know the answer I wanted to see how Joe could defend his position. So shut the fuck up.

No one thinks at all that you know the answer. The communications from the 1st and 2d Continental Congresses were first pleadings to the King for his succor and finally an indictment of his tyranny.

You try to be tyrannous here on the Board, bigreb, and we just laugh at you.
It's sad that libs really think by banning guns it decreases murder and violence when actually it takes away a defense barrier for the innocents.
They are all liars and its sad. You look at the story of Adam Lanza. We could not have stopped it. I think thats the part that hurts the most.

None of us could have stopped it. Maybe if we were there to shoot back at him. Otherwise none of us could have stopped him.

Sometimes I dream that I could have dropped and shot him in rapid fire from my side ...lay to the right and fire away.

but it's just a dream.

Read em and weep, sonny. The information is correct and pertains to your comments.

I wasn't addressing you I already know the answer I wanted to see how Joe could defend his position. So shut the fuck up.

No one thinks at all that you know the answer. The communications from the 1st and 2d Continental Congresses were first pleadings to the King for his succor and finally an indictment of his tyranny.

You try to be tyrannous here on the Board, bigreb, and we just laugh at you.

1 You're fucked up in the head
2. Not to many people believe what you just posted if you think no one thinks I don't know the answer. Look at the question I asked.
3. Do you know what tyrannous means
4 You need to stop trolling
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They are all liars and its sad. You look at the story of Adam Lanza. We could not have stopped it. I think thats the part that hurts the most.

None of us could have stopped it. Maybe if we were there to shoot back at him. Otherwise none of us could have stopped him.

Sometimes I dream that I could have dropped and shot him in rapid fire from my side ...lay to the right and fire away.

but it's just a dream.

It could have been easily stopped.

Don't let his whackjob mother buy guns.
As much as you and bigrebnc share the same body and mind.

The only difference between you and Joe is you supported Romney and Joe didn't. Basically you both have the same position on every other topic that is discussed.

Not the case, my reactionary wing nut friend. :lol:

1.I'm not your friend
2. You and every other gun grabber are the biggest reactionaries there are.
To push for more gun control would be in reaction to the shooting.
The only difference between you and Joe is you supported Romney and Joe didn't. Basically you both have the same position on every other topic that is discussed.

Not the case, my reactionary wing nut friend. :lol:

1.I'm not your friend
2. You and every other gun grabber are the biggest reactionaries there are.
To push for more gun control would be in reaction to the shooting.

..............POP is the sound of jakes lone brain cell cooking after that.
1. I choose my friends, not you. You don't have a choice.
2. Take up your whining with the state and federal legislatures and SCOTUS.
3. You are a militia nut reactionary, period.
4. The psssh is bigrebnc wetting his pants.
1. I choose my friends, not you. You don't have a choice.
2. Take up your whining with the state and federal legislatures and SCOTUS.
3. You are a militia nut reactionary, period.
4. The psssh is bigrebnc wetting his pants.

Can't think of anything original to post? Dude you need a vacation.
From an earlier post:

Most of this country does not live in "cities" where the police can be there in a few minutes (after the crime is committed).
In the cities, urban crime is being targeted in areas where the criminals know the victims do not have guns. If the criminals knew that more people were carrying weapons, they would be a lot less likely to commit crimes in the open.
"Most" of the country does not live in cities. There are "pests" (opossums, raccoons, etc) that bother most households at some point. Those that are on farms will use guns to "put down" an animal that is suffering (from injury or illness) in a "humane" gesture. In other areas of this country, there are some big predators, that make carrying a gun, a simple precaution in self preservation (even if it is just to shoot in front of the predator, cause a lot of people just don't want to pick that fight, even with a gun). Wild dogs, packs of dogs are also stopped by weapons. Rabid animals, also are stopped with guns, in many areas, if you waited for the police to show up, the animals could infect another dozen or so animals, before being stopped, and rabies would not be as controlled as it is.
Your views appear to be very narrow. Maybe you should get out, more.

Those of you that want guns "controlled", what say you? What will people do without guns in these areas? Are you for higher incidents of rabies and "pests"? Would you prefer to see animals suffer, instead of a quick "mercy killing"? Your "wants" will have unintended consequences. Are you okay with lions, bears and wolves (oh, my!) becoming more predatory towards people, because the people are "defenseless"? Are you going to required "bodyguards" to follow the same rules (if you are, it appears you DO want a tyranny)?

Still, no response?
1. I choose my friends, not you. You don't have a choice.
2. Take up your whining with the state and federal legislatures and SCOTUS.
3. You are a militia nut reactionary, period.
4. The psssh is bigrebnc wetting his pants.

Can't think of anything original to post? Dude you need a vacation.

Why? You have nothing but crap, so all I have doing is shoveling it.
1. I choose my friends, not you. You don't have a choice.
2. Take up your whining with the state and federal legislatures and SCOTUS.
3. You are a militia nut reactionary, period.
4. The psssh is bigrebnc wetting his pants.

Can't think of anything original to post? Dude you need a vacation.

Why? You have nothing but crap, so all I have doing is shoveling it.

When are you going to come up with an original thought of your own, without taking bits and pieces from others?
You have nothing of an argument
bigreb, when you are the one who is posting drivel, then that is what I have to work with.

You need to take a vacation for awhile. Really.

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