NRA's new poster child for 2nd Ammend. rights

Why would a murderer be a poster child for the NRA? What does the NRA have to do with some woman killing her kids with guns? Would it be better had she drowned them like this woman?

Monster mom who drowned her two daughters appeals convinction

Or would it have been better had she stabbed them to death like this woman:

Mother allegedly stabs 3 sons to death; children found partially dismembered, police say

Or would it have been better had she ran over them with her car like this woman:

Police: Mother runs over 1-year-old in driveway

Or finally, would it have been better had she simply beat them to death like this woman:

Girl, 4, Beaten to Death By Mom and Boyfriend For Drinking Brother's Juice: Cops - Inside Edition

If a woman wants her kids dead, she doesn't need guns to do it. Only liberals are too stupid to realize a gun is nothing more than a tool. Do you say a hammer built a house, or do you say the carpenter did?

Should be the end of this thread right here, but the gun grabbers aren't smart people and they love to waste the time of others, almost as much as they love taking people's rights away.
Another perfect example for why we need stricter gun control; had this woman not had guns, those two beautiful young women would still be alive. It's so sad. They are just considered collateral damage in the war to preserve a literal interpretation of the 2nd amendment at whatever cost
How do you know they would still be alive? You don't think she would have contrived another method of killing them? You have no capacity to think beyond your talking points do you?

Good point. Besides, they would almost certainly be dead by the time they reached 90, so, what difference does it make?
That's what Hillary said,
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Another NRA success story, and 1 less Trump voter..

Most Cuntservatives probably won't even acknowledge this they are too worried about gun violence in Chicago..
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Soooo....357,000,000 guns in private hands.........

in 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders......

and each year guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year......

Can you guys count those numbers and see which ones are bigger and what they mean?

She would have murdered those girls without the gun, Remember the woman who drowned her beautiful children in her car that she drove into a lake...because her boyfriend didn't want kids....she didn't use a gun...or the woman who drowned her children in a isn't the death of the girls that is your issue, because had she killed them in the womb you would have supported and protected that just hate guns.....

And some actual perspective on the murder of children.....

total gun murder of children.....193

murder of children by other means.....703

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Accidental death for kids by gun in 2013....69
Total accidental gun death for kids in 2014...48
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Another NRA success story, and 1 less Trump voter..

Most Cuntservatives probably won't even acknowledge this they are too worried about gun violence in Chicago..
I think we lose about 30 obama voters per week in Chicago.
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

It isn't the NRA...they don't support murder of anyone.......left wingers...they support killing children in the womb...when they don't struggle as much.....

And besides.....since most children are murdered in should bitch about NARI, not the NRA....

The National Association of the Remodeling Industry....the guys who put new bathtubs into homes......since they obviously support drowning children...right?

National Association of the Remodeling Industry | NARI
It's sad that so many gun nuts end up involved in gun violence. I guess it's just a natural progression.

Please....moron...define "so many....."

357,000,000 guns in private hands......

There are 8,124 gun murders in 2014....

90% of gun murderers are convicted felons who cannot legally buy, own or carry guns....that means that only 812 people in a country of over 320,000,000 people committed murder who weren't legally barred from guns....

And of those 812 the dangerously mentally ill, like this woman....and guys like the abortion clinic shooter who should have been convicted felons....he raped a woman who refused to testify against him.....

so...out of 320,000,000 have 812 non felons committing murder with guns.....

320,000,000 to 812

Can you tell the difference between those two numbers?
'"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.'

In addition to being mentally ill she was also a liar.

Democrats seek neither to ‘take away’ anyone’s guns nor ‘ban’ semi-auto pistols.

Proof of paranoia is mandatory before you can qualify for your NRA bumper sticker.

What is it with you guys and the NRA......they supported your federally mandated background know..the ones that don't stop criminals or mass shooters.......and yet you are still bitching....
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Another perfect example for why we need stricter gun control; had this woman not had guns, those two beautiful young women would still be alive. It's so sad. They are just considered collateral damage in the war to preserve a literal interpretation of the 2nd amendment at whatever cost
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Another NRA success story, and 1 less Trump voter..

Most Cuntservatives probably won't even acknowledge this they are too worried about gun violence in Chicago..

I have noticed that us liberals are supposed to be having hyperventilation and anxiety attacks about Chicago drug gangsters blowing each other away every week. I have no idea why conservatives think that.
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Another NRA success story, and 1 less Trump voter..

Most Cuntservatives probably won't even acknowledge this they are too worried about gun violence in Chicago..

I have noticed that us liberals are supposed to be having hyperventilation and anxiety attacks about Chicago drug gangsters blowing each other away every week. I have no idea why conservatives think that.
Gun violence is a nonissue, we have much bigger fish to fry
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Another NRA success story, and 1 less Trump voter..

Most Cuntservatives probably won't even acknowledge this they are too worried about gun violence in Chicago..

I have noticed that us liberals are supposed to be having hyperventilation and anxiety attacks about Chicago drug gangsters blowing each other away every week. I have no idea why conservatives think that.

That is guys are blacks and Hispanics murdering other blacks and Hispanics doesn't mean anything to long as enough are left to vote for democrats on Election Day..........thank you for confirming the racism of the democrat party.......although I think everyone knows this by now......
Can anyone explain to me why they support NARI.....the National Association of the Remodeling Industry?

These guys profit from putting bathtubs in the homes of mentally ill women who drown their children..........they oppose any laws that would prevent the government from keeping bathtubs out of homes......

Can anyone tell me why anyone needs a bathtub? All they are created to do is drown small children...right?

Bathtubs are not protected by the constitution and it is obvious that the Founders could never have forseen how bathtubs would fill every we have to oppose NARI and their drive to murder more children in bathtubs...right gun grabbers.....? Isn't that how you think....?
Good grief, this woman isn't a poster child for jack shit. Let's not attempt to turn this awful story into a lame political food fight.
There have been crazy mothers who have killed their children ever since there have been mothers and children.

It has absolutely nothing to do with guns
Texas Mom Who Killed 2 Daughters Had a 'History of Mental Illness,' Authorities Say

The woman, who shot and killed her daughters and who had a history of mental illness, was a Facebook anti-gun control activist:

"Christy was an active user on Facebook, and posted multiple times in recent months to express her enthusiasm for firearms – and her distaste for gun control.

"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.

And in January she posted a meme showing a handgun which made fun of President Barack Obama's position on gun control. She captioned it "That's right! #merica.' "

Another NRA success story, and 1 less Trump voter..

Most Cuntservatives probably won't even acknowledge this they are too worried about gun violence in Chicago..

I have noticed that us liberals are supposed to be having hyperventilation and anxiety attacks about Chicago drug gangsters blowing each other away every week. I have no idea why conservatives think that.
Yea they forget that 84% of whites are killed by other whites..

So much for white lives matter huh????

Fine by me thou, that's less Trump voters, not that the fat Orange fuck has a chance anyways considering where his poll numbers have gone:deal::laugh:
'"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns," she wrote in March, along with an anti-gun control video.'

In addition to being mentally ill she was also a liar.

Democrats seek neither to ‘take away’ anyone’s guns nor ‘ban’ semi-auto pistols.

If they manage to ban "assault" rifles, and the carnage continues with semi auto pistols, you can bet the farm that those arms would be targeted next.


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