NRO Disinvited from Houston Debate

What Cruz will do is alienate independents as soon as he starts to talk about defaulting on our debt and the theocracy he wants to create.

Hillary needn't score a point; Cruz will knock himself out by his own policies. Trump simply alienates people every time he opens his mouth and in the General, that doesn't work.

Watch and learn.
Bullshit. We aren't hiding Ted from public debates like the DNC putting on their debates at midnight on a Saturday or opposite football playoffs when NOBODY is watching for fear that Hillary will turn off even more voters. Every time she speaks, her favorables go down 10 points. Shit, even a 74 year old socialist is better liked by young people than her.

Cruz will kick her ass down the road if she isn't already in a Leavenworth jail cell. 2016 is going to be a slaughter of the progressives you have running.
What Cruz will do is alienate independents as soon as he starts to talk about defaulting on our debt and the theocracy he wants to create.

Hillary needn't score a point; Cruz will knock himself out by his own policies. Trump simply alienates people every time he opens his mouth and in the General, that doesn't work.

Watch and learn.
Bullshit. We aren't hiding Ted from public debates like the DNC putting on their debates at midnight on a Saturday or opposite football playoffs when NOBODY is watching for fear that Hillary will turn off even more voters. Every time she speaks, her favorables go down 10 points. Shit, even a 74 year old socialist is better liked by young people than her.

Cruz will kick her ass down the road if she isn't already in a Leavenworth jail cell. 2016 is going to be a slaughter of the progressives you have running.

You realize that your remarks now will be hard to live down after the election if things don't go so well for you, don't you?
What Cruz will do is alienate independents as soon as he starts to talk about defaulting on our debt and the theocracy he wants to create.

Hillary needn't score a point; Cruz will knock himself out by his own policies. Trump simply alienates people every time he opens his mouth and in the General, that doesn't work.

Watch and learn.
Bullshit. We aren't hiding Ted from public debates like the DNC putting on their debates at midnight on a Saturday or opposite football playoffs when NOBODY is watching for fear that Hillary will turn off even more voters. Every time she speaks, her favorables go down 10 points. Shit, even a 74 year old socialist is better liked by young people than her.

Cruz will kick her ass down the road if she isn't already in a Leavenworth jail cell. 2016 is going to be a slaughter of the progressives you have running.

The GOP DOES NOT WANT CRUZ TO WIN THE NOMINATION! Trump either, but they cannot stop him now. They have accepted their fate.
Seems obvious to me that the people who seem to think they are the GOP simply aren't and probably never have been.
What Cruz will do is alienate independents as soon as he starts to talk about defaulting on our debt and the theocracy he wants to create.

Hillary needn't score a point; Cruz will knock himself out by his own policies. Trump simply alienates people every time he opens his mouth and in the General, that doesn't work.

Watch and learn.
Bullshit. We aren't hiding Ted from public debates like the DNC putting on their debates at midnight on a Saturday or opposite football playoffs when NOBODY is watching for fear that Hillary will turn off even more voters. Every time she speaks, her favorables go down 10 points. Shit, even a 74 year old socialist is better liked by young people than her.

Cruz will kick her ass down the road if she isn't already in a Leavenworth jail cell. 2016 is going to be a slaughter of the progressives you have running.

The GOP DOES NOT WANT CRUZ TO WIN THE NOMINATION! Trump either, but they cannot stop him now. They have accepted their fate.

Not sure about that. You'll know on March 1 what the outcome will be if it's Cruz and Trump as the two that emerge. There is nothing to accept if he's humbled in Iowa and is not the clear choice after Super Tuesday. Winning New Hampshire and Iowa but being in 2nd place a month later is nobody's idea of an invincible performance. For Cruz's part, he had best dominate Super Tuesday because it dries up pretty quickly after that.

Its far from being over on the GOP side...
The GOP DOES NOT WANT CRUZ TO WIN THE NOMINATION! Trump either, but they cannot stop him now. They have accepted their fate.

The impression I am getting is that the GOP establishment has concluded that they can work with Trump, that if he wins, he will turn to people who actually know how to run the government, and that would be them.

If he loses to Hillary, the Establishment can use the resulting batshit crazy to make gains in 2018 (when lots of Democratic Seats will be up in the Senate) and be well positioned for 2020.
Yep...another political elite control mechanism.

Can't trust the electorate to pick the "right" candidate...write some new rules.

Well, no.

The thing is, the Superdelegate rule was put into place in 1972, after George McGovern got the nomination over the objections of a lot of rank and file working class Democrats who weren't going to support "Abortion, Amnesty and Acid". (A comment made by the guy initially chosen to be McGoverns running mate, before he was bounced off the ticket.)

The problem with the primary system is just how few people end up participating in them. In 2012, Romney's total vote in the primaries was less than 10 million. Only about 3% of the country or 17% of those who actually vote Republican. And that was one that went the distance.

Trump will probably win the nomination because we have a populace that pays more attention to "The Bachelor" than C-Span. And the GOP Establishment can't do much to stop him if he does.
So you openly admit your party would cheat Bernie out of a earned win? Interesting.

An "earned win" is probably not more than 3% of the population that shows up for primaries. So, yeah.. I have no problem with that.

Oh, by the way, I'm a Republican. I'm just waiting for the sane people to take the party back from the Plutocrats and the Religious nuts.
Yep...another political elite control mechanism.

Can't trust the electorate to pick the "right" candidate...write some new rules.

Well, no.

The thing is, the Superdelegate rule was put into place in 1972, after George McGovern got the nomination over the objections of a lot of rank and file working class Democrats who weren't going to support "Abortion, Amnesty and Acid". (A comment made by the guy initially chosen to be McGoverns running mate, before he was bounced off the ticket.)

The problem with the primary system is just how few people end up participating in them. In 2012, Romney's total vote in the primaries was less than 10 million. Only about 3% of the country or 17% of those who actually vote Republican. And that was one that went the distance.

Trump will probably win the nomination because we have a populace that pays more attention to "The Bachelor" than C-Span. And the GOP Establishment can't do much to stop him if he does.

What is a Superdelegate?

Unlike delegates, superdelegates are not bound to represent the popular vote of a region at the Democratic National Convention; they are free to support any candidate for the nomination.

Superdelegates are not selected on the basis of party primaries and caucuses in each state. Instead, superdelegate standing is based on the status of current or former officeholders and party officials, including all Democratic members of Congress.


A form of elite party control outside of primary elections.

You can't be trusted to choose for yourselves...the party will make the final choice.

The GOP does the same thing in a different way.

What Cruz will do is alienate independents as soon as he starts to talk about defaulting on our debt and the theocracy he wants to create.

Hillary needn't score a point; Cruz will knock himself out by his own policies. Trump simply alienates people every time he opens his mouth and in the General, that doesn't work.

Watch and learn.
Bullshit. We aren't hiding Ted from public debates like the DNC putting on their debates at midnight on a Saturday or opposite football playoffs when NOBODY is watching for fear that Hillary will turn off even more voters. Every time she speaks, her favorables go down 10 points. Shit, even a 74 year old socialist is better liked by young people than her.

Cruz will kick her ass down the road if she isn't already in a Leavenworth jail cell. 2016 is going to be a slaughter of the progressives you have running.

The GOP DOES NOT WANT CRUZ TO WIN THE NOMINATION! Trump either, but they cannot stop him now. They have accepted their fate.

They made the monster, but now they can't control it.
So you openly admit your party would cheat Bernie out of a earned win? Interesting.

An "earned win" is probably not more than 3% of the population that shows up for primaries. So, yeah.. I have no problem with that.

Oh, by the way, I'm a Republican. I'm just waiting for the sane people to take the party back from the Plutocrats and the Religious nuts.
...and the libertarian loons and TPM nitwits.
A form of elite party control outside of primary elections.

You can't be trusted to choose for yourselves...the party will make the final choice.

The GOP does the same thing in a different way.

Actually, the GOP Has nothing like a Superdelegate. They should, because they are going to be in a mess if Trump walks into the convention with a majority of delegates and they have no way to stop him.

However, it's looking like the GOP Establishment has decided to just go with Trump, as they have wrongly concluded that he can be controlled.

Hindenburg and Van Papen thought the same thing about that upstart Hitler.
What Cruz will do is alienate independents as soon as he starts to talk about defaulting on our debt and the theocracy he wants to create.

Hillary needn't score a point; Cruz will knock himself out by his own policies. Trump simply alienates people every time he opens his mouth and in the General, that doesn't work.

Watch and learn.
Bullshit. We aren't hiding Ted from public debates like the DNC putting on their debates at midnight on a Saturday or opposite football playoffs when NOBODY is watching for fear that Hillary will turn off even more voters. Every time she speaks, her favorables go down 10 points. Shit, even a 74 year old socialist is better liked by young people than her.

Cruz will kick her ass down the road if she isn't already in a Leavenworth jail cell. 2016 is going to be a slaughter of the progressives you have running.

The GOP DOES NOT WANT CRUZ TO WIN THE NOMINATION! Trump either, but they cannot stop him now. They have accepted their fate.
Just like you have asshole! HAAAAA HAAAAA!
Go back and read your posts about how impossible it would be for Trump to win the nomination. LOSE MUCH!
After Trump is sworn in as President we'll go back and read all your dumb-ass posts about how Trump would never become President. How does it feel to be constantly on the losing side of any issue?
Do you still believe Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and broke his nose?
A form of elite party control outside of primary elections.

You can't be trusted to choose for yourselves...the party will make the final choice.

The GOP does the same thing in a different way.

Actually, the GOP Has nothing like a Superdelegate. They should, because they are going to be in a mess if Trump walks into the convention with a majority of delegates and they have no way to stop him.

However, it's looking like the GOP Establishment has decided to just go with Trump, as they have wrongly concluded that he can be controlled.

Hindenburg and Van Papen thought the same thing about that upstart Hitler.

They don't have superdelegates...but they have a similar system of control. They are simply more surreptitious in their implementation.

In the GOP Primary, the control is built into which races are winner take all and which are proportional. Plus the Blue Wall of moderate state primaries are intended to weed out very socially conservative candidates.

Since Trump isn't super socially conservative...and he's from New York...the Blue Wall isn't effective.

You should really read this article... The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump

How at things at the Union Hall? I hear scuttlebutt that the Teamsters are thinking about backing Trump.
They don't have superdelegates...but they have a similar system of control. They are simply more surreptitious in their implementation.

In the GOP Primary, the control is built into which races are winner take all and which are proportional. Plus the Blue Wall of moderate state primaries are intended to weed out very socially conservative candidates.

Since Trump isn't super socially conservative...and he's from New York...the Blue Wall isn't effective.

Uh, no, guy, the Blue Wall prevents crazy people from getting the nomination, because most of the country is not your crazy brand of conservative. It's why Alan Keyes wasn't the nominee in 2000.

The real problem you guys have is that when your guys loses or fails in the Presidency, he suddenly becomes "not a conservative".

How at things at the Union Hall? I hear scuttlebutt that the Teamsters are thinking about backing Trump.

i'm not a union member, so I wouldn't know. I know my brother like Trump, but he also like Bernie, which tells me that there's a lot of dissatisfaction on both sides.

The thing is, the Dems can block Bernie, the Republicans can't block Trump.

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