NRA vs Chris Christie: Christie Defeated by Logic

And you are a whiny one... but that's okay.

If it weren't for the dumb-ass, inbred redneck voting against his own economic interests, the GOP wouldn't be what it is today.

It might actually be a sensible party.

Hey JoelB... Did you know that statistically you are far less likely to be killed in a terrorist attack in Boston then you are by a bullet in your hometown of Chicago? Something to think about.
And you are a whiny one... but that's okay.

If it weren't for the dumb-ass, inbred redneck voting against his own economic interests, the GOP wouldn't be what it is today.

It might actually be a sensible party.

And I only thought you supported obama because of Romney. Your latest response is not that of someone who is a disgruntled member of the republican party. You and jake starkey are two of a kind that always sooner or later show what you truly are. I honestly don't understand why you two argue.
Adam had to kill his mother to get his weapons. He broke the law. You know. Not allowed to murder anyone.

but why did his mother have that many guns to start with?

Because she was a paranoid loon "Prepper" who was stocking up for the Zombie Apocolypse or some such shit. So she had a crazy kid. Big surprise to NO ONE.

IF she didn't have guns she didn't need, there would have been no Sandy Hook Massacre.

Why do you think the way you do joe? You're a fucking idiot and should lose any right to free speech because you are not talking responsibly

I think the way I do because frankly, the GOP which I once loved decided it could only win by appealling the the stupidest rubes out there.

If Nancy Lanza wasn't sold a shitload of guns, her son never would have had the tools to go on a rampage.

And you are a whiny one... but that's okay.

If it weren't for the dumb-ass, inbred redneck voting against his own economic interests, the GOP wouldn't be what it is today.

It might actually be a sensible party.

And I only thought you supported obama because of Romney. Your latest response is not that of someone who is a disgruntled member of the republican party. You and jake starkey are two of a kind that always sooner or later show what you truly are. I honestly don't understand why you two argue.

I am disgruntled.

The GOP used to favor sensible gun control.

When Wayne "Frothy" LaPeirre called ATF agents murdered at Waco "Jack-booted thugs", George H. Bush QUIT the NRA!

Good for him.

You'd never see that in today's GOP, and that's the problem.

Business | George Bush Resigns Nra Membership -- Cites `Vicious Slander' Against Atf Agents | Seattle Times Newspaper

WASHINGTON - Former president George Bush, a gun enthusiast and decades-long member of the National Rifle Association, has resigned from the group because of its statements that agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are "jackbooted thugs" who harass gun owners.

"Your broadside against federal agents deeply offends my own sense of decency and honor, and it offends my concept of service to country," Bush wrote to NRA president Thomas Washington in a May 3 letter that was released yesterday. "It indirectly slurs a wide array of government law-enforcement officials, who are out there, day and night, laying their lives on the line for all of us."

Bush said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre's description of federal agents as " `wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms' (and) wanting to `attack law-abiding citizens' is a vicious slander on good people." LaPierre used the description in a fund-raising letter sent to the NRA's 3.5 million members early this year, and he defended it in the wake of the April 19 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

This is where your party went wrong.
but why did his mother have that many guns to start with?

Because she was a paranoid loon "Prepper" who was stocking up for the Zombie Apocolypse or some such shit. So she had a crazy kid. Big surprise to NO ONE.

IF she didn't have guns she didn't need, there would have been no Sandy Hook Massacre.

Why do you think the way you do joe? You're a fucking idiot and should lose any right to free speech because you are not talking responsibly

I think the way I do because frankly, the GOP which I once loved decided it could only win by appealling the the stupidest rubes out there.

If Nancy Lanza wasn't sold a shitload of guns, her son never would have had the tools to go on a rampage.

You just posted this

And you are a whiny one... but that's okay.

If it weren't for the dumb-ass, inbred redneck voting against his own economic interests, the GOP wouldn't be what it is today.

It might actually be a sensible party.
And you say
the GOP which I once loved
You have never been with the GOP not with what you posted that I quoted.

oh and another thing it wasn't those rednecks that put Romney there.
And you are a whiny one... but that's okay.

If it weren't for the dumb-ass, inbred redneck voting against his own economic interests, the GOP wouldn't be what it is today.

It might actually be a sensible party.

And I only thought you supported obama because of Romney. Your latest response is not that of someone who is a disgruntled member of the republican party. You and jake starkey are two of a kind that always sooner or later show what you truly are. I honestly don't understand why you two argue.

I am disgruntled.

The GOP used to favor sensible gun control.

When Wayne "Frothy" LaPeirre called ATF agents murdered at Waco "Jack-booted thugs", George H. Bush QUIT the NRA!

Good for him.

You'd never see that in today's GOP, and that's the problem.

Business | George Bush Resigns Nra Membership -- Cites `Vicious Slander' Against Atf Agents | Seattle Times Newspaper

WASHINGTON - Former president George Bush, a gun enthusiast and decades-long member of the National Rifle Association, has resigned from the group because of its statements that agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are "jackbooted thugs" who harass gun owners.

"Your broadside against federal agents deeply offends my own sense of decency and honor, and it offends my concept of service to country," Bush wrote to NRA president Thomas Washington in a May 3 letter that was released yesterday. "It indirectly slurs a wide array of government law-enforcement officials, who are out there, day and night, laying their lives on the line for all of us."

Bush said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre's description of federal agents as " `wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms' (and) wanting to `attack law-abiding citizens' is a vicious slander on good people." LaPierre used the description in a fund-raising letter sent to the NRA's 3.5 million members early this year, and he defended it in the wake of the April 19 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

This is where your party went wrong.

You're an idiot shut the fuck up.
And you are a whiny one... but that's okay.

If it weren't for the dumb-ass, inbred redneck voting against his own economic interests, the GOP wouldn't be what it is today.

It might actually be a sensible party.

Hey JoelB... Did you know that statistically you are far less likely to be killed in a terrorist attack in Boston then you are by a bullet in your hometown of Chicago? Something to think about.

Actually, not sure what your obsession with chicago is, as the WHOLE country has too much gun violence.

Frankly, I had a next door neighbor who killed himself. He had a gun, tried to shoot himself a few weeks eariler and shot out a patio window, and the cops didn't take his gun at that time after he lied to them about it.

But the NRA spends a lot of money rousing the rabble, which is why we can't get sensible gun laws passed....
And I only thought you supported obama because of Romney. Your latest response is not that of someone who is a disgruntled member of the republican party. You and jake starkey are two of a kind that always sooner or later show what you truly are. I honestly don't understand why you two argue.

I am disgruntled.

The GOP used to favor sensible gun control.

When Wayne "Frothy" LaPeirre called ATF agents murdered at Waco "Jack-booted thugs", George H. Bush QUIT the NRA!

Good for him.

You'd never see that in today's GOP, and that's the problem.

Business | George Bush Resigns Nra Membership -- Cites `Vicious Slander' Against Atf Agents | Seattle Times Newspaper

WASHINGTON - Former president George Bush, a gun enthusiast and decades-long member of the National Rifle Association, has resigned from the group because of its statements that agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are "jackbooted thugs" who harass gun owners.

"Your broadside against federal agents deeply offends my own sense of decency and honor, and it offends my concept of service to country," Bush wrote to NRA president Thomas Washington in a May 3 letter that was released yesterday. "It indirectly slurs a wide array of government law-enforcement officials, who are out there, day and night, laying their lives on the line for all of us."

Bush said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre's description of federal agents as " `wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms' (and) wanting to `attack law-abiding citizens' is a vicious slander on good people." LaPierre used the description in a fund-raising letter sent to the NRA's 3.5 million members early this year, and he defended it in the wake of the April 19 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

This is where your party went wrong.

You're an idiot shut the fuck up.

so defacto admisstion that I'm right. That the problem is you guys and your level of craziness?

When you villify George H. Bush and make a martyr out of David Koresh, your party HAS gone off the rails.

How else did the troops get here, dimwit?

Here's more history for you as quoted from a source:

"When George III assumed the throne in 1760, upon the death of his grandfather, he was full of resentments. Power had been draining away from the monarchy for seventy years, and he meant to reverse this. His widowed mother encouraged this, exhorting him to "be a King, George. Be a King!".


Yeah, they could say this all day, but Parliment wasn't having any of it.

Let's not forget, this was a guy who got locked into an insane asylum because the politicians decided they had enough of his silliness...

The MOnarchy had been a figurehead institution.

We were not rebelling against "evil Monarchy". We were rebelling against Rich Douchebags payng their fair share.

The mystery is, why non-rich people went along with it.

Or any of the shit they go along with now.

Oh, yeah, because of guys like this...

You are an ignorant bastard.

So you are proud of this picture? A group of drunken red necks, watching a kid with a rifle. Just what could go wrong?
Yeah, they could say this all day, but Parliment wasn't having any of it.

Let's not forget, this was a guy who got locked into an insane asylum because the politicians decided they had enough of his silliness...

The MOnarchy had been a figurehead institution.

We were not rebelling against "evil Monarchy". We were rebelling against Rich Douchebags payng their fair share.

The mystery is, why non-rich people went along with it.

Or any of the shit they go along with now.

Oh, yeah, because of guys like this...

You are an ignorant bastard.

So you are proud of this picture? A group of drunken red necks, watching a kid with a rifle. Just what could go wrong?

Dumbass it was not the picture it was what you said.
Why do you think the way you do joe? You're a fucking idiot and should lose any right to free speech because you are not talking responsibly

I think the way I do because frankly, the GOP which I once loved decided it could only win by appealling the the stupidest rubes out there.

If Nancy Lanza wasn't sold a shitload of guns, her son never would have had the tools to go on a rampage.

You just posted this

And you are a whiny one... but that's okay.

If it weren't for the dumb-ass, inbred redneck voting against his own economic interests, the GOP wouldn't be what it is today.

It might actually be a sensible party.
And you say
the GOP which I once loved
You have never been with the GOP not with what you posted that I quoted.

oh and another thing it wasn't those rednecks that put Romney there.

Oh, no, it wasn't.

That's what you don't get.

The RICH are running the GOP. The redneck, inbred, stupid, bible thumping loons are just along for the ride. Romney had to still genuflect at your altar of stupid, but the rich run things.

So you get upset about guns and wonder why the good paying job you used to have went to China.
I am disgruntled.

The GOP used to favor sensible gun control.

When Wayne "Frothy" LaPeirre called ATF agents murdered at Waco "Jack-booted thugs", George H. Bush QUIT the NRA!

Good for him.

You'd never see that in today's GOP, and that's the problem.

Business | George Bush Resigns Nra Membership -- Cites `Vicious Slander' Against Atf Agents | Seattle Times Newspaper

This is where your party went wrong.

You're an idiot shut the fuck up.

so defacto admisstion that I'm right. That the problem is you guys and your level of craziness?

When you villify George H. Bush and make a martyr out of David Koresh, your party HAS gone off the rails.

No you're wrong on both accounts
I'm telling you too shut the fuck up because you are wrong and you are a liar for claiming that you were once a Reoublican.
I think the way I do because frankly, the GOP which I once loved decided it could only win by appealling the the stupidest rubes out there.

If Nancy Lanza wasn't sold a shitload of guns, her son never would have had the tools to go on a rampage.

You just posted this

And you say
the GOP which I once loved
You have never been with the GOP not with what you posted that I quoted.

oh and another thing it wasn't those rednecks that put Romney there.

Oh, no, it wasn't.

That's what you don't get.

The RICH are running the GOP. The redneck, inbred, stupid, bible thumping loons are just along for the ride. Romney had to still genuflect at your altar of stupid, but the rich run things.

So you get upset about guns and wonder why the good paying job you used to have went to China.
Idiot you don't think the rich don't run the democratic party? You are a full blown idiot shut the fuck up.
but why did his mother have that many guns to start with?

Because she was a paranoid loon "Prepper" who was stocking up for the Zombie Apocolypse or some such shit. So she had a crazy kid. Big surprise to NO ONE.

IF she didn't have guns she didn't need, there would have been no Sandy Hook Massacre.

Why do you think the way you do joe? You're a fucking idiot and should lose any right to free speech because you are not talking responsibly

I think the way I do because frankly, the GOP which I once loved decided it could only win by appealling the the stupidest rubes out there.

If Nancy Lanza wasn't sold a shitload of guns, her son never would have had the tools to go on a rampage.


You are a woman or a young boy. I hunt. I profile if you will.

I'm profiling you. You have never been a Republican. You have never ever been a conservative. Much like But you aren't north east. you don't know it at all.
I just haven't got your language down yet. West coast for true. But what state? Ah I will nail it.
You just posted this

And you say

You have never been with the GOP not with what you posted that I quoted.

oh and another thing it wasn't those rednecks that put Romney there.

Oh, no, it wasn't.

That's what you don't get.

The RICH are running the GOP. The redneck, inbred, stupid, bible thumping loons are just along for the ride. Romney had to still genuflect at your altar of stupid, but the rich run things.

So you get upset about guns and wonder why the good paying job you used to have went to China.
Idiot you don't think the rich don't run the democratic party? You are a full blown idiot shut the fuck up.

They suck Kennedy dick (pardon my french) and have the nerve to say we are the party of the rich.

Fucking hypocrites. Here's where I leave my good girl behind. I hate these losers.
Um, please point out to me what is "insane" about his comment. The Tsaranaev brothers were able to get weapons. Adam Lanza was able to get weapons. Weapons are too easy to get in this country.

Again, it's an awesome racket the NRA and weapons manufacturers have. They make it easy for crooks to get guns, and dumb derpa-derps like you buy more guns because you are all scared and stuff.

It's like arming both sides in a war.

Adam had to kill his mother to get his weapons. He broke the law. You know. Not allowed to murder anyone.

but why did his mother have that many guns to start with?

Because she was a paranoid loon "Prepper" who was stocking up for the Zombie Apocolypse or some such shit. So she had a crazy kid. Big surprise to NO ONE.

IF she didn't have guns she didn't need, there would have been no Sandy Hook Massacre.

Why do you have more than two changes of clothes and one pair of shoes?

Are you a paranoid prepper that is worried about a shortage of laundry detergent, or is it actually no one's business how long you can go without using a washing machine?

The only surprise is that you are still breathing, I guess it is proof you don't need to be smart to breathe.

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